Characters present: Dan, Finch, Pyrite, Prince, Punk
Date: 10/28/23
Season: 3

[Finch takes the railway path out from their home in Verdigris to where the mesa gives way to the sea, to travel to check in on their dad, Dan. They fly down from the station that overlooks the clocktower below, and land at Dan’s door. They peek their head into the clocktower cautiously, wrinkling their nose at the sculk still on the floor. They don’t step inside.

Dan, standing in the middle of the room, staring up at the sky high above him, turns, noticing the sound of someone coming inside.]

[19:34:24] <[rp] Finch> Havent changed your floors.

[Dan chuckles, guilty.]

[19:34:43] <[rp] DAN> ahhh yeah

[19:34:46] <[rp] Finch> Your Floors.

[19:35:06] <[rp] DAN> i keep putting it off!!! but i think my fish like swimming in it. its like super condensed kelp

[19:35:09] <[rp] Finch> Something bad's gonna happen to you one day if you keep them around

[19:35:15] <[rp] Finch> I dont think. its. like that.

[19:35:20] <[rp] DAN> statistically that is very unlikely

[19:35:27] <[rp] DAN> something bad happening to me

[19:35:28] <[rp] DAN> i think

[19:35:36] <[rp] Finch> Statistically the longer - dad..?

[19:35:40] <[rp] Finch> what the FUCK does that mean

[19:35:48] <[rp] DAN> i just mean like

[19:36:24] <[rp] DAN> im not as squishy as other folks here

[19:36:42] <[rp] Finch> Okay, but things can still happen to you

[19:36:52] <[rp] DAN> yeah i guesss so

[19:36:57] <[rp] Finch> and the longer you go without doing anything

[19:37:04] <[rp] Finch> the more likely something is gonna happen to you

[19:37:14] <[rp] DAN> ahh thats some math nonsense right there

[19:37:29] <[rp] DAN> i dont even really use my ground level anyway

[19:37:45] <[rp] DAN> is mostly for my fish

[19:37:48] <[rp] Finch> Still!!!

[19:37:53] <[rp] Finch> You go. through there.

[19:38:05] <[rp] DAN> yeah

[19:38:08] <[rp] DAN> but not into the water

[19:38:19] <[rp] DAN> they cant even really sense me when theyre in the water

[19:38:23] <[rp] Finch> I dont care! what if it gets OUT the water!

[19:38:40] <[rp] DAN> i don't think it can get out of the water

[19:38:11] <[rp] Finch> i just don't want anything to happen to you. Okay?

[Dan hangs his head, his face grows cloudy and gray. He crosses the room, standing in the doorway, where Finch still won’t cross the threshold.]

[19:38:24] <[rp] DAN> i know, kid

[19:38:29] <[rp] DAN> i promise i'll be fine

[From behind them, a figure approaches. Neither of them notice until it greets them.]

[19:38:37] <[rp] Pyrite> oh hi! good timing

[19:38:45] <[rp] DAN> oh hello.!

[Finch’s hackles raise as they notice an individual from the Malfaction having arrived.]

[19:38:49] <[rp] Finch> AH ! hello there. you.

[Pyrite stops in front of them.]

[19:38:54] <[rp] Pyrite> I have a note from punk for you

[Dan’s face changes suddenly. It lightens in surprise, before growing gray with concern again.]

[19:39:13] <[rp] DAN> from.. punk?

[19:39:15] <[rp] Finch> Oh great! we finally get news he died!

[Dan stiffens as Finch says this. He holds the book tightly in his hands.]

[19:39:35] <[rp] DAN> finch now thats. thats not. Ugh

[19:39:44] <[rp] Finch> You know as well as I that's probably what happened

[Dan rubs his face, he addresses Pyrite.]

[19:39:17] <[rp] DAN> you’ve seen him?

[19:39:42] <[rp] Pyrite> I have not, but like I said, this letter is apparently from him

[Dan’s face becomes dark gray with rain clouds.]

[19:39:56] <[rp] DAN> ah thank you for delivering it then

[Pyrite hands Dan the letter, which Dan takes with shaky hands.]

[19:39:58] <[rp] Finch> Oh great, the dead can write letters.

[19:40:38] <[rp] DAN> im sure he is fine, finch

[He opens it.]

[19:40:44] <[rp] DAN> look, i'll read it now

[19:40:49] <[rp] DAN> hes fine.. im sure.

[Finch moves to stand next to Dan, they consider standing on their tippy-toes to try and read it, but Dan is so tall, they’d have to climb onto his shoulder to do that. When they look at Dan’s face, they see a storm beginning to brew. Finch steps back almost on instinct.]

[19:40:55] <[rp] Finch> I'd like to take a look at it after you.

[Pyrite stands, watching the two quietly. Finch toes at the ground with a paw. They look over at Pyrite.]

[19:41:33] <[rp] Finch> so..

[19:41:36] <[rp] Finch> when did you get the letter?

[19:41:49] <[rp] Pyrite> just a bit ago

[19:42:04] <[rp] Finch> did he hand it to you personally?

[19:42:54] <[rp] Pyrite> . punk gave it to me

[19:43:20] <[rp] Finch> Did he look healthy? Why couldn't he just deliver it himself. Did he tell you?

[Pyrite looks away from Finch, and then back at them.]

[19:44:03] <[rp] Pyrite> oh um. he seemed fine? and he said he was. Busy

[Finch narrows their eyes.]

[19:44:20] <[rp] Finch> Busy, huh? hmphm.

[19:44:21] <[rp] Finch> Fine.

[As the two talk, Dan begins to read.]

“Dear My Awesome Lovely FHusbad (MALF),

This is Punk talking to you in 3d in your mind. How’ve you been in Corroded, my darling love? I’ve been doing so fine here in Malfaction I don’t really want to leave in fact, despite any previous plans. It’s such a wonderful place with all this snow and sculk. Turns out the people here are really cool. Even after that handsome Prince guy got turned into a god.

Non-stop sleepovers at his mansion watching Looney Tunes (which is the best cartoon show EVER!!! I wanna watch it every day). Free dinners eating the most awesomest food like- Grilled apples, bbqued apples, and any type of apple-based dish honestly. I’m starting to enjoy eating apples. Its awesome.

Anywho you’re a very good awesome husband. So you probably know that I hate apples. I have never eaten anything healthy in my life.

The Echo told me so.

I’m actually guzzling so much of that shit down rn. It’s amazing stuff honestly. The taste is very umami. Would recommend. Eat some before you finish this book, dig it up from your floor.

Did you do it? Did you eat the sculk in your floor.



What a lovable prankster. You probably caught on by now. But! Not your husband. Teehee. You would be really silly if you thought I was Punk!

A terrible husband honestly.

Anyways!! I sent you this letter because your dumb as rock, though kind of pretty (he has nice hair and wonderful eyes), husband is in my basement rn.

If you want him, you’ll have to meet with me like. Right Now. Or else, y’know.

Your husband gets it. Which, honestly, isn’t a bad fate, it’s just that I’ll have to completely envelop his mind. Making him a part of the greater whole. Which is pretty awesome. So maybe you shouldn’t come here and negotiate for his return.

Maybe he’d be happier without you.

You can’t see it but I’m laughing at your face right now. Through this book. HAHA!!!

See ^


From, Prince.

P.S: Don’t be late~

His mind is nearly gone, y’know.

Starvation does that to someone.”

[Dan’s eyes scan over the letter with an increasing intensity and speed as he reads further. The clouds above the cloud tower begin to stir and coalesce. They are dark and swirling, Dan’s grip tightens on the pages close enough to rip them, and a flash of lightning illuminates the sky, followed shortly by a clap of thunder booming overhead.]

[19:43:52] [rp] DAN looks up from the letter, grip tighening on the pages close enough to rip them. a sudden clap of thunder sounds overhead

[19:44:06] <[rp] DAN> i uh, i really gotta go

[19:44:41] <[rp] Finch> So dad, whatsit say?

[19:44:48] <[rp] DAN> um. uh.

[Rage seethes through his body, but he tries to disguise it with a thin veneer of humor. His head is spinning.]

[19:44:52] <[rp] DAN> nothing good ! aha

[Finch reaches up for it.]

[19:44:57] <[rp] Finch> I want to see it.

[Dan shakes his head, he folds the letter up, considering burning it for a second.]

[19:45:04] <[rp] DAN> i dont know if you should read it

[More insistently: ]

[19:45:08] <[rp] Finch> I want to see it.

[Dan’s attention is a million miles away. He tucks the letter into his pocket.]

[19:45:15] <[rp] DAN> i need to go to malfaction

[19:45:20] <[rp] Finch> You are not!

[19:45:27] <[rp] DAN> i am

[19:45:29] <[rp] Finch> Not!

[19:45:32] <[rp] DAN> i need to go. right now

[Finch steps in front of Dan.]

[19:45:39] <[rp] Finch> nope! not letting that happen

[19:45:46] <[rp] DAN> im sorry to cut this short finch i really am

[19:45:56] <[rp] DAN> i just

[He looks distraught.]

[19:45:59] <[rp] Finch> i want to see the letter first. somethings. off here. and im not letting you walk.

[Finch points back at Dan’s portal.]

[19:45:59] <[rp] Finch> There.

[Pyrite speaks up after silently observing.]

[19:45:58] <[rp] Pyrite> what does it say? It is rude to read other's mail but im very curious

[19:46:21] <[rp] DAN> auh.

[19:46:25] <[rp] Finch> I think it'd be nice if we both knew what was in this letter.

[19:46:32] <[rp] DAN> long story short its not from punk.

[Finch grins to themselves and taps their foot in visible excitement.]

[19:46:58] <[rp] Finch> knew it.

[19:47:22] <[rp] Finch> all the more reason you are NOT going

[19:47:28] <[rp] DAN> all the more reason i am going, kid

[Rain begins to fall from the clouds above, lightly at first, but slowly grows more intense. A thin flash of lightning crackles from within the ominous clouds above.]

[19:47:31] <[rp] DAN> you dont get it

[19:47:43] <[rp] DAN> prince has punk locked up in his freaky fucking basement

[19:47:58] <[rp] DAN> i have to go. right now.

[19:48:00] <[rp] Pyrite> prince has what?

[19:48:00] <[rp] Finch> Punk's probably dead! Prince killed him! I dont know how

[Finch gestures to Pyrite.]

[19:48:00] <[rp] Finch> is alive in any capacity.

[19:48:24] <[rp] DAN> hes not dead! kid you are going to give me a heart attack if you keep saying that crap

[19:48:17] <[rp] Finch> Well! Its too late for him then!

[19:48:46] <[rp] Finch> Dad I really don't think you are understanding the situation we're in at ALL.

[19:48:48] <[rp] DAN> i need to go now or he *will* die.

[Pyrite waits until the conversation lulls, with Dan breathing hard in distress.]

[19:48:17] <[rp] Pyrite> oh wow.

[They look to Finch, answering their question from earlier.]

[19:48:17] <[rp] Pyrite> also im too spicy

[19:48:27] <[rp] Finch> ..what.

[19:48:49] <[rp] Pyrite> i just burn it off whenever it tries to grow on me

[19:48:54] <[rp] Finch>

[19:48:55] <[rp] Finch> i

[19:48:56] <[rp] Finch> okay

[19:49:03] <[rp] Pyrite> well in i suppose

[19:49:06] <[rp] Finch> You know what thats probably really useful.

[Pyrite mumbles quietly.]

[19:49:55] <[rp] Pyrite> to be honest the skulk is getting slightly annoying...

[Finch turns to look at their dad.]

[19:49:27] <[rp] Finch> ... you know what dad

[19:49:36] <[rp] DAN> what

[19:49:59] <[rp] Finch> fine. fine you can go. but you are NOT walking in there alone. i do not trust that. you know. to be any sort of trustworthy

[19:50:11] <[rp] DAN> what

[19:50:06] <[rp] Finch> Lets Go.

[19:50:09] <[rp] DAN> i cant bring you with me

[19:50:16] <[rp] Finch> I dont care. You aren't going alone.

[19:50:25] <[rp] Finch> Plus, I have a few words to say to prince myself.

[Dan sucks in a breath like a gust of wind. He kneels down to get at eye level with Finch, and puts a hand on their shoulder.]

[19:50:18] <[rp] DAN> kid you are more at risk of something happening to you than me

[19:50:25] <[rp] DAN> if you come with me and something happens to you too

[He looks away.]

[19:50:30] <[rp] DAN> i dont think i could handle it

[Finch puts their paw on Dan’s shoulder.]

[19:50:38] <[rp] Finch> I can handle myself, i just dont think you can.

[19:51:09] <[rp] Finch> I dont want you to be outnumbered by prince and.. whatever hes doing. if push came to shove

[19:51:16] <[rp] Finch> so. are we going or not.

[The rain falls around them, soaking into Finch’s fur. They don’t seem to like it at all, but this is more important.]

[19:51:40] <[rp] DAN> kid.. i cant bring you

[19:51:46] <[rp] DAN> i can handle it myself

[19:51:47] <[rp] DAN> i promise

[19:51:58] <[rp] Finch> Nope! I'm coming with you. Nothing you can do about that

[19:52:03] <[rp] DAN> prince is no match for your ol dad.

[19:52:13] <[rp] Finch> Don't care! I have some things to say to him.

[19:52:19] <[rp] DAN> god i think im going to throw up actually

[19:52:24] <[rp] Finch> So. are we just going to stand here or.

[19:52:37] <[rp] DAN> we're wasting time. fine fine fine whatever, but you have to stay like 10 ft away from prince

[19:52:39] <[rp] DAN> i swear

[19:53:15] <[rp] Finch> oh dont worry, i plan to stay very very far away from him.

[19:53:23] <[rp] DAN> great :-) i dont

[Dan stands, and the storm rages above him.]

[19:53:33] <[rp] DAN> im gonna kill him! im gonna kill him.

[Pyrite seems to come back to life as the two of them come to a decision.]

[19:52:55] <[rp] Pyrite> were going? were going

[19:54:48] <[rp] Pyrite> um. so the only portal I actually know the areas of are mine and the end portal

[19:54:54] <[rp] Finch> ...

[19:55:03] <[rp] Finch> which ones closer to prince.

[19:55:26] <[rp] Pyrite> ... maybe mine? theyre both pretty far underground

[19:55:34] <[rp] Finch> yours then

[Dan is impatient and anxious, he normally slows his stride so smaller players can keep up with him, but Pyrite and Finch have to struggle to keep up. His body is grayer than before.]

[19:56:11] <[rp] DAN> shouldnt he have some grandiose skulked up portal..

[19:56:18] <[rp] DAN> or something!!!!

[19:56:36] <[rp] Pyrite> it wouldnt surprise me. especially with how that shit spreads

[19:56:30] <[rp] Finch> nice train.

[19:56:43] <[rp] Pyrite> oh thank you!

[19:57:47] <[rp] Pyrite> Follow close, my place is a bit of a maze

[Dan and Finch follow closely behind Pyrite. As they near the end, Finch squints.]

[20:05:22] <[rp] Finch> Close i presume?

[20:05:33] <[rp] Pyrite> just up ahead

[20:05:33] <[rp] DAN> i hope so

[Finch shivers as the cold of the Malfaction hits them.]

[20:05:41] <[rp] DAN> oh sshit

[20:05:42] <[rp] Finch> cold here, isnt it

[20:05:48] <[rp] DAN> is it?

[20:05:54] <[rp] Finch> ...yes?

[20:05:55] <[rp] Pyrite> i meant to glide to the more direct bridge, but i missed

[20:06:12] <[rp] Finch> i wouldnt wana take it anyways. jjust. incase.

[20:06:22] <[rp] DAN> this is big

[They both balk at the scale of the Malfaction. Sculk creeps between every corner, it latches onto fixtures and spreads across the buildings and bridges.]

[20:06:37] <[rp] Finch> its. everywhere. yup.

[20:06:54] <[rp] Pyrite> yeah. Im pretty sure its even as far as my home

[At the entrance of the massive mansion, Prince steps out of the doorway. He waves.]

[20:06:53] <[rp] Prince> Oh hey guys!!!

[20:07:01] <[rp] Prince> nice of you to come visit

[20:07:08] <[rp] Pyrite> hello!

[He spreads his arms like a welcoming host.]

[20:07:09] <[rp] Prince> what's the occasion

[Finch stands slightly behind Dan.]

[20:06:45] <[rp] Finch> Oh. Its you.

[They narrow their eyes at him.]

[20:06:49] <[rp] Finch> i think.

[Dan’s voice booms across the distance between them.]

[20:07:31] <[rp] DAN> the occasion is im going to kill you ^_^ if you dont give me punk right now

[Prince taps a finger to his chin, scanning the sky absentmindedly.]

[20:07:51] <[rp] Prince> punk. punk... hmmmmmmmmmmmm doesn't ring a bell

[Dan grips his hand into a fist.]

[20:07:57] <[rp] DAN> i can make it ring for ya!!

[20:08:09] <[rp] Pyrite> hey hey

[20:08:57] <[rp] DAN> im not beyond murder pyrite!

[20:09:20] <[rp] Pyrite> yeah but. its unplesant

[20:09:22] <[rp] Prince> its not actually

[20:09:24] <[rp] Prince> but yknow

[20:08:09] <[rp] Finch> I really don't trust that man's still alive, but I won't pass an opportunity to put an axe through your stupid fucking glasses if i can

[20:09:12] <[rp] Prince> oof ouch finch, dont break my glasses!! kinda exclusive haha

[20:09:18] <[rp] Prince> do you know theyre gucci

[20:09:18] <[rp] Finch> I really don't care

[20:09:31] <[rp] Finch> Makes em all the better to smash into one thousand peices, doesn't it..

[Prince spreads an arm back, gesturing into the dark entrance to his home.]

[20:07:56] <[rp] Prince> how about you come in and we can talk

[Dan lets out a grumble that sounds like the distant roar of thunder.]

[20:08:02] <[rp] DAN> sure. whatever

[20:08:02] <[rp] Prince> ive got some new food in there

[20:08:09] <[rp] Prince> new typa apple

[He nods at Prince.]

[20:08:07] <[rp] DAN> lead the way

[Prince leads the three of them inside, and brings them into his dining room. He begins pulling out chairs for them to sit

[20:09:37] <[rp] Prince> come come sit sit

[20:09:45] <[rp] Finch> I'm not sitting. I don't trust that.

[Dan towers over Prince.]

[20:09:56] <[rp] DAN> where is punk

[20:09:59] <[rp] DAN> im not here to humor you

[20:10:08] <[rp] Prince> punk...

[20:10:10] <[rp] Prince> hmmmmm

[20:10:17] <[rp] Prince> cant say ive seen him recently

[20:10:26] <[rp] DAN> haha i think you have!

[20:10:29] <[rp] DAN> and you are lying.

[20:10:32] <[rp] Finch> I'm sure you have, whatever dead body he has lying about.

[Finch pulls their rifle from their pack of things.]

[20:10:42] <[rp] Finch> answer correctly or im putting an bullet through your head. do you hear me?

[Dan shakes with strange intensity.]

[20:10:52] <[rp] DAN> hes not dead...!!!! good grief

[20:10:46] <[rp] Pyrite> wait did you kill him

[20:10:53] <[rp] Prince> nah

[20:11:02] <[rp] Pyrite> oh good

[20:11:03] <[rp] Prince> oh

[20:11:07] <[rp] Prince> i meant he's not dead

[20:11:23] <[rp] Prince> yknow, starving and probably nearly dead, but not dead

[20:11:25] <[rp] Prince> dying but yknow

[20:11:33] <[rp] DAN> obvjously hes not dead wht else would you write me a threatening and accusatory letter elswise

[20:11:35] <[rp] Prince> even if he died, its not like this is a hardcore world!

[Prince leans back from where Finch has their rifle aimed directly at him.]

[20:11:54] <[rp] Prince> heya finch there buddy lower the bow, its makin me nervous

[20:11:58] [rp] Prince was shot by ?[rp] Finch using [Hunting Rifle]

[The Prince who had been killed melts into sculk, and another Prince, looking slightly different from the first, melts out of the wall.]

[20:12:09] <[rp] Prince 2> well that was rude

[20:12:20] <[rp] DAN> that was too polite actually

[20:12:20] <[rp] Finch> You werent quick enough to take us to him.

[The original Prince returns, walking through the entrance of the dining room. Dan stops as he sees the two of them.]

[20:12:36] <[rp] DAN> euh

[20:12:44] <[rp] Prince 2> dont mind the other me

[20:12:50] <[rp] DAN> i think i do mind actually

[20:13:00] <[rp] Prince 2> he's harmless its okay

[20:13:04] <[rp] Prince 2> guy. youre harmless right

[The other Prince nods sagely.]

[20:13:06] <[rp] Prince> totally

[20:13:06] <[rp] Pyrite> why are there 2...?

[Dan hefts up his trident and throws it at Prince, before recalling it to his hand in a flash of lightning.]

[20:13:16] <[rp] Prince> youch!!

[20:13:22] <[rp] DAN> ^_^ oops!

[Finch levels their gun again, pushing themself into a corner that's easier to defend.]

[20:13:04] <[rp] Finch> I dont trust that.

[They look over at Dan, nodding towards the second Prince.]

[20:13:21] <[rp] Finch> You remember doc, right? that's probably what happened to him

[20:13:31] <[rp] Finch> and what'll probably, or has happened to punk

[Dan holds his trident up defensively.]

[20:13:49] <[rp] DAN> can we cut to the chase. i am out of patience.

[The Princes laugh in unison, the sound echoing eerily in the room.]

[20:14:02] <[rp] Prince 2> haha! thats nice, you think you have the cards here

[20:14:18] <[rp] DAN> i will pull the cards from your cold dead hands if you dont give me punk right now.

[20:14:16] <[rp] Finch> Bring us to him or im going to take you both out, and make sure i crush those 'guuchi' things of yours, you hear me?

[Finch pulls out two sticks of TNT.]

[20:14:31] <[rp] Finch> I really dont think you understand

[Prince feigns horror, mocking Finch.]

[20:14:41] <[rp] Prince 2> oh noooo tnt how scary

[20:15:02] <[rp] Prince 2> yknow the house is a part of me right

[20:15:10] <[rp] Finch> Yeah, shouldn't that make it hurt

[20:15:11] <[rp] Finch> or..

[20:15:14] <[rp] Prince 2> it regenerates like me as well

[20:15:20] <[rp] Prince 2> nothing you do here is permanent

[20:15:25] <[rp] Finch> That is really messed up and I think you should fix that

[20:15:29] <[rp] Prince 2> nah

[20:15:33] <[rp] DAN> why are you one with a house. get a life

[20:15:48] <[rp] Prince 2> it comes with the territory of being me

[20:15:52] <[rp] Finch> really thats kinda pathetic. needing to take parts of yourself to build a house

[20:16:04] <[rp] Pyrite> I think its more like it grew from him

[20:16:15] <[rp] Pyrite> not really taking parts as much as making them

[20:16:12] <[rp] Prince 2> yea! kinda like that

[20:16:12] <[rp] Finch> that just makes it even more sad

[20:16:16] <[rp] Finch> cant even build his own house

[20:16:21] <[rp] Prince 2> well. more that i assimilated it

[20:16:24] <[rp] Prince 2> but yeah

[20:16:33] <[rp] Pyrite> oh my mistake

[20:16:49] <[rp] Prince 2> no no you were kind of correct there pyrite, that's some good points for you

[Prince tosses Pyrite a golden apple.]

[20:17:14] <[rp] Pyrite> oh an apple.!

[20:17:25] <[rp] Pyrite> thank you

[20:17:25] <[rp] DAN> pyrite i wouldnt eat that.??

[20:17:34] <[rp] Finch> dont eat that.

[20:17:37] <[rp] Prince 2> nah its one of those enchanted ones

[20:17:40] <[rp] Prince 2> its magic

[20:17:47] <[rp] DAN> it still came from yout

[20:17:54] <[rp] Prince 2> i mean sure, but its purifying

[20:17:58] <[rp] Prince 2> makes you heal

[20:18:03] <[rp] DAN> maybe you grew it. from a tree rhats a part of you in your weird house

[Pyrite looks it over, gazing at the golden sheen.]

[20:17:38] <[rp] Pyrite> I probably wouldnt either

[20:17:55] <[rp] Pyrite> not a fan of plants. they take to long to break down

[Finch tightens their grip on the weapon still in their hands.]

[20:18:06] <[rp] Finch> anyways can we cut the conversation and see punk

[20:18:08] <[rp] Finch> thats why we're here

[20:18:13] <[rp] Finch> the sooner we can get this over with the better

[20:18:13] <[rp] Prince 2> mannnn

[20:18:18] <[rp] Prince 2> and what are you going to give me

[20:18:52] <[rp] DAN> i wont attempt murder in this sacred house of yours!! man!!

[20:19:08] <[rp] DAN> what do you even want from me.

[20:18:34] <[rp] Finch> An axe to the face if you dont hurry up

[20:18:46] <[rp] Finch> I dont care that you 'come back' or whatever

[20:18:51] <[rp] Finch> that just means i get to keep killing you

[20:18:52] <[rp] Finch> over and over

[20:19:00] <[rp] Finch> and over

[Prince shakes his head.]

[20:18:48] <[rp] Prince 2> that's not a good offer bud

[20:19:13] <[rp] Finch> honestly I think it'll be a lot of fun. just me, you, and my fucking axe.

[20:19:26] <[rp] Prince 2> watch the language there kid

[20:19:34] <[rp] DAN> dont parent my kid. thats my job.

[20:19:45] <[rp] Finch> you should watch your behavior.

[Dan is desperate and angry, he puts himself between Prince and Finch.]

[20:20:13] <[rp] Prince 2> dan, my guy, aint you gonna scold your kid for saying curses?

[20:20:23] <[rp] DAN> no. i say curses. they learned from the best.

[Finch nods with pride.]

[20:20:30] <[rp] Prince 2> wow, youre a bad dad

[20:20:39] <[rp] Prince 2> my dad wouldnt let me curse around him

[20:20:43] <[rp] Prince 2> and he was awesome

[20:20:50] <[rp] DAN> i think youre the one with the bad father.

[20:20:50] <[rp] Finch> Sounds like your dad's a loser

[20:21:06] <[rp] Prince 2> hm.

[20:21:21] <[rp] Prince 2> well. he's not

[20:21:25] <[rp] Prince 2> but anyways.

[20:21:27] <[rp] Finch> well he made you

[20:21:37] <[rp] Prince 2> sure

[20:21:28] <[rp] Finch> so

[20:21:38] <[rp] Finch> thats gotta be a lot of points in the loser territory

[20:21:54] <[rp] Prince 2> pfft okay kid

[20:22:03] <[rp] DAN> yeah, theres not a lot to compel me to think of your dad as a great guy

[20:22:22] <[rp] DAN> but im not here to talk about your dad. good god this is a long conversation

[20:22:16] <[rp] Prince 2> HE'S THE GREATEST GUY!!!!

[Prince slams his fists on the table.]

[20:22:27] <[rp] Prince 2> ahem. sorry.

[20:22:32] <[rp] Prince 2> yes

[20:22:36] <[rp] Prince 2> what were we talking about

[20:22:37] <[rp] Finch> punk. Now.

[Dan walks around the chair he was standing at over Prince’s seat, and looks down at him with a menacing expression.]

[20:22:57] <[rp] DAN> where is punk

[20:22:59] <[rp] DAN> give him to me

[Prince cowers beneath him just slightly.]

[20:23:09] <[rp] Prince 2> wellllll, okay

[20:23:16] <[rp] Prince 2> so here's the thing

[20:23:54] <[rp] Prince 2> here's the thing dad guy

[Dan reaches down and grabs Prince by the scruff of his neck and shakes him roughly.]

[20:24:09] <[rp] DAN> whats the thing.

[20:24:10] <[rp] Prince 2> awawawa m dizzy

[20:24:17] <[rp] Prince 2> okayy old on

[20:24:20] <[rp] Prince 2> ahem

[20:24:22] <[rp] DAN> what are you tiptoeing around right now

[20:24:24] <[rp] DAN> spit it out

[Prince throws his hands up.]

[20:24:29] <[rp] Prince 2> you shook me!!

[20:24:34] <[rp] Finch> You deserved it.

[20:24:40] <[rp] DAN> you talked too much about too little

[20:24:32] <[rp] Prince 2> anyways

[20:24:44] <[rp] Prince 2> here's the thing dad guy

[20:24:52] <[rp] Prince 2> your punk guy? awesome guy

[Dan nods.]

[20:25:02] <[rp] Prince 2> i know you love him

[20:25:07] <[rp] DAN> yes.

[20:25:20] <[rp] Finch> cool we don't care about that part. get to the part where you let him out so dad and i can go home now

[20:25:10] <[rp] Prince 2> and i know what people will do for love

[20:25:25] <[rp] Prince 2> i am a product of. It

[20:25:31] <[rp] DAN> of love???

[20:25:31] <[rp] Prince 2> wellll

[20:25:32] <[rp] Prince 2> okay

[20:25:40] <[rp] Prince 2> yes. dan

[20:25:45] <[rp] DAN> something went wrong with that equation my dude

[20:26:01] <[rp] DAN> this isnt the best way to go about it

[20:25:46] <[rp] Prince 2> i want something from you kay

[20:26:24] <[rp] DAN> im a pretty chill guy usually. pretty generous.

[20:26:29] <[rp] Prince 2> oh i know, but if you dont do what i say its gonna end up worse for punk

[20:26:15] <[rp] Finch> like.. his hat or something?

[20:26:30] <[rp] Pyrite> probably not his hat dude

[20:26:38] <[rp] Finch> could be!

[20:26:55] <[rp] Pyrite> hmm trrue. I is a pretty good hat

[20:27:02] <[rp] Prince 2> not the hat

[20:27:06] <[rp] Finch> damn.

[Dan tries to hide his worry behind his anger, but the attempt is slowly failing. He’s afraid for Punk, but he’s even more afraid for Finch, why did he let them come? His hands are shaking.

Prince hooks his arm around Dan. Finch’s fur bristles.]

[20:27:27] <[rp] Finch> Dont do that to my dad

[20:27:33] <[rp] Prince 2> dan buddy fella, youre a lovely guy. great husband and loving father

[His gaze slides from Dan’s face to where Finch stands, gripping their bow in their hands.]

[20:27:43] <[rp] Prince 2> youd do anything for them, yeah?

[20:27:49] <[rp] DAN> ...

[20:27:53] <[rp] DAN> obviously.

[Finch speaks through their teeth, bearing them.]

[20:27:54] <[rp] Finch> what are you suggesting.

[20:28:20] <[rp] Prince 2> even murder? betrayal? traitorous actions?

[Dan stiffens.]

[20:28:35] <[rp] DAN> i.. uh

[20:28:50] <[rp] Finch> What are you suggesting, you little .. uh.

[Finch tries to think of an insult.]

[20:29:08] <[rp] Finch> uhm.

[20:29:57] <[rp] Finch> FUCKER ! yeah thats a good one. i did good thinking of that one.

[Prince pulls Dan farther away from Finch, where their conversation can be more private. His voice is low, his words have teeth.]

[20:29:12] <[rp] Prince 2> would you do that for them, dan?

[Dan lowers his voice. Talking about this isn’t easy in front of his kid.]

[20:29:28] <[rp] DAN> anything, man. id do anything.

[20:29:45] <[rp] DAN> i cant lose someone again

[Prince smirks, this was so much easier than he thought it would be.]

[20:30:19] <[rp] Prince> good one fella

[Dan’s grip of his trident tightens, and it tilts vaguely towards Prince’s throat. Prince turns them back around to face where Pyrite and Finch stand across the room. He announces:]

[20:30:59] <[rp] Prince 2> well, ive got this grudge against your kid and that wizard fellow right now

[20:31:08] <[rp] Prince 2> blew up ceph's wedding

[20:31:12] <[rp] Prince 2> i know you remember

[20:31:24] <[rp] DAN> it needed it. no one there wanted that marriage to happen.

[20:31:42] <[rp] Prince 2> you still blew it up man

[20:31:49] <[rp] Prince 2> or well, they did, not you

[20:32:04] <[rp] DAN> i was all for that explosion dude.

[20:32:18] <[rp] Prince 2> mmm

[20:32:18] <[rp] Pyrite> yeah the explosion was pretty cool

[20:32:24] <[rp] Finch> It was

[20:32:26] <[rp] Prince 2> i wasnt there for that

[Finch looks proud of themself for their handiwork.]

[20:32:28] <[rp] Finch> it really was for the explosion

[20:32:31] <[rp] Finch> it was really cool

[Dan tries to lean away from Prince, but Prince still keeps his arm wrapped around Dan’s back.]

[20:32:39] <[rp] DAN> yeah youu were like. 20 ft under or something

[20:33:02] <[rp] DAN> man didnt the explosion help you with your schemes? what do you have against my kid?? and the wizard.

[20:33:39] <[rp] Prince 2> they both flipped switches. heard about it

[20:33:48] <[rp] Finch> actually..

[20:33:52] <[rp] Finch> i flipped both switches

[20:33:57] <[rp] Finch> gotta be proud about that one!

[20:33:05] <[rp] Finch> I mean I did get other things accomplished with the explosion

[20:33:24] <[rp] Finch> I helped Fix Things!

[20:33:34] <[rp] Finch> things would be SO much worse right now i think if i didnt Do That.

[Prince leans back and smiles up at Dan.]

[20:34:08] <[rp] Prince 2> mmm more ammo for your kid then

[Dan groans, and Prince finally lets go of him, crossing the room.]

[20:34:31] <[rp] Prince 2> those explosions. fucked up.

[Dan mutters to no one but himself. He looks worse than before now, he hunches over. His skin and face has grown dark gray, outside, the wind rattles the windows. Hail, and the beginning of a terrible snowstorm, can be heard outside]

[20:34:37] <[rp] DAN> this cant be happening right now. im going to throw up

[Pyrite leans towards Prince as he passes by them.]

[20:34:33] <[rp] Pyrite> no offence but i have a suspicion he wont go for the kid prince

[Finch cocks their head to the side, their ears lifting up.]

[20:34:42] <[rp] Finch> wait why are we talking about me. I know im very cool and all but.

[20:34:54] <[rp] Prince> dont worry about it kid

[20:35:38] <[rp] Finch> mm

[20:35:41] <[rp] Finch> fine.

[20:35:50] <[rp] Prince 2> well still, you guys fucked some shit up, and im dealing with the consequences here

[20:35:57] <[rp] Finch> thats the point! duh

[20:36:05] <[rp] Prince 2> havent heard from ceph in weeks

[20:36:13] <[rp] Finch> Oh great!

[20:36:28] <[rp] Finch> maybe the explosion actually killed them, good riddance

[20:36:47] <[rp] DAN> finch..!!!! you gotta stop saying people are dead

[Prince shakes his head in shame.]

[20:36:25] <[rp] Prince 2> master probably so upset over the loss of the wedding

[20:36:34] <[rp] DAN> isnt that great for you? you get to step in and be the big leader of malfaction.

[20:36:51] <[rp] Prince 2> i never wanted to be leader

[20:36:59] <[rp] Prince 2> im not built for that

[20:37:07] <[rp] DAN> then why did you go and ascend yourself to godhood or whatever you did under the wedding.

[20:37:23] <[rp] Prince 2> god =/= king come on man

[20:37:30] <[rp] Prince 2> god does other shit than leading people

[20:38:05] <[rp] DAN> yeah. like aquiring a hivemind of people preaching to the heavens about some stupid shit.

[20:38:27] <[rp] Prince 2> exactly!

[20:38:36] <[rp] Prince 2> that's not leader shit

[20:38:49] <[rp] DAN> thats not a good thing, my dude. its lame and boring. and kinda overdone.

[20:38:15] <[rp] Finch> really you need better hobbies

[20:37:18] <[rp] Finch> Also you really shouldn't considering the whole. sculk thing. nobody wants that either

[20:37:31] <[rp] Pyrite> yeah the skulk is a bit annoying

[20:38:01] <[rp] Prince> its kinda just Here pyrite. comes with the territory of malf honestly

[20:38:36] <[rp] Pyrite> well yeah, but it keeps growing into my base. it did not do that before you did the thing

[20:38:57] <[rp] Prince> look man ill have to get into it with the local government of that specific branch

[20:39:05] <[rp] Prince> but yknow

[20:39:13] <[rp] Prince> cant guarantee anything

[Finch leans over to Pyrite.]

[20:38:45] <[rp] Finch> im glad you agree. so can you stop the sculk things.

[Pyrite whispers back.]

[20:39:28] <[rp] Pyrite> yeah ive been testing a couple of things but its too early to say anything

[Finch looks back with interesting, they whisper:]

[20:39:53] <[rp] Finch> oh?

[Pyrite whispers.]

[20:40:27] <[rp] Pyrite> wool is a pretty decent container at the minimum but my real interests are in fire and those weird void flowers

[20:41:17] <[rp] Pyrite> they eat stuff that comes near, so its reasonable they can eat skulk as long as theyre far enough away from the actual walls

[Finch’s face brightens.]

[20:40:57] <[rp] Finch> void? you got it here? great!"

[20:41:46] <[rp] Pyrite> well not the void, but all of those weird flowers it made.

[Pyrite holds up a Void Rose, a rose touched by the power of the Corruption from the previous world, and smuggled to the current one. Finch stares at it with fascination, grinning, Pyrite tucks it away as Prince begins to speak.]

[20:39:53] <[rp] Prince 2> sculk shit is on the block, dw

[20:40:04] <[rp] Prince 2> we'll be under one roof soon probably

[20:40:13] <[rp] Prince 2> no plans on that front since we ascended but yknow

[20:40:20] <[rp] Prince 2> that was our stated goal back then

[20:40:31] <[rp] Finch> i really dont want to live in your house

[Dan paces in frustration around the small space.]

[20:40:42] <[rp] DAN> how do we keep getting around to small talk.

[20:40:47] <[rp] Prince 2> idk man

[Prince claps his hands together.]

[20:40:51] <[rp] Prince 2> okay! punk

[20:41:11] <[rp] Finch> oh right. punk.

[20:40:53] <[rp] DAN> can you please just let punk out and we can go home.

[20:40:58] <[rp] Prince 2> well, no

[20:41:02] <[rp] DAN> why.

[20:41:25] <[rp] DAN> you got me to admit to whatever you wanted to hear me say. isnt that enough?

[20:41:33] <[rp] Prince 2> thing is bud, we have a gigantic anger boner against your faction for blowing shit up

[20:41:46] <[rp] Prince 2> ceph's gone. no one's here. and its ur fault

[Prince leans over to look at where Pyrite sits at the table.]

[20:41:53] <[rp] Prince 2> well besides pyrite

[They give a little wave.]

[20:41:55] <[rp] Prince 2> but yknow

[20:42:12] <[rp] Finch> okay and

[20:42:13] <[rp] Finch> cool

[Dan jabs a finger towards Prince.]

[20:42:14] <[rp] DAN> maybe its your leaders fault for arranging a frivolous, useless wedding!!

[20:42:36] <[rp] Prince 2> who fucking cares. you caused problems. and im causing problems back

[20:42:38] <[rp] DAN> what were we supposed to think, for some secret reason the other two factions were joining together? thats not cool

[20:42:23] <[rp] Finch> maybe nobody wants to live by you

[20:42:31] <[rp] Finch> or near you

[20:42:35] <[rp] Finch> or anywhere to do with you.

[20:42:45] <[rp] Prince> shush. everyone loves me

[20:42:48] <[rp] Finch> i dont.

[20:42:51] <[rp] DAN> i dont either

[Prince tips his chin up.]

[20:43:00] <[rp] Prince> well my spouse does

[20:43:10] <[rp] Finch> your.. what.

[20:43:13] <[rp] DAN> what.

[20:43:21] <[rp] Prince> yeah my spouse

[Dan looks at Prince with confusion.]

[20:43:26] <[rp] DAN> i dont think you have one of those

[20:43:32] <[rp] Prince> i do

[20:43:37] <[rp] Finch> i cant believe you got someone to marry you

[Dan puts his hands up in the air and waves them around.]

[20:43:42] <[rp] DAN> let me guess, theyre in another world or something

[20:43:47] <[rp] Prince> no no

[20:43:55] <[rp] Prince> technically its all around you

[20:44:02] <[rp] Prince> well, here right now

[Prince pauses as Pyrite reaches over and pokes at one of the two Prince bodies standing near them.]

[20:43:08] <[rp] Prince> yes pyrite

[20:43:37] <[rp] Pyrite> ...its weird you have two bodies and theyre not ripping each other apart

[Finch shakes their head as they try to register what Prince said.]

[20:44:05] <[rp] Finch> w. what do you mean.

[Prince looks pointedly at Finch.]

[20:44:05] <[rp] Prince> and maybe at your house

[Finch’s fur bristles again.]

[20:44:33] <[rp] Finch> what are you implying.

[20:44:14] <[rp] DAN> creepy

[20:44:20] <[rp] DAN> i dont want your spouse in my house.

[Prince looks pointedly at Dan.]

[20:44:19] <[rp] Prince> the fishes love It

[20:44:27] <[rp] Prince> they love to listen in on you

[20:44:41] <[rp] DAN> dude dont touch my fish!! thats creepy!!

[20:44:53] <[rp] Prince 2> they're touching my spouse!!

[20:45:05] <[rp] DAN> they are just fish dude they dont know that!

[20:45:02] <[rp] Prince 2> you said they think its like super dense kelp!!

[20:45:18] <[rp] DAN> they proobably do!!! they have fish brains!

[Finch cocks their head to the side.]

[20:45:02] <[rp] Finch> is your spouse... the sculk?

[20:45:37] <[rp] DAN> oh my god. you are married to the skulk. of course you are

[20:45:05] <[rp] Finch> man thats fucking pathetic

[20:45:36] <[rp] Prince> you dont know anything finch

[20:45:14] <[rp] Finch> thats so fucking pathetic man.

[20:45:48] <[rp] Finch> I know a lot of things, probably more than you do

[20:45:51] <[rp] Finch> because im better

[20:45:49] <[rp] Prince 2> they speak to me awesomely in my brain

[20:45:55] <[rp] Prince 2> and they love me so dearly

[20:46:27] <[rp] Finch> i really don't think most people experience that, but okay.

[20:46:12] <[rp] Prince 2> skill issue for you guys honestly

[20:46:18] <[rp] Prince 2> telepathy is amazing for communicating

[20:46:24] <[rp] Prince 2> you need letters and shit

[20:46:02] <[rp] DAN> spouses dont rlly do that brain speaking thing

[20:46:27] <[rp] DAN> usually you like.. write letters to one another.... ... or chat over dinner in a cafe... nnot like........... telepathic communication

[20:46:43] <[rp] Prince 2> we do that!! but its looney tunes

[20:46:55] <[rp] Finch> sure. whatever that is.

[20:46:55] <[rp] DAN> i dont think the thing speaking to you is a spouse. you have like an infection

[20:47:11] <[rp] DAN> and youre giving it to punk or some shit. thats disgusting

[20:47:03] <[rp] Prince 2> no no. its my spouse

[20:47:29] <[rp] Prince 2> sometimes you need a third yknow

[Prince laughs, shaking his hands as he takes back the joke.]

[20:47:31] <[rp] Prince 2> jk jk

[Finch looks up to Dan in confusion.]

[20:47:42] <[rp] Finch> uh

[Prince smiles blankly.]

[20:47:45] <[rp] Prince 2> what were we talking about

[20:47:50] <[rp] DAN> you are so infuriating to converse with

[20:47:54] <[rp] Finch> punk. getting him out your house or wherever he is

[20:47:58] <[rp] DAN> you were just about to let punk out so he can come home with me

[20:48:00] <[rp] Prince 2> ohhhhh yeah

[20:48:01] <[rp] Finch> so he can be okay and dad wont be sad

[20:48:10] <[rp] Prince 2> yeah

[20:48:21] <[rp] DAN> yeah.

[Prince lets out a long, almost performative sigh.]

[20:48:21] <[rp] Prince 2> massive hate boner. wanna destroy your place

[20:48:26] <[rp] DAN> ughhh

[20:48:27] <[rp] Prince 2> yes

[20:48:35] <[rp] DAN> why are you saying it like that dude!!!

[Prince shrugs, sticking out his tongue.]

[Finch transforms their bow, switching their pickaxe from their inventory with it. It appears in their hands in a seamless swipe through the air.]

[20:48:40] <[rp] Finch> i also want to destroy your place. i can turn your floors into swiss cheese to find this guy if you want

[Prince snaps his fingers. The sculk-light in the room pulses all at once.]

[20:49:10] <[rp] Prince 2> i can also turn you into a shambling corpse, so decide wisely

[In a flash of lightning, Dan summons his own pickaxe with the smell of ozone in the air.]

[20:49:12] <[rp] DAN> yeah. i'll help finch. we can just dig punk out and leave

[20:49:26] <[rp] Prince 2> again. ur risking punk here

[Finch and Dan stand firm.]

[20:49:31] <[rp] Prince 2> jeez

[20:49:33] <[rp] Prince 2> okay

[He grumbles.]

[20:49:44] <[rp] Prince 2> massive hate boner.

[20:49:44] <[rp] Finch> hmmm

[20:49:47] <[rp] Prince 2> wanna destroy your faction home

[20:49:53] <[rp] Prince 2> because you blew up the wedding

[Dan finally snarls.]

[20:49:57] <[rp] DAN> shut up with this massive hate boner. can our hatred not just cancel out

[20:50:06] <[rp] Finch> its not like we blew up your house... yet.

[Prince shakes his head.]

[20:50:06] <[rp] Prince 2> war isnt like that

[20:50:34] <[rp] DAN> its not all just about you man. someone stole my fucking egg and you dont see me stealing your spouse and starving them close to death about it

[20:50:47] <[rp] Prince 2> i aint stole your goddamn egg

[Dan stalks closer, his trident gleaming in the low light.]

[20:50:53] <[rp] DAN> i dont belive you

[20:50:55] <[rp] DAN> you stole punk

[20:51:02] <[rp] DAN> you dont have a good track record

[20:50:56] <[rp] Finch> plus if you did id be sad

[20:51:03] <[rp] Finch> because. man does it seem like a good meal

[20:51:10] <[rp] Finch> like out of everything prince, we gotta agree on that

[20:51:16] <[rp] Finch> the egg sounds fucking DELICIOUS

[20:51:09] <[rp] Prince 2> i dont even know what the egg is!!

[20:51:13] <[rp] Prince 2> people told me afterwards

[20:51:17] <[rp] Prince 2> i was just confused

[20:51:26] <[rp] Pyrite> why exactly is some chicken egg so important anyways?\

[20:51:18] <[rp] DAN> its an egg!! a massive egg!!! from the dragon!

[20:51:28] <[rp] Prince 2> okay??? i dont care about dragons

[20:51:34] <[rp] DAN> youre just the kinda guy to steal that shit

[Pyrite blinks, surprised.]

[20:51:37] <[rp] Pyrite> wait dragon? theres a dragon here?

[Prince shakes his head.]

[20:51:39] <[rp] Prince 2> theyre functionally useless

[20:51:50] <[rp] DAN> great you have something in common then

[Finch nods.]

[20:52:03] <[rp] Finch> whatever dad said

[20:52:03] <[rp] Prince 2> dragons blood aint even good for anything after discovered interdimensional travel

[20:52:14] <[rp] Finch> you discovered. what.

[20:52:30] <[rp] Prince 2> dont mind that

[20:52:57] <[rp] DAN> im minding everything youre saying thats not about letting punk out of your insane clown house

[20:52:38] <[rp] Finch> you know what sure keep saying your silly words or whatever.

[20:52:49] <[rp] Finch> can we get to the part where you say the thing thatll get punk out and make dad not upset

[20:53:14] <[rp] Prince 2> okay!! fine jeez

[He groans, clawing his hands. This is not going as smoothly as he thought it would.]

[20:54:56] <[rp] Prince 2> just fucking. if the wizman ever asks you "What should you do with a broken tool?" you answer "It is thrown away"

[He holds up a finger.]

[20:55:13] <[rp] Prince 2> alongside that, dont fucking speak a peep of this to the wizman or joco

[20:55:14] <[rp] Finch> what does that mean.

[Dan’s level of anger has grown significantly. A loud roll of thunder that last for almost twenty seconds can be heard outside. Even in the frigid winter of the Malfaction, there is somehow a thunderstorm, purely brewing from the rage coursing through Dan.]

[20:55:39] <[rp] DAN> what does that even mean.

[20:55:26] <[rp] Finch> i want to know what that means, prince.

[20:55:57] <[rp] DAN> why doo you have some secret code with the wizard???

[20:55:58] <[rp] Prince 2> actually. finch. you too. if the wizman ever asks you "What should you do with a broken tool?" you also answer "It is thrown away" aint wanna any loopholes

[20:56:11] <[rp] Finch> mmm

[20:55:49] <[rp] Finch> and prince, what do you plan to do if we break this. hypothetically, of course.

[20:55:58] <[rp] Finch> out of curiosity.

[20:56:12] <[rp] Prince 2> what i plan to do?

[20:56:14] <[rp] Prince 2> hmm okay

[He claps his hands together.]

[20:56:21] <[rp] Prince 2> good news everyone!

[20:56:27] <[rp] Prince 2> let's check on punk

[Dan growls.]

[20:56:30] <[rp] DAN> if its from you its hardly good news

[20:56:36] <[rp] Finch> yeah lets check on him.

[Prince leads Finch and Dan, with Pyrite trailing behind, to the hidden basement where he has been keeping Punk.]

[20:57:08] <[rp] Finch> i dont like this place.

[Below, Punk hears the sounds of people approaching. He stands, body weak, vision blurry. The chamber opens, and light pours in for the first time in nearly a week.]

[20:57:16] <[rp] Punk> ...?

[20:57:18] <[rp] Finch> oh hes not dead. great. we'll have to deal with that fact later.

[Dan’s anger melts away when he sees Punk, and is replaced almost immediately with worry.]

[20:57:24] <[rp] DAN> punk???

[Prince points down at Punk below. His voice rings like gospel: ]

[20:57:32] <[rp] Prince 2> fucking see that man's status? how he's covered and fucked up with sculk and stuff?

[20:57:35] <[rp] Prince 2> remember doc?

[20:57:38] <[rp] Prince 2> that but worse.

[20:57:43] <[rp] Prince 2> do anything that goes against me

[20:57:58] <[rp] Prince 2> and he wont be able to think more than the words of my gospel.

[Dan looks at the sculk floor, and then to Prince, and then to Finch.]

[20:58:13] <[rp] Finch> im not touching that floor.

[Punk stands shakily, he looks up to see Dan look down at him. His voice is hoarse and quiet.]

[20:57:43] <[rp] Punk> dan .. why are you here

[Dan shouts at Prince, whose face is unchanging.]

[20:57:48] <[rp] DAN> what the fuck did you do to him!!!! this is so fucked up

[Dan can’t stop himself, and rushes down into the room to be with Punk, to help to his feet, to get him out of here. His hands are shaking as he finds his place at his husband’s side.]

[20:57:59] <[rp] DAN> punk im so sorry

[He reaches out to touch Punk’s face, but Punk flinches away.]

[20:58:18] <[rp] DAN> are you okay??

[20:58:21] <[rp] Punk> get out of here please

[20:58:34] <[rp] DAN> no way not without you

[Dan feels dread fill his stomach like ice water, as he looks into Punk’s eyes, and sees that their color has changed.]

[20:58:22] <[rp] DAN> what the hell did he do to you

[20:59:12] <[rp] Punk> why did he let you in here

[20:59:42] <[rp] DAN> i yelled at him and threatened him and shit, and he cried and let me in. im rescuing you

[21:00:00] <[rp] Prince 2> i didnt cry, it was normal eye water

[21:00:09] <[rp] Prince 2> not that i have eyes or water in them anymore

[Finch speaks up, still staying away from the sculk.]

[20:59:34] <[rp] Finch> Okay cool we've seen punk. can we like. leave now or something. drag him out or whatever.

[21:00:46] <[rp] Finch> this is all. really really weird. can we PLEASE leave.

[Dan reaches out, his hand hanging in the air.]

[21:00:01] <[rp] DAN> please come with me

[21:00:12] <[rp] DAN> we can go to corroded

[21:00:31] <[rp] Punk> theyll still take me?

[21:00:37] <[rp] DAN> it doesnt matter

[Punk’s eyes flick over to Prince for confirmation. Prince stares down at him, the light heralding his form.]

[21:00:27] <[rp] Punk> um .. ok

[21:00:30] <[rp] Prince 2> you are permitted, punk.

[21:00:42] <[rp] Punk> ok

[21:01:06] <[rp] DAN> i'm taking you and if they throw a fit whatever we can go somewhere else just. wherever isnt here.

[21:01:35] <[rp] Punk> yeah uh ok

[Finch fidgets at the entrance to the room.]

21:01:35] <[rp] Finch> can you two hurry it up or something its kinda loud here and i dont like the noises

[On Dan’s face, where his eyes should be, two spots well up with tears. His heart is breaking]

[Punk gives him a pained smile.]

[21:01:51] <[rp] Punk> tell me about it

[Dan turns back to look at Prince.]

[21:02:00] <[rp] DAN> prince what the fuck is wrong with you man

[21:02:10] <[rp] DAN> this is . horrible.

[21:02:14] <[rp] Prince 2> many things! only some relevant

[21:02:26] <[rp] Prince 2> cute reunion btw

[21:02:33] <[rp] Finch> listen we all know what's wrong with prince, he's prince. thats his fucking issue

[Through gritted teeth.]

[21:02:38] <[rp] DAN> i want to kill you why are you watching us

[21:02:59] <[rp] Prince 2> why not?

[Punk lets Dan put his arm under his shoulder, giving him support to walk. Dan looks up at Prince.]

[21:02:58] <[rp] DAN> can we go now. i'll tell that stupid thing to wiz if he asks that cryptic shit to me

[21:03:03] <[rp] Prince 2> oh!

[21:03:06] <[rp] Prince 2> before that

[21:03:11] <[rp] Prince 2> ill have to reiterate as well

[21:03:21] <[rp] Prince 2> an extra condition for everyone here

[21:03:24] <[rp] Finch> mmm

[21:03:28] <[rp] Pyrite> ?

[21:03:32] <[rp] Finch> spit it out

[21:03:39] <[rp] Finch> what is it.

[21:03:51] <[rp] Prince 2> make a move against me, and punk will degrade faster than a rotting apple filled with maggots

[Dan looks sick.]

[21:04:16] <[rp] DAN> i might actually throw up

[21:04:39] <[rp] Prince 2> might as well do it now, clear your head a bit

[21:04:54] <[rp] DAN> not giving you that satisfaction

[Dan shakes his head.]

[21:04:33] <[rp] DAN> you cant possibly do that. he'll be fine once we get to corroded...

[Punk looks at the ground blankly. He’s weak, and his body is limp.]

[21:04:15] <[rp] Finch> grnmph

[21:04:32] <[rp] Finch> just clarifying. as long as nobody in this room makes a move against you

[21:04:34] <[rp] Finch> we're good?

[21:04:56] <[rp] Prince 2> mhm, yeah finch

[21:05:03] <[rp] Finch> got it

[Finch gestures for Dan to move faster up the steps, but they don’t want to step forward any father.]

[21:05:05] <[rp] Finch> dad lets go

[21:05:08] <[rp] Prince 2> hold on

[Finch looks panicked.]

[21:05:11] <[rp] Finch> the conditions good enough.

[21:05:12] <[rp] Finch> as it is.

[21:05:15] <[rp] Finch> lets leave.

[Prince cocks his head to the side.]

[21:05:22] <[rp] Prince 2> you ask, how can i do this while he's in corroded?

[21:05:36] <[rp] Prince 2> i answer, he's got sculk in his blood now

[21:05:43] <[rp] Finch> thats disgusting

[21:05:44] <[rp] DAN> what the fuckkkk

[He holds both hands out, and then pulls them back in towards himself.]

[21:05:44] <[rp] Prince 2> just like doc, just like me before

[21:05:53] <[rp] Finch> you should really get better hobbies

[21:06:24] <[rp] Finch> or like. i dont know. get a better whoever the fuck made you

[Prince pulls his hands to his chest.]

[21:06:26] <[rp] Prince 2> my spouse is amazing at infection and transformation

[21:06:33] <[rp] Prince 2> youve seen what it does to stone, correct?

[21:06:38] <[rp] Prince 2> now imagine if it was punk's bones.

[21:06:41] <[rp] Prince 2> or his brain

[21:06:46] <[rp] Prince 2> or! his heart

[21:06:50] <[rp] Prince 2> or maybe his teeth

[21:06:54] <[rp] DAN> what the fuck man

[21:06:56] <[rp] DAN> what the fuck

[21:07:03] <[rp] Pyrite> oh ew

[21:06:53] <[rp] Finch> thats really messed up and i think you should get better hobbies.

[21:07:05] <[rp] Prince 2> you know what you shouldnt and should do

[21:07:20] <[rp] Prince 2> obey them and he'll only be somewhat immunodeficient

[21:08:25] <[rp] Prince 2> and even if he becomes healthy? the sculk will still be able to activate

[Dan leads Punk up and out of the room, into the light and away from the sculk. He looks him over, and steps closer, carefully holding his head in his hands.]

[21:07:57] <[rp] DAN> what the fuck did prince do to u man

[21:08:08] <[rp] DAN> im so sorry

[21:08:23] <[rp] Punk> its ok

[Finch follows behind them, watching Prince as he looms behind them, still watching.]

[21:09:18] <[rp] Finch> can we PLEASE leave now

[21:09:23] <[rp] Finch> i dont want to be in this area anymore

[Punk can’t meet Dan’s gaze.]

[21:09:32] <[rp] Punk> i fell for it i deserved it

[Finch tugs on Dan’s pant leg.]

[21:09:38] <[rp] Finch> LETS PLEASE LEAVE.

[21:09:41] <[rp] DAN> you dont deserve this shit

[21:09:50] <[rp] DAN> we can go home, its okay

[21:09:56] <[rp] DAN> i'll make you a really good dinner

[21:10:00] <[rp] Finch> stop fucking yapping over there and get a move on

[Punk smiles weakly, he’s starving, it sounds nice. Dan is fully focused on Punk, anything Finch is saying hasn't been processed. Prince watches Finch now, and Finch wrinkles their nose, they take off towards the exit.]

[21:10:35] <[rp] Finch> I'll. meet you outside. i dont want to. be here.

[Prince calls after them.]

[21:10:40] <[rp] Prince 2> and finch~ dont think i cant hear your brain tick-tocking over there. im not the devil. if i get angry enough or you disrespect my conditions, punk will still be on the chopping block.

[Finch shouts back.]

[21:10:52] <[rp] Finch> mmmm

[21:10:57] <[rp] Finch> got it. Sure.

[Dan is trying not to bawl, but he looks at Finch over his shoulder. He finally seems to come to.]

[21:11:27] <[rp] Finch> lets LEAVE.

[Dan finally seems to come to

[21:11:32] <[rp] DAN> please dont push the conditions, finch.

[21:12:15] <[rp] Finch> YOU GOT YOUR GUY BACK WE ARE LEAVING.

[21:12:13] <[rp] DAN> ok. lets get the hell out of here

[21:12:18] <[rp] Punk> yeah.. Yeah

[Finch sprints out towards the exit, as Dan helps Punk walk in the daylight as his eyes adjust.]

[21:12:23] <[rp] Prince 2> you guys make a cute couple

[Prince follows several paces behind them, never gaining, but also never lagging behind.]

[21:12:29] <[rp] Prince 2> let's hope you stay together

[21:12:29] <[rp] DAN> shut up

[21:12:38] <[rp] DAN> i hope you never speak to me again

[21:12:50] <[rp] DAN> seeing you takes like 200 years off my immortal lifespan

[21:13:12] <[rp] Prince 2> aww dont say that

[21:13:23] <[rp] DAN> im sayin it now

[21:13:17] <[rp] Prince 2> youll love me.

[Prince’s voice is determined, but slightly strained, almost as if he’s trying to convince himself of this.]

[21:13:19] <[rp] Prince 2> everyone will

[21:13:47] <[rp] DAN> dont say that

[Pyrite waves at them.]

[21:13:41] <[rp] Pyrite> have a good rest of the day!

[21:13:51] <[rp] Prince 2> mhm!!

[Dan growls.]

[21:13:53] <[rp] DAN> he doesnt need a good day

[21:13:58] <[rp] Prince 2> have a good life :)

[Dan steps out of the mansion, Punk supported the best he can. He squints, looking for where Finch had run off to.]

[21:14:40] <[rp] DAN> where is finch???

[21:14:51] <[rp] DAN> oh

[Finch waves from as far away from the sculk as they could get.]

[21:14:55] <[rp] DAN> wow you cover ground okay

[21:14:56] <[rp] Finch> Lets go.

[Prince and Pyrite wave from the entrance.]

[21:15:14] <[rp] Prince 2> bye guys!!

[21:15:19] <[rp] Pyrite> bye!

[Dan shouts back.]

[21:15:22] <[rp] DAN> dont talk to me!!

[21:15:24] <[rp] Finch> Goodbye to you

[21:15:37] <[rp] Prince 2> alrighty finch. bye

[21:15:42] <[rp] Prince 2> remember what i said

[Finch looks over at Pyrite, and gives them a small nod.]

[21:15:52] <[rp] Pyrite> see ya!

[21:15:50] <[rp] Finch> okay lets go.

[Finch leads the way as they find their way out of the Malfaction and back to Corroded. Punk shivers against Dan, his body shakes. Across the way, Prince watches.

His gaze prickles through Punk’s skin, a new set of eyes in Corroded.]

[21:16:12] <[rp] Pyrite> well that went well i think

[Prince turns to Pyrite.]

[21:16:09] <[rp] Prince 2> so you want a taste of that gmo apple

[21:16:28] <[rp] Prince 2> its got all the vitamins in it i think. plus some extra stuff

[21:16:25] <[rp] Pyrite> nah, plants sit way too heavy for me

[21:16:32] <[rp] Prince 2> oh no dont worry

[21:16:33] <[rp] Prince 2> its meat

[21:16:42] <[rp] Pyrite> oh! ok

[The storm leaves the Malfaction.]