Welcome to the world of Untitled...
[Untitled] SMP is a private whitelisted roleplay server that is currently in its 4th Season. Players portray characters and react to one another, the ongoing storyline, and previous storylines or relationships between characters.
Let's start at the beginning. One would argue it's the best place to start.
Everything you need to know about the world of Untitled.
Why we're here, why we can't stay, what we're afraid of.
As Untitled is a server based around roleplay, each player portrays a specific character.
The current Active and Alive characters, as well as the Lore-important Inactive or Dead characters are listed under the Characters page.
Stories on Untitled are told in many different forms, but the most common and accessible form besides videos, are Transcripts. All roleplay is done inside of Minecraft, utilizing the Minecraft chat function to record dialogue and character action.
Following the session, the transcript is edited into two versions, a "Raw" unedited version that includes all "Out-of-Character" messages, and a clean edited version that includes "Stage Directions", noting what a character is doing in that moment, or some insight into their thoughts at the moment. The edited versions have been uploaded here for your reading pleasure.
Our frequently asked questions! If you've got a Q, it's probably answered here.
Coming soon! We've got more cool stuff just around the corner...
Art by Ollie Bubblellop