Characters present: Cinder, Joco, Flick
Date: 12/19/23
Season: 3

[Joco and Flick stand inside of a building. They gesture to the windows.]

[19:56:31] <✦[rp] Joco> Flick there are a number of reasons why the windows are open.

[19:56:38] <✦[rp] Joco> Flying in is one.

[19:56:44] <✦[rp] Flick> Airflow is another?

[19:56:51] <✦[rp] Joco> A bit, yeah

[19:56:51] <✦[rp] Flick> Smoke from kitchen mishaps?

[Cinder pushes the door open and strides inside, looking around for Joco.]

[19:57:01] <✦[rp] cinder> Hey Joco! I'm here!

[19:57:12] <✦[rp] Joco> Hey! We're up here

[Cinder summits the stairs, following the sound of Joco’s voice.]

[19:57:23] <✦[rp] cinder> We? Oh! Hello!

[19:57:28] <✦[rp] Joco> Hi! So

[19:57:38] <✦[rp] cinder> Hi! Um. Who's this?

[19:57:47] <✦[rp] Joco> Not sure if you remember, but after we had that chat in. The hole??? The bird friend I mentioned?

[19:57:50] <✦[rp] Joco> This is Flick!

[Flick waves, slightly confused, as he and Cinder have never met before.]

[19:57:51] <✦[rp] Flick> Hello

[19:57:53] <✦[rp] Joco> Flick, this is Cinder!

[19:57:59] <✦[rp] cinder> oh. ohhhhhh!

[19:57:54] <✦[rp] Flick> Nice to meet you Cinder :D

[19:58:06] <✦[rp] cinder> Nice to meet you too!

[19:58:17] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah! So.

[19:58:19] <✦[rp] Joco> Uh

[19:58:31] <✦[rp] Joco> Cinder you never leave the house. Flick you never leave the house. So! Why not introduce my two bird friends who never leave the house?

[19:58:42] <✦[rp] Flick> I leave the house, sometimes

[19:58:44] <✦[rp] cinder> hey excuse you i leave the house! Sometimes

[19:58:47] <✦[rp] cinder> Jinx

[19:58:54] <✦[rp] Flick> Jinx

[19:58:57] <✦[rp] Flick> :)

[19:59:01] <✦[rp] cinder> :D

[19:58:35] <✦[rp] cinder> You're the other avian? I should have seen it from the get go. Look at those wings, wow!

[19:58:53] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!

[Flick smiles slightly, he raises his wings.]

[19:59:12] <✦[rp] Flick> Thank you I try to take good care of them

[19:59:32] <✦[rp] Flick> Two bird friends who never leave the house meeting inside a Third Separate House, delightful

[19:59:42] <✦[rp] cinder> now we've left the house to a separate third house!

[19:59:46] <✦[rp] Joco> Wooo!

[19:59:53] <✦[rp] Joco> This house has open windows at the very least!

[20:00:05] <✦[rp] cinder> ooh very nice airflow

[20:00:12] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeeeeup!

[19:59:32] <✦[rp] cinder> Wow. I can't believe theres been another avian on this server the whole time. I haven't met another one in... ages. way too long.

[They walk towards the open window, looking down onto the ground far below. Their wings itch.]

[20:00:13] <✦[rp] cinder> I miss getting to be up so high, sometimes

[20:00:19] <✦[rp] Flick> Me too! I haven't seen another winged person since uh. My parents, I think.

[Flick falters slightly when the memories come, but he pushes them away.]

[20:00:35] <✦[rp] cinder> Ha, yeah. Same for me. It was... A while ago.

[20:00:55] <✦[rp] cinder> I server hopped but I suppose there's less of us than you would think because i never really met anyone else.

[Joco stands away from the two of them, almost pretending to be busy with something.]

[20:01:18] <✦[rp] Joco> Quite a few servers totally lack any winged folk

[20:01:30] <✦[rp] Joco> This one is a notable outlier, we have. So many.

[20:01:35] <✦[rp] Flick> Man. I used to be good at finding other groups of folks like me but. Things happened. and I couldn't find anymore,

[20:01:34] <✦[rp] cinder> Do you know what kind of avian you are? My family didn't really have a specific species that we were able to keep track of but I think some do

[20:02:09] <✦[rp] Flick> I've got chickadee traits

[20:02:24] <✦[rp] cinder> Awesome

[20:02:33] <✦[rp] cinder> And your wings? You can... Actually fly with them?

[20:03:09] <✦[rp] Flick> I can! it uh. Took a while to start flying again, when I first joined up with these guys, but. Yeah! I like flying, I can't believe I stopped.

[20:04:17] <✦[rp] cinder> Wow, you're so lucky. I'm glad you got started again. When I was a kid, I was too young to have the strength to fly, and now... Well. Can't exactly do much like this.

[20:04:50] <✦[rp] Flick> What's happened?

[Cinder stretches their wings, they turn their head, looking away as they show off the damaged feathers, and the lines of purple where they seem almost to glitch.]

[20:04:48] <✦[rp] cinder> Kinda make catching air difficult! ha.

[20:05:05] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah, that'd put a damper on things

[20:05:06] <✦[rp] Flick> Oh! Oh dear, what Happened?

[20:05:28] <✦[rp] Flick> I was going to offer to help you build up muscle to fly but. uh.

[20:05:37] <✦[rp] cinder> It's... Um, a long story. But they don't seem to heal. I think they're... Getting worse, in fact.

[20:05:59] <✦[rp] cinder> They were cut, once, the feathers. Which was fine, feathers grow back. But after some stuff happened I don't think they can anymore.

[20:06:17] <✦[rp] Joco> Who cut your feathers???

[20:06:21] <✦[rp] Joco> That's bullshit right there

[Flick is fidgety, he watches Cinder nervously. Another problem to be aware of on the server.]

[20:06:40] <✦[rp] Flick> Getting worse isn't good- what all have you tried??

[20:06:57] <✦[rp] Flick> Were they. gentle at least? In the cutting?? It hurts, sometimes.

[20:07:03] <✦[rp] cinder> Ha, yeah, well, I got off lightly compared to a lot of other people. My parents-

[Cinder sucks in a sharp breath.]

[20:07:03] <✦[rp] cinder> I got off lightly.

[20:07:14] <✦[rp] Joco> Shit, kid

[20:07:41] <✦[rp] Flick> I'm sorry to hear that your parents are. Sorry.

[20:08:07] <✦[rp] cinder> I get it though! Political coup. You gotta make a show of things, and my family were a... big deal back then.

[20:08:44] <✦[rp] Flick> Oh, goodness. I don't feel like a sorry is big enough.

[20:08:20] <✦[rp] Joco> Big political figures?

[20:08:34] <✦[rp] Joco> Or just like. Famous.

[20:08:50] <✦[rp] cinder> More like... royalty? Sort of?

[20:09:05] <✦[rp] cinder> As close as my home server had, anyway. Not that it means anything now.

[20:09:06] <✦[rp] Joco> Ah

[20:09:08] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah

[20:09:11] <✦[rp] Joco> No that. Yeah.

[Cinder turns, and smiles at Flick, grateful, but tired.]

[20:09:25] <✦[rp] cinder> I don't need an apology, don't worry. What's done is done, right?

[20:09:40] <✦[rp] Flick> I mean, i suppose so. but it still sucks, y'know?

[20:09:44] <✦[rp] cinder> it's just crazy to see someone else like me after so long. I can't believe it

[20:09:48] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!

[20:09:55] <✦[rp] Joco> Bird folk! Wahoo!

[Joco cringes after saying that.]

[20:10:00] <✦[rp] cinder> I'm glad you brought us together Joco. Thank you!

[20:10:07] <✦[rp] Joco> Of course!

[20:10:26] <✦[rp] Joco> Birds of a feather? Is that.

[20:10:29] <✦[rp] Joco> Is that a phrase that is ok.

[20:10:45] <✦[rp] Joco> It's ok with some but not all, I know.

[Light, joking: ]

[20:11:15] <✦[rp] cinder> well my feathers are a bit of a sore subject, Joco!

[20:11:26] <✦[rp] cinder> but no, it's fine. funny, even, to me at least

[20:10:56] <✦[rp] cinder> As for what I've tried, about the wings, not much, mostly cause I don't really understand it. I've been talking to Ollie, though, and I'll check in with the Wizard. Maybe we can find something to help.

[Joco grits their teeth, sucking in air through them.]

[20:12:15] <✦[rp] Joco> Well! haha. Uh.

[20:11:26] <✦[rp] Flick> I mean, I don't see a problem with it, honestly. And it's nice to see another person like me again, even if your wings are um. A touch damaged, there.

[20:12:27] <✦[rp] Flick> The Wizard tends to know a lot, I've found.

[20:12:42] <✦[rp] Joco> Wings are limbs, right? And prosthetics can be made to replace or fill-in limbs.

[20:12:54] <✦[rp] Flick> True. It'd be difficult though, I feel.

[20:12:58] <✦[rp] Joco> Feathered wings are harder to replicate

[20:13:05] <✦[rp] Flick> Yeah.

[20:13:08] <✦[rp] Joco> Out of the major wing types, wings are the trickiest

[20:13:18] <✦[rp] cinder> Yeah, and they tend to hurt a lot. I don't know if... It would be hard to handle, I think

[Joco’s ears twitch.]

[20:13:27] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah. Yeah, that's. Yeah.

[20:13:32] <✦[rp] cinder> Are you okay Joco? You look kinda... Tense?

[20:13:42] <✦[rp] Joco> Oh! Don't worry about it haha

[Flick’s wings are pressed hard against his back, he looks nervously between Joco and Cinder.]

[20:14:18] <✦[rp] Flick> I'm a little worried about it, buddy. You promise you're alright?

[20:14:23] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah, no, totally

[20:14:47] <✦[rp] cinder> .. well, if you're sure.

[Joco’s tail is wrapped around their leg.]

[20:14:51] <✦[rp] Joco> Yep!

[20:14:51] <✦[rp] Flick> mmmmmm.

[Joco runs their hands over the tail, trying to smooth down the hair poofing up from it.]

[20:14:53] <✦[rp] Joco> So!

[20:15:00] <✦[rp] Joco> Hey, y'all mentioned like. Species and such

[20:15:14] <✦[rp] Joco> I've met quite a few. Avians. In my time, can y'all eat bread?

[20:15:22] <✦[rp] Joco> I knew some once who got drunk off the stuff.

[20:15:33] <✦[rp] Joco> And I've known a few that got sick. And some that were just fine.

[20:15:56] <✦[rp] cinder> Drunk? Oh that would be hilarious. No, bread just tastes pretty good to me. I doubt I could subsist entirely off it, but most couldn't, so I think I'm pretty human in that regard

[20:16:20] <✦[rp] Joco> I mean, yeah. Most folk couldn't subsist off of bread alone!

[20:16:25] <✦[rp] Joco> That's just not nutrients

[20:16:32] <✦[rp] Flick> It gives me a pretty bad stomach ache if I eat too much, but I tend to know the limit.

[20:16:45] <✦[rp] Joco> Interesting!

[20:17:14] <✦[rp] cinder> Hey, flick, how long have you been on this server? I assume longer than i have. You and Joco seem to be pretty familiar with one another

[20:17:48] <✦[rp] Flick> I've been on this server since we first found it- Joco and I met last world. We were neighbors :)

[20:18:12] <✦[rp] Joco> We've been here a couple years?

[20:18:33] <✦[rp] Joco> Not this world, this world I don't know the age, but part of the server group in general.

[20:18:31] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh, nice! And how'd you stumble onto that one? I mean, most avians are flocking, for you to be alone for a couple years is pretty unusual. Though, look who's talking I guess.

[20:18:55] <✦[rp] Joco> Some birds fly alone, but. Yeah.

[20:19:25] <✦[rp] cinder> True. Wouldn't fault you for that if that was the case!

[20:19:45] <✦[rp] Flick> We used to have seasonal flocks, and I'd move between them during the summers, but um. Some things happened. And I was alone until I met Ollie, and then joined up with these guys.

[20:20:06] <✦[rp] Joco> I'm glad you found Ollie, then!

[20:20:06] <✦[rp] cinder> Some... things?

[Flick presses his wings closer to his back, he looks away. He’s quiet for a moment before speaking.]

[20:21:01] <✦[rp] Flick> It was. Bad?? I'd really. really really rather not talk about it. I will say flying again was its own little victory in itself.

[Joco speaks quickly and loudly, trying to change the topic.]

[20:21:23] <✦[rp] Joco> Real! I got on this server because I heard a rumor about it and then packed my bags before the Unknown moved me to a new world!

[20:21:29] <✦[rp] Flick> Meeting Ollie was good, I'm glad I did. :)

[20:21:48] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh! Of course, sorry. I get it. well, not exactly, I have no idea what exactly happened, but... the whole 'rather not talk about it' thing. Yeah.

[20:22:06] <✦[rp] Flick> Just moving you between worlds like some kind of. Damn that's shitty. I'm glad you made it here!

[20:22:27] <✦[rp] Joco> Hey, at least I didn't have to watch last world die like the rest! It never seems to die, Goodlands. Love it to bits.

[20:22:31] <✦[rp] Joco> I'm glad to be here, too

[20:24:06] <✦[rp] Joco> Last server I was on, I was there for like a total of 30 years in all? 10 conseq and then 20 conseq, no idea why they didn't have an Ending Event.

[20:22:03] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh yeah Joco, you moved around a lot too, huh.

[20:23:09] <✦[rp] cinder> And hey, it seems like this one does a pretty good job of never dying, at least in terms of the people. Even if the worlds go to shit

[20:23:26] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!

[20:24:09] <✦[rp] Flick> I think we do. A pretty good job at not letting people die.

[20:24:24] <✦[rp] Joco> I mean. We sure try our best!

[20:24:27] <✦[rp] Joco> Hahah.

[20:24:51] <✦[rp] cinder> Mmm. That's... Definitely a good thing. I think I'm sick of so much of that.

[20:24:57] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah

[20:25:20] <✦[rp] Joco> In our escape from our last world, we did lose one? Self-sacrifice, he died to make sure the rest of us survived.

[20:25:46] <✦[rp] Joco> But! Hey! Maybe we won't. Need to do that, to get to next world. I don't want anyone to have to make that choice.

[20:26:01] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh, I think I was told something about that last time.

[20:26:10] <✦[rp] Flick> That was one of the reasons I followed Ollie to Wisteria, to be honest. All of that whole uh. He wasn't doing well, I thought.

[20:26:17] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah, that tracks

[There’s a beat of silence, before Flick takes the opening to change the topic.]

[20:26:29] <✦[rp] Flick> Anyways hey Cinder do you have any hobbies,

[20:26:34] <✦[rp] Joco> Hobbies are so good

[20:26:38] <✦[rp] Flick> things you'd like to do

[Cinder looks concerned.]

[20:26:36] <✦[rp] cinder> Was he upset over losing that person?

[20:26:50] <✦[rp] Joco> Ollie and Oliver were. Lovers? I think? Very upset.

[20:26:55] <✦[rp] Flick> Yeah he was pretty upset.

[20:26:54] <✦[rp] Joco> BUT hobbies!!!!

[20:26:58] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh! Hobbies. Um, yeah, I have those.

[Cinder furrows his brow, thinking.]

[20:27:12] <✦[rp] Joco> I like to. Dig dens in places.

[20:27:20] <✦[rp] Joco> Flick likes to. Dig in general I think?

[20:27:43] <✦[rp] Flick> Digging is an ambient hobby. No thoughts just Dig. It's almost meditational <3

[20:27:27] <✦[rp] cinder> I like to... Keep axolotls? I like fish but those cant be in the same pool so. Pick and choose.

[20:27:34] <✦[rp] Joco> Axolotls are great!

[20:27:53] <✦[rp] Flick> Axolotls are lovely!

[20:27:37] <✦[rp] Joco> Silly little guys!

[20:27:42] <✦[rp] Joco> I've got a pond of em out back

[20:27:47] <✦[rp] cinder> I like swords. Just as a concept. I can't really do much in combat, I was never really taught.

[20:27:55] <✦[rp] Joco> Swords are cool

[20:28:02] <✦[rp] cinder> I'm not sure I've ever tried digging as a hobby, but it sounds... Fun I guess?

[20:28:18] <✦[rp] Joco> It's not a lot of. Airspace, is it?

[20:28:38] <✦[rp] Flick> Joco, you saw the hole I dug last world. I made my own airspace. It was wonderful.

[20:28:46] <✦[rp] Joco> You did, yeah

[20:29:09] <✦[rp] Flick> It's like a weighted blanket first- close, kind of compact. And then as you widen it out, it's fun to fly in.

[20:29:15] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!

[20:29:28] <✦[rp] cinder> huh. I'm sure it would be a lot of fun

[20:29:39] <✦[rp] cinder> I'm not so fond of the dark, though. It would have to be well lit

[20:28:52] <✦[rp] cinder> I guess you liking digging makes sense, Joco, considering the void holes and-

[Cinder remembers their conversation with Ollie, and how poorly it went when discussing the void. They shake their head, starting again.]

[20:28:52] <✦[rp] cinder> I mean you've done plenty. of digging. As in.

[Flick pauses, he turns his head.]

[20:29:57] <✦[rp] Flick> ......... do we care to elaborate on void holes???

[20:30:03] <✦[rp] cinder> Ha! Well.

[20:30:04] <✦[rp] Joco> Uhhhhhhhh maybe!

[20:30:05] <✦[rp] cinder> Um. Do we?

[20:30:07] <✦[rp] Flick> If not that's uh. Fine

[20:30:10] <✦[rp] Joco> I like Flick

[20:30:17] <✦[rp] Joco> Wiz likes Flick.

[20:30:38] <✦[rp] Flick> The wizard was my other neighbor, from the last world. we had semi-matching trees.

[20:31:04] <✦[rp] Joco> OH YEAH Cinder, Flick, Wiz, and I were all neighbors last world. That's why we're buddies.

[20:31:14] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh!! That explains some thing

[20:30:24] <✦[rp] cinder> I like Flick too from the. Few minutes I've known them

[20:30:28] <✦[rp] Joco> Flick you don't like the sculk, right?

[20:30:36] <✦[rp] cinder> Yeah, thoughts and feelings?

[20:30:37] <✦[rp] Joco> Negative relation with the sculk?

[20:30:55] <✦[rp] Flick> Not. A big fan of the sculk. Much less a fan of what it did to Doc.

[20:31:02] <✦[rp] cinder> yeah that sounds good to me

[20:31:07] <✦[rp] Joco> Awesome!

[20:31:11] <✦[rp] Joco> Follow me?

[Joco runs off, and Flick and Cinder have to hurry to keep up.]

[20:31:45] <✦[rp] Flick> joco the SUDDENESS of your location change Unnerves me slightly I won't lie

[20:32:13] <✦[rp] Joco> Don't worry about it! Haha!

[Joco is the fastest of the group by far, and Flick glides down small distances as Cinder takes up the rear. Cinder watches Flick’s wings with thinly veiled envy.

[20:32:25] <✦[rp] Joco> So, remember last world's Void?

[20:32:29] <✦[rp] Joco> The. Void holes?

[20:32:47] <✦[rp] Joco> This goes ALL the way down.

[20:32:55] <✦[rp] Flick> The void holes last world? The ones we cordoned off??? Those void holes????

[20:33:00] <✦[rp] Joco> We're trying to summon the Void from last world.

[20:33:04] <✦[rp] Joco> To eat the sculk

[20:33:15] <✦[rp] Joco> Like when you have a wither fight an ender dragon

[20:33:35] <✦[rp] cinder> Or when two apex predators kill each other by devouring each others food source!

[20:33:21] <✦[rp] Flick> I. Uh. Hm.

[20:33:29] <✦[rp] Joco> There's 2 other holes.

[20:33:34] <✦[rp] Flick> Do you think that's SAFE??

[20:33:49] <✦[rp] Joco> Something sure is going to happen!

[20:33:50] <✦[rp] cinder> Though. Maybe we;re the food source. Maybe that's a bad metaphor

[20:33:52] <✦[rp] Flick> If this world becomes the food source I'm.

[20:34:05] <✦[rp] Joco> Maybe it will end whatever shit the sculk's doing to people, like Punk and Doc!

[20:34:09] <✦[rp] Flick> Maybe not great maybe maybe! Uh.

[20:34:14] <✦[rp] Joco> Maybes!!!!

[20:34:32] <✦[rp] cinder> The sculk is doing horrible things to people. And we... We didn't want to just watch and wait

[20:34:36] <✦[rp] Joco> Not necessarily a fantastic plan! But it's better than no plan!!!

[20:34:40] <✦[rp] Flick> Has anything happened with it??? The void hole, I mean

[20:34:49] <✦[rp] Joco> Not yet! But!!!

[20:34:53] <✦[rp] Flick> any changes??

[Quietly: ]

[20:34:53] <✦[rp] Flick> god please say no

[20:34:56] <✦[rp] Joco> We have. Void flowers, from the last world.

[20:35:11] <✦[rp] Joco> We've planted them. In the holes. At least I hope so.

[20:35:21] <✦[rp] Joco> I need to check the other holes to make sure Finch did that actually

[20:35:49] <✦[rp] Flick> Okay. Okay. Finch seemed attached to the void last world- do you think there's a shot at keeping it from destroying the world??

[20:35:59] <✦[rp] Joco> Oh I don't think Finch can control it.

[Scoffing: ]

[20:36:11] <✦[rp] cinder> *scoffs* no one can.

[20:36:11] <✦[rp] Joco> But. This world seems doomed anyways, right? With the sculk?

[20:36:29] <✦[rp] Joco> We have nothing to get rid of the sculk. We cannot beat it. But!! I'd rather the Void eat this world than the Sculk.

[Flick furrows his brow, his wings twitch. He keeps a careful eye on everyone.]

[20:36:50] <✦[rp] Flick> that's fair- the void seems to be destruction but. the sculk eating a whole world feels. BAD.

[20:35:01] <✦[rp] cinder> I think theres something there, too.

[20:35:37] <✦[rp] cinder> I was never there last world, but the void... It's why my wings are like this. They've gotten worse since I've been around it more here. And I can... Hear it? Not actually, but.

[20:35:51] <✦[rp] cinder> it;s hard to explain. But it's not just an empty void. It's Void with a capital V

[20:36:29] <✦[rp] Flick> That's. deeply fascinating Cinder. and Maybe it'd be okay but.

[20:36:49] <✦[rp] Joco> Cinder what if you maybe. Stopped going into the void pits.

[20:36:59] <✦[rp] cinder> Ha! Good one Joco.

[20:37:15] <✦[rp] Joco> Ah. That's. Buckaroo I wasn't joking?

[20:37:37] <✦[rp] Joco> I love you dearly and would like you to stop doing something that hurts you?

[20:37:40] <✦[rp] Joco> That's not a joke.

[20:37:08] <✦[rp] Flick> Cinder you should PROBABLY not go all the way into the pit??

[20:37:29] <✦[rp] Flick> Void surfing is fun but. With your wings or if you use an elytra or. anything. it can be Risky.

[20:38:10] <✦[rp] Joco> Void surfing is fun until you realize you lost the hole and there's no light and it's all dark and you can't see anything but the BLACK above and the not-nothing below and

[Flick reaches over and smacks Joco with a wing.]

[20:38:00] <✦[rp] cinder> It's not really void surfing. And it doesn't hurt me more to be near it! It stops things from feeling so bad, sometimes

[20:38:31] <✦[rp] cinder> I sometimes just sit at the edge. Or if I fall in, which is always an accident I don't do it on purpose, then I get to... Be down there for a bit before I come back. And it's nice, kind of.

[20:38:29] <✦[rp] Joco> OK but Cinder if it makes your wings worse. And the wings. They've gotta be painful, right?

[20:39:08] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh yeah the wings hurt, but they;ve always done that. I can't stop now, I need to keep an eye on it. I need to keep it close!

[The prodding from Flick doesn’t help, and only makes Joco flench and tense up further.]

[20:39:37] <✦[rp] Flick> It being the wings, or the Void?

[20:40:00] <✦[rp] cinder> The Void, definitely.

[20:39:18] <✦[rp] Joco> Hmmmmmmmmmmm

[Flick pulls away, he whispers a quiet “sorry”. Joco hums in return.]

[20:39:49] <✦[rp] Joco> I think. Cause. So. We can check on the hole? Like. I i

[20:39:56] <✦[rp] Joco> I live right here. I can check the hole for you.

[20:39:58] <✦[rp] Joco> I can take pictures.

[20:40:29] <✦[rp] cinder> Yeah, but it's... It's not the same. I need to see it for myself. I need to KNOW things are okay. It won't be like last time.

[20:40:39] <✦[rp] Joco> OK but. Cinder I worry about you

[20:40:48] <✦[rp] Joco> What if we get the Void here and we lose you?

[20:41:00] <✦[rp] Joco> What if it spreads past your wings?

[20:41:10] <✦[rp] cinder> I- I don't think it can do that.

[20:41:19] <✦[rp] Joco> But you don't Know, do you?

[20:41:45] <✦[rp] cinder> Well... We can't stop now, right?

[20:41:57] <✦[rp] Joco> You don't know if it will or won't spread past your wings. You don't Know if this infection of Void on your wings won't consume you.

[20:41:16] <✦[rp] Flick> That. Yeah,. It's nice having another avian around, It'd be sad to lose you.

[20:42:05] <✦[rp] Joco> I. Bud I don't want to lose you.

[20:42:25] <✦[rp] Joco> We can't stop the void from coming here, we want it to come here. But we Don't want to lose you in the process

[20:42:35] <✦[rp] cinder> I don't want to get hurt. But sometimes things just happen.

[20:42:51] <✦[rp] Joco> Yes but this seems a thing we can prevent from happening.

[20:42:58] <✦[rp] Joco> If you just. Stop going in the hole?

[20:43:09] <✦[rp] cinder> I can;t do that, I don't think.

[20:43:01] <✦[rp] cinder> But I will try keep myself safe. If it;ll ease your mind, we can.. Check on it together? Whenever I come by to do it?

[20:43:10] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah. Sure, yeah, we could do that.

[20:43:10] <✦[rp] Flick> Cinder I've already got one friend who had to fight to stop a thing taking over his body. I know it's early to consider you a friend but- I'd rather not have to deal with that Twice??

[20:43:32] <✦[rp] Joco> I'm not sure we'd have another Doc situation at


[20:43:32] <✦[rp] Joco> hand. But.

[20:43:37] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah.

[20:43:38] <✦[rp] Flick> A buddy system to check seems good

[Cinder smiles at Flick.]

[20:44:33] <✦[rp] cinder> I'd be happy to be considered a friend. I've always wanted to have another person like me around. I'm not really used to it.

[Cinder looks to Joco as well.]

[20:44:33] <✦[rp] cinder> Not really used to having other people around in general.

[Heartbroken: ]

[20:44:48] <✦[rp] Joco> Kiddo,,,,

[20:45:23] <✦[rp] cinder> i... doubt things would get much worse. but I can go talk to Wizard about it. He might be able to help, in some way. I think we have bigger things to worry about before then, anyway, right?

[20:45:24] <✦[rp] Flick> You deserve to not have to be alone, I feel

[20:45:45] <✦[rp] cinder> Well hey, if that's the case for me, then the same goes for you. Both of you.

[20:45:48] <✦[rp] Joco> Wizard's good at these sorts of things, I think

[20:46:01] <✦[rp] Flick> The folks we can save I'd rather save- It sucks, but we can abandon worlds, I think. People, I'd rather not abandon.

[20:46:08] <✦[rp] Flick> or Lose, rather. in any way.

[20:46:25] <✦[rp] Joco> Abandoning. Losing. When people leave your life it hurts, and when they do it in a way that hurts them it hurts WORSE

[20:47:08] <✦[rp] Joco> We can buddy system going in the hole

[20:47:20] <✦[rp] Joco> Wiz can check on your wings, he's good at things like this I think

[20:47:22] <✦[rp] Flick> Very true, very very very true.

[20:47:36] <✦[rp] cinder> Yeah. Yeah, okay.

[20:47:50] <✦[rp] Joco> And! Hey!!

[20:48:02] <✦[rp] Joco> New friendship! New avian friendship! That's exciting!

[20:48:27] <✦[rp] cinder> True!!

[20:48:35] <✦[rp] Flick> New friendship! It's lovely to have another friend

[20:48:35] <✦[rp] Joco> You can talk about. Things, I don't know. Mining projects????

[20:48:35] <✦[rp] cinder> Flick are you a hug person can we hug?

[20:48:42] <✦[rp] Flick> Would you like to hug??

[20:48:48] <✦[rp] Flick> We can hug :>

[20:48:53] <✦[rp] cinder> I would enjoy a hug!

[Flick and Cinder hug. Cinder chirps instinctively, and Flick quietly makes a fee-bee whistle, so soft it can barely be heard. It's been a long time since either of them have done that. Cinder tries to whistle back, and though it’s out of tune, the fact that it was attempted at all is important. Joco perks up, trying to whistle like a mourning dove. They clear their throat.]

[20:51:37] <✦[rp] Joco> Should we get out of this hole?

[20:51:42] <✦[rp] Joco> I think we should get out of this area.

[Cinder startles as Joco whistles.]

[20:51:43] <✦[rp] cinder> Joco, was that... Do you... Uh. Want to join the hug?

[20:51:51] <✦[rp] Flick> Yeah that's. that's be good. leavin hole.

[20:52:02] <✦[rp] Flick> We can give joco a hug Out of Hole, maybe

[20:51:59] <✦[rp] Joco> I think I would maybe scream at the moment if I joined the hug but thank you.

[20:52:12] <✦[rp] cinder> perfectly valid response!

[20:52:50] <✦[rp] Flick> Understandable to not want a hug that's fair that's fine. Some other time <3

[They climb out from the area around the hole entrance, some with more ease than others.]

[20:52:57] <✦[rp] Joco> Hey, Flick, how IS your Pit going?

[20:53:13] <✦[rp] cinder> I assume this pit is completely unrelated to the void ones?

[20:53:16] <✦[rp] Joco> ENTIRELY

[20:53:20] <✦[rp] Joco> It's quite impressive

[20:53:29] <✦[rp] Joco> Moreso than the Void pits, honestly

[20:53:32] <✦[rp] Joco> More mining.

[20:53:41] <✦[rp] cinder> Well, I'd be keen to see if you'd be keen to show me!

[20:53:43] <✦[rp] Joco> Not that exploding bedrock isn't impressive? This is just. More work..

[20:53:58] <✦[rp] Flick> The pit under the spawn tree hasn't been worked on in months, the one under my home has been going steady, and there's . a different project that's a surprise

[20:54:07] <✦[rp] Joco> Ooooo

[20:54:14] <✦[rp] Joco> Alright, keep your secrets then!

[20:54:19] <✦[rp] Joco> May we see your tree pit?

[20:54:23] <✦[rp] Flick> So. My original pit, or the new one under my house? Do you have a preference??

[20:54:33] <✦[rp] Flick> joco there are. two tree pits </3

[20:54:35] <✦[rp] Joco> Stump pit and Tree pit

[20:54:38] <✦[rp] Joco> They're DIFFERENT

[20:54:43] <✦[rp] cinder> Odd question, but do either of them have water at the bottom?

[20:54:51] <✦[rp] Joco> Y. Yes? I think??

[20:54:55] <✦[rp] Joco> The tree one does

[20:55:01] <✦[rp] Joco> Stump is. a bit more hellish?

[20:55:11] <✦[rp] cinder> Can we do the tree one then?

[20:55:11] <✦[rp] Flick> I can certainly place water. the stump one has glowvines a decent way down, and I'm sure joco could lend a pearl

[20:55:18] <✦[rp] Flick> I never actually. finished the stairs back up or down.

[20:55:23] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah. Yeah you did not.

[20:55:35] <✦[rp] Joco> I got stuck down there a few times

[Flick laughs goodnaturedly.]

[20:55:43] <✦[rp] Flick> skill issue

[20:55:38] <✦[rp] Flick> Tree one then? Tree??

[20:55:40] <✦[rp] Joco> Tree!

[20:55:44] <✦[rp] cinder> Lead the way!

[Flick leads them to the pit, fluttering his wings. Joco shakes their head in exasperation, and Cinder feels that twinge of jealousy again.]

[20:59:22] <✦[rp] Flick> I have realized a Mistake. joco do you have a pearl on you for yourself or Cinder

[20:59:28] <✦[rp] cinder> I have one!

[20:59:28] <✦[rp] Joco> Uhhhhh

[20:59:34] <✦[rp] Joco> Awesome!

[20:59:42] <✦[rp] Flick> unless you wanted to. hop from here down to the wheat field and then climb down the mountain?

[20:59:53] <✦[rp] Joco> I bet I could jump into your pond

[21:00:01] <✦[rp] Joco> Aw yeah

[Joco finds a good ledge to jump off into the pond while Flick and Cinder find their own ways down. Cinder grabs a pearl and tosses it, warping from the top down to the bottom. Flick takes the long way down, leading navigating through his basement.]

[21:00:57] <✦[rp] Flick> this is where my axolotls are :)

[21:01:02] <✦[rp] Joco> Silly guys!

[21:01:07] <✦[rp] cinder> omg!! little guys

[Joco pats the strider head Flick keeps in the entrance to his storage room.]

[21:01:29] <✦[rp] Joco> Not-Wizard

[Flick jumps down the trapdoor-covered hole into the Pit, with Joco close behind and Cinder following]

[21:02:12] <✦[rp] Joco> Pit!

[21:02:16] <✦[rp] cinder> woah

[21:02:21] <✦[rp] cinder> This place is HUGE

[21:02:28] <✦[rp] Joco> Still a ways away from last world's Pit, but it sure is getting there!!

[21:03:20] <✦[rp] cinder> So you just... Do this for fun?

[21:03:26] <✦[rp] Flick> it's enrichment!

[21:03:27] <✦[rp] cinder> I'm not sure I get it but I'm definitely in awe!

[21:03:40] <✦[rp] Joco> This is more burrowing owl behavior than chickadee, I'm pretty sure.

[21:03:53] <✦[rp] Flick> the last world's pit was MUCH longer than this one currently is, and was high enough I used it as a tree farm. for full sized jungle trees.

[21:04:02] <✦[rp] Joco> Last worlds Pit was HUGE

[Flick pulls out his pickaxe and starts to mine.]

[21:04:27] <✦[rp] Joco> He just. Does this, for weeks on end.

[21:04:32] <✦[rp] cinder> Incredible

[21:04:35] <✦[rp] Joco> Truly

[21:04:45] <✦[rp] cinder> I don't think this one can be pinned on avian traits I think he's just like this

[21:04:49] <✦[rp] Joco> Real

[21:04:58] <✦[rp] Flick> I was um. Unwell, a couple weeks ago. Sunlight hurt, so I stayed down here for a while.

[Cinder whispers to Joco: ]

[21:05:25] <✦[rp] cinder> thanks for introducing us. it... It means a lot. And thank you for looking out for me so much

[21:05:31] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah! Of course!

[21:05:34] <✦[rp] cinder> oh! How did you get... uh. Unwell?

[Joco whispers: ]

[21:05:25] <✦[rp] Joco> It was a concussion

[21:06:07] <✦[rp] Flick> So. I know you probably miss flying. But. I may not have been careful enough.

[Swiftly: ]

[21:06:07] <✦[rp] Flick> AndMayHaveFlownDirectlyIntoAWindow

[21:06:16] <✦[rp] Joco> Bird moment, truly.

[21:06:17] <✦[rp] Joco> Is that.

[21:06:21] <✦[rp] Joco> Hey is that racist.

[21:06:22] <✦[rp] cinder> Sorry, didn't catch that

[21:06:27] <✦[rp] cinder> you did what?

[21:06:44] <✦[rp] Flick> MAYYYYYY have flown directly. into one of doc's windows. and been unconscious on his roof for a while.

[Joco shakes their head in exasperation.]

[21:07:03] <✦[rp] cinder> oh! Oh gosh wow thats. Okay that's unfortunate but also hilarious I've got to be honest.

[21:07:18] <✦[rp] Flick> I don't think it's anything I mean it's true. His windows are tinted, which helps, but also. The whole house is dark. So I forget, sometimes.

[21:07:31] <✦[rp] cinder> Also Joco I don't think it's problematic to say birds cant see glass. Though just so you know some of us can see glass still

[21:07:42] <✦[rp] cinder> since we arent FULL bird

[21:07:40] <✦[rp] Joco> OK but the phrase Bird Moment

[21:07:49] <✦[rp] cinder> nah that one's just funny

[21:07:53] <✦[rp] Joco> Lit

[21:08:02] <✦[rp] cinder> dont worry yourself, kitty cat.

[21:08:04] <✦[rp] Joco> Flick was concussed for like a month

[21:08:31] <✦[rp] Flick> don't know if i was CONCUSSED the whole time, but definitely dipped for a while

[21:08:19] <✦[rp] cinder> Are you okay now?

[21:08:43] <✦[rp] Flick> I'm doing MUCH better now. I even visited Joco! It's bright out there, y'know.

[21:09:01] <✦[rp] cinder> Very true, corroded is egregiously sunny.

[21:08:23] <✦[rp] Joco> This was right after the wedding, too, wasn't it?

[21:08:53] <✦[rp] Flick> Yeah pretty much right after the wedding <3

[21:08:55] <✦[rp] Joco> You said you were on the roof for a couple weeks. And even after that, the sun hurt for a while

[21:09:13] <✦[rp] cinder> Im sorry, on the roof for a Couple Weeks???

[21:09:06] <✦[rp] Joco> Bud that's concussion for at least a few weeks.

[21:09:06] <✦[rp] Flick> Time??? Not real.

[21:09:15] <✦[rp] Joco> You're not allowed to say that to me I'm so old

[21:09:27] <✦[rp] cinder> ha. Joco Grandpa

[21:09:29] <✦[rp] Joco> We are SO sunny someone should build a roof.

[21:09:36] <✦[rp] Joco> Oh Cinder darling do you even know

[21:09:38] <✦[rp] Flick> Am i allowed to claim extenuating circumstances

[21:09:49] <✦[rp] Joco> I don't think you are, buckaroo

[21:09:58] <✦[rp] Flick> GRANDPA. wait Cinder how old are you. Like if you had to guess.

[21:10:22] <✦[rp] cinder> Uuh. 18? 19? It's been a decent few years since my home server was gone, so... About that?

[Joking: ]

[21:10:55] <✦[rp] Flick> YOOO you're like. ROUGHLY my age! FINALLY I am friends with people who are not OLD

[21:11:02] <✦[rp] Joco> Babyman.

[21:11:06] <✦[rp] Joco> Fledgeling.

[21:10:38] <✦[rp] Joco> And how old would you guess me to be?

[21:11:09] <✦[rp] cinder> Okay this is definitely a trick question because you've said you lived longer than people guess you would have. So you've gotta be like... 60? 70?

[21:11:24] <✦[rp] cinder> cause you look young but you say you're older

[21:11:09] <✦[rp] Joco> Eyas.

[21:11:16] <✦[rp] Joco> Oh, buddy.

[21:11:19] <✦[rp] Joco> Cinder, as Wiz and I neglected to tell Flick for a good couple years. Wiz and I are the same age roughly? Around the same age, give or take a decade.

[21:11:24] <✦[rp] Joco> We're over 650 years old.

[21:11:28] <✦[rp] cinder> Wait. What

[Long suffering: ]

[21:11:38] <✦[rp] Flick> You Understand

[21:11:36] <✦[rp] Joco> I age REALLY slowly

[21:11:45] <✦[rp] Joco> Hit 12 and just. Slowed down

[21:11:43] <✦[rp] cinder> But he looks old! And you... don't???

[21:11:49] <✦[rp] cinder> 650????

[21:11:55] <✦[rp] cinder> What the fuck

[21:11:59] <✦[rp] Joco> I take like 40 years to age the equivalent of 1

[21:12:03] <✦[rp] Joco> 40-50

[21:12:06] <✦[rp] cinder> Flick can we be best friends now I need a united front in my horror right now

[21:12:18] <✦[rp] Flick> immediate bird bestie. yes

[21:12:21] <✦[rp] Flick> godbless

[21:12:14] <✦[rp] Flick> they're SO OLD

[21:12:17] <✦[rp] Joco> I'm so old

[21:12:25] <✦[rp] cinder> So old.

[21:13:33] <✦[rp] cinder> So Flick, you're like. About my age, but I assume a little older?

[21:13:50] <✦[rp] Flick> Mhm. Earlier twenties, younger than 25. Short but thats . just Nature

[21:12:26] <✦[rp] Joco> Cinder. Cinder buddy the language we're speaking right now?

[21:12:32] <✦[rp] Joco> It's not my native form of it

[21:12:36] <✦[rp] Joco> I've watched it evolve

[21:12:46] <✦[rp] Joco> I've looked it up in libraries.

[21:12:57] <✦[rp] Joco> Doc made me interested in it

[21:12:47] <✦[rp] cinder> DID YOU MEET SHAKESPEARE

[21:13:02] <✦[rp] Joco> I. Don't know who that is?

[21:13:10] <✦[rp] cinder> Damn. Worth a try.

[21:13:32] <✦[rp] Joco> What did he do?

[21:13:57] <✦[rp] cinder> He wrote some things. Plays and poems and stuff. I always liked learning about them on other servers when I got the chance.

[21:14:16] <✦[rp] Joco> OH that startup from way back!

[21:14:29] <✦[rp] Joco> I was like. 13 equivalent at the time, I want to say.

[21:14:38] <✦[rp] Joco> 13 or 14

[21:14:45] <✦[rp] Joco> Angsty stuff, that guy wrote

[Cinder looks on in awe. They are nothing if not an absolute theater kid.]

[21:14:52] <✦[rp] cinder> Woah,,,,

[21:14:59] <✦[rp] Flick> Plays are lovely. Scripts and such

[21:15:03] <✦[rp] Joco> Never met him, I was busy doing other things.

[21:15:09] <✦[rp] Joco> But! Yeah. On the language topic.

[21:15:15] <✦[rp] Joco> We speak... English? I think?

[21:15:28] <✦[rp] Joco> I spoke Middle English when I was younger.

[21:15:59] <✦[rp] Joco> I've quite literally watched this language evolve

[21:16:10] <✦[rp] cinder> That's... Awesome. And terrifying. Mostly awesome!

[21:16:13] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!

[21:16:30] <✦[rp] Flick> You're SO OLD old man.

[21:16:36] <✦[rp] Joco> Technically, if we go by maturity, I'm like mid 20s?

[21:16:47] <✦[rp] Joco> But! Experience-wise! I'm. Long-lived

[21:16:48] <✦[rp] Flick> Was it weird' watching the language change? Having to get used to new spellings all the time?

[21:16:53] <✦[rp] Joco> Yes.

[21:17:02] <✦[rp] Joco> I remember when there was no correct spellings.

[21:16:55] <✦[rp] cinder> Hmm. So sometime soon I could be more mature than you?

[21:17:08] <✦[rp] Joco> Oh you will be in a few years

[Cinder laughs, joking.]

[21:17:16] <✦[rp] cinder> I cannot wait for the day!

[Joco’s voice is quiet, they’re not bothered by this joke, if anything they’re morose.]

[21:17:20] <✦[rp] Joco> I can.

[21:18:00] <✦[rp] Joco> In the time it takes me to mature the equivalent of 2 years, that's about your average player's lifespan.

[21:18:23] <✦[rp] cinder> Oh, that's... Less cool. Kind of sad actually.

[21:18:20] <✦[rp] Joco> So! Stay young. Stay Spritely. No aging, please!

[21:18:37] <✦[rp] cinder> I'll do my best. You'll start to find it annoying!

[21:18:42] <✦[rp] Joco> Bud

[21:18:53] <✦[rp] Joco> I've never managed to have a friend longer than a couple years.

[21:19:07] <✦[rp] Joco> I would love to hang out long enough to get annoyed with y'all

[21:19:28] <✦[rp] Flick> I mean, you've got Doc and Wiz now! You've got old folks, don't have to be destined to be Alone In The End, y'know??

[21:19:36] <✦[rp] Joco> Doc ages at a normal rate, birdy

[21:19:44] <✦[rp] Joco> He's literally just some human, I'm pretty sure

[21:20:11] <✦[rp] Flick> Right, right uh. Damn,

[21:20:08] <✦[rp] Joco> Wiz, love him to bits, he ages faster than I do?

[21:20:14] <✦[rp] Joco> At least visibly

[21:20:20] <✦[rp] Joco> So

[21:20:32] <✦[rp] Joco> I'll probably outlive him too, unless I get killed!

[21:20:31] <✦[rp] cinder> ... Well, however long I've got. I'll look forward to spending it with you.

[21:20:35] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!

[21:20:39] <✦[rp] Joco> That's the spirit!

[21:20:54] <✦[rp] cinder> I'm the same. Not really used to long term friends. So, uh... Guess we can both find it out together, should all go to plan?

[21:21:01] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!!!!!!

[21:21:02] <✦[rp] cinder> And you too, Flick!!

[21:21:13] <✦[rp] Flick> so! on the deeply endearing topic of the endless march of time. Want to dig??? It'll be fun! :D

[21:21:28] <✦[rp] Flick> You dig. you Chat. bonding activity <3

[21:21:33] <✦[rp] cinder> you know what, sure. I'd love to dig.

[21:21:36] <✦[rp] Joco> OH hey Cinder, you weren't here when I wasn't a catboy!

[21:21:55] <✦[rp] cinder> OH I FORGOT YOU WERENT ALWAYS ONE

[21:21:58] <✦[rp] Joco> I used to look like a plain ol' human!!!

[21:22:02] <✦[rp] cinder> In a way i wish I could forget again.

[21:22:07] <✦[rp] Joco> Dang

[21:22:19] <✦[rp] cinder> The thought of you without the ears feels wrong to me.

[21:22:25] <✦[rp] Joco> I mean I had ears.

[21:22:27] <✦[rp] Joco> Just. Not cat ones.

[21:22:32] <✦[rp] cinder> Yeah I rest my case!

[21:22:30] <✦[rp] Joco> And no tail

[21:22:35] <✦[rp] Joco> And I could drink milk normally.

[21:22:44] <✦[rp] Joco> And I couldn't see very well in the dark?

[21:22:55] <✦[rp] Joco> Although. My vision in the dark has been getting worse lately.

[21:22:56] <✦[rp] Joco> Meh

[21:23:03] <✦[rp] Flick> I mean, at least you can see well!

[21:23:06] <✦[rp] cinder> Do you... know why?

[21:23:15] <✦[rp] Joco> No clue!

[21:23:33] <✦[rp] Joco> It might be because I haven't eaten fish in a while, it might be my eyes getting worse from the bright sun, it could be anything!

[21:23:38] <✦[rp] Joco> Maybe I'm de-catting

[21:23:40] <✦[rp] Joco> That'd be funny

[21:23:47] <✦[rp] Flick> It could be. Maybe you're going back to human-itity

[Chuckles: ]

[21:23:56] <✦[rp] Joco> Human titty

[21:23:59] <✦[rp] cinder> Well, if I;m getting my wings checked, maybe you should get your... catboy status checked

[21:24:20] <✦[rp] Joco> Sure!

[21:25:40] <✦[rp] cinder> Though I don't know how qualified Wizard is with medical advice. I suppose he's our best bet

[21:25:56] <✦[rp] Joco> I don't think Doc is a medical doctor.

[21:26:09] <✦[rp] Joco> And he'd be my second thought on who to ask stuff about

[21:26:17] <✦[rp] Joco> And also he's not. Used to hybrids? I think

[21:26:18] <✦[rp] Joco> So.

[21:26:22] <✦[rp] Joco> Wizard!

[21:26:28] <✦[rp] Joco> He likes books he'll be fine

[21:28:12] <✦[rp] Joco> So!

[21:28:20] <✦[rp] Joco> I think. Maybe. Wizard visit on another day.

[21:28:37] <✦[rp] cinder> Yeah, I'm a bit too tired to do it today.

[21:28:41] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeup

[21:28:53] <✦[rp] cinder> we should... Do this again. If you guys want. I would like to hang out again!

[21:28:56] <✦[rp] Joco> Yeah!

[21:29:04] <✦[rp] Joco> This has been delightful!