Characters present: Prince, Wizard
Date: 11/11/23
Season: 3
[The Wizard whistles as he walks through the halls of Verde Drug, to pick up some shipments and payment from different stores he owns. He notices a flash of blue move by.]
[18:09:08] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Was that...?
[18:09:16] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Is someone else here?
[The Wizard sees Prince step out of a shop holding a shopping shulker under his arm. He relaxes.]
[18:09:29] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Ah, I see
[From far away:]
[18:09:36] <✦[rp] Prince> OH COOL
[The Wizard watches Prince as he shops, continuing his route through the maze of Verde Drug, but keeping an eye on the cat. From down the hall, he can hear: ]
[18:10:00] <✦[rp] Prince> YAYYY BOOKS
[18:10:29] <✦[rp] Prince> WOW THIS PLACE IS A MAZE
[The Wizard chuckles under his breath, turning to look through a payment chest. When he looks up, he sees Prince has stopped, spotting him. He straightens up to his full height.]
[18:10:46] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Oh, hello you
[18:10:52] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Prince.
[18:10:46] <✦[rp] Prince> oh.
[18:10:50] <✦[rp] Prince> hi
[18:10:56] <✦[rp] The Wizard> How have you been?
[18:11:00] <✦[rp] Prince> fine
[18:10:56] <✦[rp] Prince> what r u doing here
[18:11:09] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm just checking on some of my shops
[18:11:14] <✦[rp] Prince> you have shops here??
[18:11:21] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Most Corroded folk own shops in here
[18:11:25] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Not just Joco
[18:11:29] <✦[rp] Prince> wild
[18:11:40] <✦[rp] Prince> hope you have nothing in there and go bankrupt
[18:11:48] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, that's not very nice
[18:12:00] <✦[rp] Prince> you tried to choke me out
[Prince turns on his heel and walks down the hall at a quick pace. The Wizard hurries after him.]
[18:11:53] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Prince, wait-
[Prince dodges down a hallway, and when the Wizard looks down it, Prince is gone.]
[18:11:58] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Now where-
[18:12:09] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Hey I wanted to apologize
[From behind the Wizard: ]
[18:12:15] <✦[rp] Prince> yea?
[The Wizard turns, finding that Prince is standing inside the door to Joco’s strip club.]
[18:12:18] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Yes.
[Prince disappears inside, and the Wizard follows slowly after.]
[18:12:24] <✦[rp] Prince> this place is interesting
[18:12:39] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Ah...yes Joco's take on the Malfaction strip club
[Prince winks, before busting out terrible pole dancing moves to uncoordinated music. The Wizard looks away, shielding his eyes.]
[18:12:57] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Oh Void!
[Prince falls to the floor from the pole. He rubs the spot where he fell.]
[18:13:15] <✦[rp] Prince> ow
[18:13:21] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Are you alright?
[18:13:25] <✦[rp] Prince> m fine
[18:13:31] <✦[rp] Prince> why would you care
[18:13:40] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm sorry if I made it seem like I don't
[18:14:00] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I try to care, even if you're a thorn in my butt
[18:14:12] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I really do want to apologize for Doc’s...
[18:14:16] <✦[rp] Prince> why would you even care for a thorn if it hurts
[18:14:24] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well-
[18:14:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> It's not the thorn's fault it got stuck there, I suppose
[18:14:43] <✦[rp] Prince> and yet it hurts all the same
[18:14:50] <✦[rp] The Wizard> ...and yet it hurts all the same
[18:15:01] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Anyway-
[18:15:10] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I was angry, I'm normally not
[18:15:21] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I shouldn't have gotten so cross with you, and hurt you
[18:15:26] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Said the things I did....
[18:15:42] <✦[rp] Prince> you sound like my dad
[18:15:46] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Oh!
[18:15:50] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, uh-
[18:15:51] <✦[rp] Prince> i know science types like you
[18:15:59] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You do, that's right
[18:16:06] <✦[rp] Prince> "im sorry im sorry" and next tuesday its the same tests and the same routine
[18:16:21] <✦[rp] Prince> your types never keep to your words
[18:16:32] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No we don't, do we
[The Wizard sighs.]
[18:16:49] <✦[rp] The Wizard> It's hard to leave that way of life behind, but it's necessary work
[18:16:54] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I suppose walking the path is part of it
[18:17:00] <✦[rp] Prince> mm
[18:17:26] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Ah, well I've said my piece, I suppose I'll leave you to it
[18:17:26] <✦[rp] Prince> what are you even still talking to me
[The Wizard raises a hand as Prince grips tightly on the pole with one hand. He turns out the door to leave.]
[18:17:39] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Have a good evening, Prince
[The Wizard begins walking down the hall.]
[18:17:44] <✦[rp] Prince> mmmgh
[Prince runs out of the club, and appears at the end of the hall.]
[18:17:49] <✦[rp] Prince> why do you care
[The Wizard pauses, turning around. He takes in a breath, and considers something.]
[18:18:10] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Do you really want to know?
[18:18:15] <✦[rp] Prince> shoot cowboy
[18:18:27] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You remind me of myself, before I left
[18:18:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> It's stupid, I know
[18:18:38] <✦[rp] Prince> what? charming? awesome? cool?
[18:18:47] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No...lost, somehow
[18:18:52] <✦[rp] Prince> pfft
[18:18:54] <✦[rp] The Wizard> But that's not quite the right word
[18:19:21] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah like how youre lost up your own ass
[18:19:34] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Very funny, Prince
[18:19:40] <✦[rp] Prince> thank you
[The Wizard waits for Prince to say something more, but he just looks at the ground, and then back up at the Wizard, and then at the wall, and then he scratches the outside of his arm.]
[18:20:14] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Prince...are you lost in the store?
[18:20:35] <✦[rp] Prince>
[The Wizard hides a laugh.]
[18:20:48] <✦[rp] Prince> youre just cornering me and i dont want to get near ur soggy old ass
[18:21:06] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, I'm going to head out, and if you follow me out, I'll assume it's because you're leaving as well, despite the grandstanding
[18:21:16] <✦[rp] Prince> sure sure
[The Wizard begins to leave, but he looks behind him as he turns corners, spotting Prince behind him every time he does. Finally, as they’re close to the exit, Prince speaks up.]
[18:21:44] <✦[rp] Prince> what was young you like
[18:21:48] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Oh?
[18:22:03] <✦[rp] Prince> was it only because i was 'lost'
[18:21:54] <✦[rp] Prince> you said i was similar
[The Wizard slows to let Prince walk beside him, but Prince just speeds up to walk in front of him. The Wizard sighs as he recalls.]
[18:22:03] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Stupid, naive, and hungry for power
[18:22:10] <✦[rp] Prince> well im none of those
[18:22:23] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You are different
[18:22:23] <✦[rp] Prince> power isnt somethin a tool has
[18:22:27] <✦[rp] Prince> its what a tool grants
[18:22:39] <✦[rp] The Wizard> My caretaker used to say something similar
[18:22:50] <✦[rp] The Wizard> It wasn't quite the same, but still rung similarly
[18:22:59] <✦[rp] Prince> ur caretaker was smart
[18:23:04] <✦[rp] The Wizard> They were
[18:23:35] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Yes, cruel, but smart
[18:23:29] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah?
[18:23:52] <✦[rp] Prince> mmm
[The two leave Verde Drug together, and Prince continues to walk circles around the Wizard as he treks home.]
[18:23:34] <✦[rp] Prince> what were they like
[18:23:57] <✦[rp] The Wizard> It's hard to explain what they were like entirely
[18:24:02] <✦[rp] Prince> did they die
[18:24:21] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm sure they think we're dead, and we failed them
[18:24:10] <✦[rp] The Wizard> As far as I know, they're still alive
[18:24:19] <✦[rp] Prince> you should kill them
[18:24:25] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm not sure that's possible
[18:24:29] <✦[rp] Prince> why not
[18:24:31] <✦[rp] Prince> everyone's mortal
[18:24:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Hard to kill an Unknown
[18:24:45] <✦[rp] The Wizard> At least, that's what I think they were now
[18:24:51] <✦[rp] Prince> mmm
[18:24:55] <✦[rp] Prince> unknown...
[18:24:59] <✦[rp] Prince> what are those anyways
[18:25:03] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You really don't know much about them, do you?
[18:25:18] <✦[rp] Prince> you guys talk about them a lot but no one's ever explain them to me
[18:25:22] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, they're like gods, sort of
[18:25:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> More like rulemakers for the universe
[18:25:43] <✦[rp] Prince> boo
[18:25:43] <✦[rp] The Wizard> They decide who does what, what's allowed, and who is allowed to exist
[18:26:16] <✦[rp] The Wizard> They're incredible with awesome power if you are on their side, but impossible battle
[18:26:10] <✦[rp] Prince> ive heard about those types before
[18:26:17] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Oh?
[18:26:20] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Do tell
[18:26:24] <✦[rp] Prince> well
[Prince stops for once, stands still. He fidgets slightly with his fingers.]
[18:26:48] <✦[rp] Prince> well…
[The Wizard wonders if he pushed too far, and tries to pull back.]
[18:26:55] <✦[rp] The Wizard> If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to
[18:26:58] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Just making conversation
[Prince shakes his head, and clears his throat.]
[18:27:00] <✦[rp] Prince> back home
[18:27:02] <✦[rp] Prince> i
[18:27:12] <✦[rp] Prince> my... i guess his whole family
[18:27:38] <✦[rp] Prince> they were castaways. placed somewhere else because they didn't fit the norm
[18:27:36] <✦[rp] The Wizard> His family, your father's?
[18:27:40] <✦[rp] Prince> no
[18:27:44] <✦[rp] Prince> original me
[18:27:48] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Ah, I see.
[18:28:13] <✦[rp] Prince> we all were outcasts cus we were the results of experiments
[18:28:23] <✦[rp] Prince> that got smart enough to work for them
[The Wizard opens his mouth in surprise.]
[18:28:29] <✦[rp] The Wizard> We are alike, then
[18:28:32] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Very much so
[18:28:35] <✦[rp] Prince> sure
[18:28:44] <✦[rp] Prince> you were an experiment too?
[18:28:54] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I was, at least, I found out when I was older that I was
[18:29:00] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Myself sister
[18:29:23] <✦[rp] The Wizard> We were raised by our creator, both parent and experimenter
[18:29:43] <✦[rp] Prince> i can relate
[18:29:47] <✦[rp] Prince> what were they trying to find out
[18:30:10] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Something to do with Operators, anyway, both of us were failures, but my caretaker was attached
[18:30:16] <✦[rp] The Wizard> More or less he wanted a successful legacy
[18:30:22] <✦[rp] The Wizard> If not experimental, then familial
[18:30:42] <✦[rp] Prince> were you of their blood?
[18:31:07] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I don't think so, genetics work differently for them, something about the Code
[18:31:19] <✦[rp] Prince> mmm we're similar then
[18:31:25] <✦[rp] Prince> my dad wasnt a genetic donor
[18:31:31] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No?
[18:31:51] <✦[rp] Prince> his fingerprints, words, and actions are imprinted on us eternally, but he didnt cum and make us, no
[The Wizard is surprised by the sudden informality of Prince’s words.]
[18:32:00] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Ah- right
[18:32:08] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Yes, similar for myself
[18:32:20] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont think he could even have kids even if he wanted to
[18:32:22] <✦[rp] Prince> stuck with us
[18:32:49] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Childhood wasn't very happy, then?
[18:32:57] <✦[rp] Prince> it had its moments
[18:33:05] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Don't they all, even the bad ones
[18:33:11] <✦[rp] Prince> my education was my favorite part
[18:33:19] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Yes!
[18:33:23] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I was very much the same
[18:33:21] <✦[rp] Prince> tuesdays were what i despised
[18:33:28] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Tuesdays?
[18:33:39] <✦[rp] Prince> my dad was a
[18:33:43] <✦[rp] Prince> he was
[18:33:51] <✦[rp] Prince> merciful. in a certain sense of the word
[18:34:18] <✦[rp] Prince> he doesnt want to run tests and experiments throughout the week
[18:34:24] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Ah...
[18:34:27] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Just Tuesdays?
[18:34:31] <✦[rp] Prince> yes
[18:34:30] <✦[rp] Prince> prolonged the harm, he would say
[18:34:39] <✦[rp] Prince> all of the week's tests and experiments
[18:34:41] <✦[rp] Prince> in one day
[18:34:51] <✦[rp] The Wizard> None of them good, I suppose
[18:35:09] <✦[rp] Prince> they werent experiments, if they were good
[18:35:26] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No, no, I wouldn't think so
[18:35:55] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I do have to ask, did you experience this, or are these your original's memories?
[18:36:10] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Hurts you all the same, I suppose...
[18:36:16] <✦[rp] Prince> mmm, it does
[18:36:32] <✦[rp] Prince> i only remember now that i recalled them, but i dont think i remembered before
[18:36:44] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Before...oh
[18:36:47] <✦[rp] The Wizard> The ritual?
[18:36:51] <✦[rp] Prince> mhm
[18:39:51] <✦[rp] Prince> i think my instincts remembers, because i dont think i was ever... 'functional' on tuesdays
[18:40:04] <✦[rp] The Wizard> What do you mean?
[18:40:30] <✦[rp] Prince> there was always a gap in my memory every tuesday now that i try to recall
[18:40:48] <✦[rp] The Wizard> they shut you off?
[18:41:11] <✦[rp] Prince> no, more that his actions rippled
[18:41:15] <✦[rp] Prince> this place doesnt have a calendar, or i never got one, so i dont think i realized, but every week i always feel a strange sense of unease
[18:41:40] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, trauma does that to you
[18:42:00] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Messes up your brain and mind in ways you can't ever expect
[18:42:08] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Even years down the line
[18:42:11] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Even after healing
[18:42:15] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah... trauma, that's what sister always accused dad of inflicting me
[18:42:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm sure she was right
[18:42:35] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont think i ever understood then
[18:42:49] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No, it's hard to understand when you're young
[18:43:00] <✦[rp] Prince> it was a year ago
[18:43:08] <✦[rp] Prince> or-
[18:43:12] <✦[rp] Prince> it was a while ago
[18:43:16] <✦[rp] Prince> but semi recent
[18:43:39] <✦[rp] Prince> before the clone program was started but on the cusp of the project being approved for funding
[18:44:09] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I suppose time would be strange for a clone, especially just getting those memories back
[18:43:29] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You're still young, aint'cha?
[18:44:18] <✦[rp] Prince> mmm
[18:44:29] <✦[rp] The Wizard> So why did they send you here in the first place?
[18:44:36] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I gotta say, it makes little sense to me
[18:45:00] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont. think i know how i got here
[18:45:08] <✦[rp] Prince> i. walked through a portal
[18:45:15] <✦[rp] The Wizard> A portal..?
[18:45:19] <✦[rp] Prince> a nether portal
[18:45:22] <✦[rp] Prince> i was in the nether
[18:45:26] <✦[rp] Prince> and i tried to leave
[18:45:33] <✦[rp] Prince> and then i spawned in the ice and snow
[18:45:37] <✦[rp] Prince> i was frozen
[18:45:46] <✦[rp] Prince> ceph found me, but the sculk found me first
[18:45:51] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I see...
[18:46:03] <✦[rp] The Wizard> So when you say you're one of...millions-
[18:46:09] <✦[rp] The Wizard> It wasn't meant to be this way
[18:46:20] <✦[rp] Prince> pfft no, i dont think so
[18:46:29] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont even know how i realized i was one of millions
[18:46:38] <✦[rp] Prince> it was my dreams i think
[18:46:46] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Do you see the others in your dreams?
[18:46:53] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah
[18:46:57] <✦[rp] Prince> echoes of their deaths
[18:47:00] <✦[rp] The Wizard> ...
[18:47:06] <✦[rp] The Wizard> That's what I had thought...
[18:47:17] <✦[rp] The Wizard> So you were person once?
[18:47:22] <✦[rp] The Wizard> One clone, I should say
[18:47:32] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah, seems like i was
[18:47:42] <✦[rp] The Wizard> A copy of a copy, fascinating
[18:47:49] <✦[rp] The Wizard> And it was a nether portal?
[18:48:00] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont know if the nether portal was special
[18:48:07] <✦[rp] Prince> or just that nether
[18:48:51] <✦[rp] The Wizard> This SCC...
[18:48:59] <✦[rp] The Wizard> The more I learn about them the more curious I find myself
[There’s the sound of breaking and the Wizard looks up from deep thought to find that Prince is pushing broken shards behind his back. The Wizard furrows his eyebrows.]
[18:49:04] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Prince
[18:49:09] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Did you break my pot
[18:49:15] <✦[rp] Prince>
[18:49:22] <✦[rp] Prince> it was already broken
[The Wizard sighs.]
[18:49:21] <✦[rp] The Wizard> It's alright
[18:49:25] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Not hard to fix
[The Wizard gathers the pieces, placing them on top of a crafting table. He pushes them together, and they fuse back into one piece.]
[18:49:41] <✦[rp] The Wizard> There we go, good as new
[He sets the pot back down where it had been before. Prince is already reaching out for it before the Wizard can even look away.]
[18:49:54] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Don't even think about
[Prince reaches out and begins rocking the pot from one side to the other.]
[18:50:08] <✦[rp] The Wizard> What are you doin'?
[18:50:16] <✦[rp] Prince> fidgeting
[18:50:28] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, alright
[18:50:39] <✦[rp] The Wizard> So...
[18:50:43] <✦[rp] Prince> yes?
[18:50:53] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I see why you're the way the way you are now
[18:50:58] <✦[rp] Prince> how so
[18:50:58] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You never wanted to be here
[18:51:01] <✦[rp] Prince> oh
[18:51:02] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah
[18:51:09] <✦[rp] Prince> i could leave any time i want though
[18:51:13] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Wait, what?
[18:51:15] <✦[rp] The Wizard> What do you mean?
[18:51:38] <✦[rp] Prince> well, the scc is many things
[18:51:48] <✦[rp] Prince> and one of them is that they cracked interdimensional travel
[18:52:00] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Did they now...
[18:51:56] <✦[rp] Prince> not those nether or end business
[18:52:04] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Like the hallways-
[18:52:06] <✦[rp] Prince> but between worlds
[18:52:14] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Yeah, the hallways
[18:52:15] <✦[rp] Prince> probably
[18:52:39] <✦[rp] Prince> ive never seen the hallways you talk about
[18:53:20] <✦[rp] Prince> when the scc travels, they travel through breaches in space-time
[18:53:37] <✦[rp] Prince> its perfectly safe
[18:53:42] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Hmm
[18:53:48] <✦[rp] The Wizard> That is something
[Prince mumbles under his breath: ]
[18:53:49] <✦[rp] Prince> once they worked out the vaporization problem
[18:53:54] <✦[rp] The Wizard> The what now?
[18:53:59] <✦[rp] Prince> nothing!
[18:54:06] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Alright, I guess
[18:54:19] <✦[rp] The Wizard> How did they figure it out?
[Prince shrugs.]
[18:54:55] <✦[rp] Prince> i-dee-kay
[18:55:05] <✦[rp] Prince> i wasnt a part of their research group
[18:55:08] <✦[rp] Prince> i just use them
[18:55:27] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, alright
[18:55:35] <✦[rp] The Wizard> But you said you found a way out, how?
[18:55:53] <✦[rp] Prince> i know how it works in the sense that i know how to use a text document but i didnt develop them
[18:56:13] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You built something?
[18:56:01] <✦[rp] Prince> oh!
[18:56:31] <✦[rp] Prince> havent yet
[18:56:38] <✦[rp] Prince> i know how to get out, i havent done it yet though
[18:56:49] <✦[rp] Prince> ive got people to serve here
[18:56:52] <✦[rp] Prince> why would i leave?
[18:56:54] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Right, Ceph
[18:56:57] <✦[rp] The Wizard> And the sculk
[18:57:08] <✦[rp] Prince> exactly
[18:57:16] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Is that why it's so important to you that Ceph cares about you?
[18:57:29] <✦[rp] Prince> what do you mean
[18:57:53] <✦[rp] The Wizard> If Ceph said they didn't care about you, didn't think you were doing a good job, would you leave?
[18:58:45] <✦[rp] Prince> my dad didnt care about me and i was still his assistant, so no
[18:59:22] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I see
[18:59:22] <✦[rp] The Wizard> What if Ceph told you that you were the best devotee in the whole of the world, that you were doing everything right, what then?
[18:59:38] <✦[rp] Prince> then YAYYYYY IM DOING A GOOD JOB
[18:59:54] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I suppose that would make sense
[Prince does a little dance and boogies.]
[19:00:08] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Always happy to serve, are we?
[He gives the Wizard a thumbs up.]
[19:00:14] <✦[rp] Prince> yupperoni!
[19:00:53] <✦[rp] The Wizard> So is this why you've been busy spreading your, uh, gospel?
[19:00:57] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Because Ceph's been away?
[19:01:21] <✦[rp] Prince> yup! ceph's away so i dont have any new orders from them
[19:01:29] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Right, right-
[19:02:14] <✦[rp] Prince> mhm!!
[19:02:26] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Speaking of, does anyone from the Malfaction even know where they are?
[19:02:35] <✦[rp] Prince> well i dont
[19:02:40] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont think pyrite knows
[19:02:45] <✦[rp] Prince> punk definitely doesnt know
[19:02:49] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I suppose if you did you'd be getting orders
[19:02:54] <✦[rp] Prince> yup!
[19:03:06] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm surprised Punk doesn't know, they seemed mighty close at the wedding
[19:03:12] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Them, and Dan
[19:03:47] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Honestly, I hope it works out for those crazy kids
[19:04:06] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah, i hope it works out for those two as well
[19:04:25] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Maybe I'll chat with Dan, see if he's heard anything from Punk
[19:04:40] <✦[rp] Prince> mmm that'd be productive probably
[19:04:58] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'd think so, they are married after all, one would hope they'd talk!
[19:05:04] <✦[rp] Prince> man you ever think about torture
[The Wizard blinks.]
[19:05:12] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Excuse me?
[19:05:15] <✦[rp] Prince> i just got the best idea for torture
[19:05:21] <✦[rp] The Wizard> What now?
[19:05:23] <✦[rp] Prince> starve someone
[19:05:25] <✦[rp] Prince> put them in a hole
[19:05:29] <✦[rp] Prince> and have a regen beacon
[19:05:39] <✦[rp] Prince> so they cant starve to death
[19:05:46] <✦[rp] Prince> but they sure will starve!
[19:05:48] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Prince that is beyond inhumane
[19:06:01] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Why torture anyone in the first place?
[19:06:06] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Who would even be worthy of torture?
[19:06:07] <✦[rp] Prince> information
[19:06:11] <✦[rp] Prince> betrayal
[19:06:12] <✦[rp] Prince> fun!
[19:06:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Please don't torture anyone here Prince, none of them deserve that
[19:06:49] <✦[rp] Prince> sometimes i beg to differ, they should be starved in a hole for a bit
[19:06:58] <✦[rp] Prince> builds character
[19:06:57] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, who exactly?
[19:07:08] <✦[rp] Prince> idk, just people
[19:07:23] <✦[rp] Prince> maybe that other cat fellow that's here
[19:07:29] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Which one...There's at least two in Corroded
[19:07:53] <✦[rp] Prince> the cat one
[19:07:56] <✦[rp] Prince> with fur
[19:07:59] <✦[rp] Prince> and a dad
[19:08:24] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Prince, I promise you, if you touch a feather on Finch's head, there will hell to pay
[19:08:38] <✦[rp] The Wizard> That is something that wouldn't be forgiven
[Prince sours.]
[19:08:53] <✦[rp] Prince> hell should be paying me for what ive experienced tbh
[The Wizard is surprised and saddened to hear this, he tries to find the words, but can’t.]
[19:09:29] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I don't really know what to say
[19:09:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You-
[19:09:44] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You experienced what you did, and you would let it happen to others?
[19:09:49] <✦[rp] The Wizard> That's shameful
[Prince shrugs.]
[19:10:07] <✦[rp] Prince> empathy wasnt built into me buckaroo
[19:10:11] <✦[rp] Prince> a tool doesnt decide
[19:10:15] <✦[rp] Prince> it just Does
[19:10:21] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm sure...
[19:12:07] <✦[rp] Prince> tis what it is
[19:12:42] <✦[rp] The Wizard> For some, but not for all
[19:12:56] <✦[rp] Prince> sureeee
[19:13:17] <✦[rp] Prince> torture is character building its fine
[19:13:48] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm sorry for what happened to you, I really am, I know it means nothing but I hope it means something
[19:14:16] <✦[rp] Prince> ehhh its fine
[19:14:24] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Is it?
[19:14:25] <✦[rp] Prince> nothing too terrible that i cant bounce back from
[19:14:46] <✦[rp] Prince> once you get broken for the thousandth time, you learn how to stitch the pieces together
[19:14:56] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Hmm
[19:14:57] <✦[rp] Prince> even if some of its dust
[The Wizard finally reaches the Sheriff’s office, and sits down on the front steps, watching Prince as he uses Verdigris like a jungle gym.]
[19:15:16] <✦[rp] Prince> then itll be just a nice aesthetic crack
[19:15:23] <✦[rp] Prince> on the metaphorical bowl
[19:15:24] <✦[rp] Prince> of my mind
[19:15:31] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Doesn't the crack leak?
[19:15:39] <✦[rp] Prince> sure sure sure
[19:15:43] <✦[rp] Prince> but that's what im for!
[19:15:55] <✦[rp] Prince> with enough leaky bowls, you can contain everything
[19:16:22] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Oh, it's all for Cidrich, your original, right?
[19:16:40] <✦[rp] Prince> well he made us cus he kept breaking
[19:17:04] <✦[rp] Prince> so we're here to make sure that the work gets done when he cant stand the metaphorical water
[19:17:15] <✦[rp] Prince> or i guess
[19:17:23] <✦[rp] Prince> when the cracks leak too muchS
[19:17:31] <✦[rp] The Wizard> And you can break endlessly, because you're disposable, right? That's it?
[19:17:38] <✦[rp] Prince> yup!!
[19:17:53] <✦[rp] Prince> with the sculk, i can break infinitely
[19:18:03] <✦[rp] The Wizard> The bowl won't leak, huh
[19:18:09] <✦[rp] The Wizard> The sculk patches up what's cracked
[19:18:15] <✦[rp] Prince> now youre getting it
[19:18:41] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Void, I'm sorry
[19:18:47] <✦[rp] Prince> what are you sorry for
[19:18:51] <✦[rp] Prince> everything's hunky dory
[19:18:51] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I don't know, all of it
[19:19:12] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You're all cracks, aren't you?
[19:19:24] <✦[rp] Prince> probably!
[The Wizard struggles again to find something to say.]
[19:20:26] <✦[rp] Prince> but someone still has to bear the brunts of a thousand thousand shatterings
[19:21:16] <✦[rp] Prince> the thing about being broken is that its rock bottom
[19:21:26] <✦[rp] Prince> cant get more broken than broken
[19:21:38] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You can
[19:21:40] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You can die
[19:21:51] <✦[rp] Prince> sure but there's always more to replace me
[19:22:04] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Right, endlessness
[19:22:14] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Endless corpses on a pile
[19:22:34] <✦[rp] Prince> infinitely stacking, infinitely serving, infinitely shattering
[19:22:47] <✦[rp] Prince> but i wont shatter!
[19:22:59] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Just crack
[19:23:03] <✦[rp] Prince> not to the point of dust anyways
[19:22:33] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Void, this is making me sad
[The Wizard shakes his head.]
[19:23:22] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Anyway.
[19:23:30] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I've wasted enough of your time
[19:23:53] <✦[rp] Prince> aww really?
[The Wizard raises his eyebrows.]
[19:24:13] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Unless you had more to say
[19:24:16] <✦[rp] Prince> no lol
[19:24:27] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You're really quite strange
[19:24:36] <✦[rp] Prince> i just enjoy seeing your face fall like an apple from a tree
[19:24:47] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Of course you do
[Prince puts his hands on his hips.]
[19:24:55] <✦[rp] Prince> maybe i was lying about everything
[He pokes an accusatory finger at the Wizard.]
[19:25:02] <✦[rp] Prince> you dont trust me
[19:25:08] <✦[rp] Prince> why would you believe my words
[19:25:09] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I don't, but I want to
[19:25:21] <✦[rp] Prince> and here i thought you were smart
[19:25:40] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm used to honest folks, I think
[19:26:13] <✦[rp] The Wizard> How much do you really lie?
[Prince raises his voice.]
[19:26:15] <✦[rp] Prince> well im not honest, because i LIE and CHEAT and you dont believe me when i say that i didnt take over doc PURPOSELY
[19:26:37] <✦[rp] Prince> i lie a lot. it just sounds like truth to you, nerd
[The Wizard is quiet again, before he finally speaks, staring at a point on the ground, but not at Prince.]
[19:26:49] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I suppose it does
[19:27:10] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Sometimes I wonder if you lie about lying
[19:27:18] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Because then no one will get close to you
[19:27:27] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No one really knows you then
[19:27:31] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No one can really care
[19:27:38] <✦[rp] The Wizard> But hey, that's just speculation
[19:27:45] <✦[rp] Prince> no one already cares
[19:27:58] <✦[rp] The Wizard> I'm trying to, but you do make it hard
[Prince squares his shoulders.]
[19:28:29] <✦[rp] Prince> im the big scary shadow over this whole server and none of you believe what i say because im creepy or whatever
[19:28:58] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Talk a big game there
[19:29:02] <✦[rp] Prince> i do a little trolling and everyone's up my ass about sucking someone's nutrients from their arm
[19:29:11] <✦[rp] Prince> its not even good nutrients
[19:29:18] <✦[rp] The Wizard> No, he was a bad choice
[19:29:18] <✦[rp] Prince> he barely eats anything
[19:29:32] <✦[rp] The Wizard> He's paranoid and neurotic, what did you think was gonna happen?
[19:29:41] <✦[rp] Prince> fuck if i know
[19:30:05] <✦[rp] The Wizard> AND a doctor, of course he's going to starve out the infection
[19:31:58] <✦[rp] Prince> at some points it feels like im the one keeping him alive smh
[19:32:10] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised
[19:32:18] <✦[rp] The Wizard> He was looking the best when Joco was taking care of him
[19:32:28] <✦[rp] Prince> hmm yeah
[19:32:30] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Which, why did you put a stop to that if Joco was keeping him fed?
[19:32:48] <✦[rp] Prince> tbh i dont think that was me me
[19:32:52] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont really rmemeber
[19:33:16] <✦[rp] The Wizard> For what purpose?
[Prince shakes his head.]
[19:33:23] <✦[rp] Prince> idk man its all falling apart
[The Wizard looks at him with sympathy.]
[19:33:37] <✦[rp] The Wizard> You really don't know what you're doing, do you?
[19:33:52] <✦[rp] Prince> im not answering that
[The Wizard laughs loudly.]
[19:34:04] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Wouldn't expect you to
[Prince flips off the Wizard.]
[19:34:17] <✦[rp] Prince> eat shit and die
[19:34:28] <✦[rp] The Wizard> How kind of you.
[19:34:59] <✦[rp] Prince> bleh >:P
[19:35:34] <✦[rp] Prince> well im leaving . because ur stupid and dumb and i hate your guts
[19:35:37] <✦[rp] Prince> good BYE
[19:35:45] <✦[rp] The Wizard> See you later, Prince
[19:35:51] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Have a safe trip home
[Prince shoots up into the sky on sculk-wings, he flips off the Wizard one more time from the sky before plummeting to the earth.]
[19:35:56] <✦[rp] Prince> DIE
[19:35:57] ✦[rp] Prince fell from a high place
[19:36:04] <✦[rp] The Wizard> Well, alright then!