Characters present: Finch, Prince
Date: 12/27/23
Season: 3
[Prince wanders out into the desert mesa outside of Verdigris, still within Corroded territory.]
[18:10:43] <✦[rp] Prince> hellllllllllllllo?
[18:10:46] <✦[rp] Prince> anyone here
[18:11:01] <✦[rp] Prince> lotta mobs out
[Finch steps out of their train, they furrow their brow at noise and movement outside.]
[18:11:06] <✦[rp] Finch> what the
[Prince waves.]
[18:11:17] <✦[rp] Prince> what's up
[18:11:21] <✦[rp] Finch> oh.
[18:11:25] <✦[rp] Finch> you.
[18:11:27] <✦[rp] Prince> hello there
[Finch points a hunting rifle at Prince.]
[18:11:33] <✦[rp] Finch> why are you here
[18:11:39] <✦[rp] Prince> ay! dont point that thang at me
[18:11:45] <✦[rp] Finch> you're at my house
[18:11:50] <✦[rp] Prince> this is more of a train
[18:11:53] <✦[rp] Finch> my house
[18:12:04] <✦[rp] Prince> more like a train
[18:12:11] <✦[rp] Finch> my train my rules
[18:12:15] <✦[rp] Prince> sure
[18:12:09] <✦[rp] Prince> why do u live in a train
[18:12:23] <✦[rp] Finch> why not. why do you live in a awefully ugly looking blot on this world
[18:12:36] <✦[rp] Prince> at least its a house smh
[18:12:45] <✦[rp] Prince> you live in the guts of a mythical beast
[18:12:57] <✦[rp] Prince> a mythical mechanical beast
[18:12:53] <✦[rp] Finch> and thats not cooler how?
[18:13:04] <✦[rp] Prince> im not saying its less cool
[18:13:07] <✦[rp] Prince> just that its not a house
[18:13:11] <✦[rp] Prince> its a train
[18:13:17] <✦[rp] Prince> the corpse of one
[18:13:20] <✦[rp] Finch> did you just come here to insult my house and make my day worse
[18:13:25] <✦[rp] Prince> maybe
[Prince puts a correctional finger up in the air.]
[18:13:33] <✦[rp] Prince> also insult your train
[18:13:35] <✦[rp] Prince> get it right
[Finch aims at the ground near Prince’s feet, firing off a shot.]
[18:13:50] <✦[rp] Finch> okay and why shouldnt i you know. aim a little better with these
[18:14:17] <✦[rp] Finch> youre in my house
[18:14:18] <✦[rp] Prince> well because you did a little thing called not following a deal my good kitty guy
[18:14:40] <✦[rp] Finch> i didnt do nothing. unless missing my shots for fun counts
[18:14:46] <✦[rp] Prince> bullshit
[18:14:48] <✦[rp] Prince> pyrite told me
[18:15:00] <✦[rp] Prince> you motherfuckers were playing with the 'void'
[18:15:04] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont exactly know what that is
[18:15:10] <✦[rp] Prince> but i know its to fuck me up
[18:15:09] <✦[rp] Finch> okay and? thats our buisness, not yours.
[18:15:19] <✦[rp] Prince> your business??
[18:15:21] <✦[rp] Finch> maybe i just want something i care about back
[18:15:25] <✦[rp] Finch> what does it matter to you
[18:15:40] <✦[rp] Prince> motherfucker did you forget what i goddamn said to you when ur shit ass dad got his husband from the Torture Basement?
[18:15:55] <✦[rp] Prince> dont. get. in. my. way.
[18:16:03] <✦[rp] Finch> i know
[18:16:02] <✦[rp] Finch> dont make a move against you or you wail like a little fucking child and throw someone under a bus
[18:16:15] <✦[rp] Prince> and what are you doing?
[Finch levels the gun again.]
[18:16:21] <✦[rp] Finch> getting my friend back.
[18:16:30] <✦[rp] Prince> for what reason hombre
[18:16:51] <✦[rp] Finch> why not!
[18:17:27] <✦[rp] Prince> well, first of all, pyrite told me it fucked up yall's last world
[18:17:32] <✦[rp] Finch> okay and....
[18:17:35] <✦[rp] Prince> so, its probably bad
[18:17:42] <✦[rp] Prince> why would you wanna bring something bad back
[18:17:54] <✦[rp] Prince> unless its to fuck me up
[18:17:55] <✦[rp] Finch> why are you trying to cover the world in your weird sculk shit
[18:18:10] <✦[rp] Prince> because not having to think when you live is NICE
[18:18:23] <✦[rp] Prince> thinking and deciding is the worst part of living
[18:18:38] <✦[rp] Prince> what's for dinner? what do i do next? is the future uncertain?
[18:18:45] <✦[rp] Prince> that shits for baby bones and makes you suffer
[18:18:25] <✦[rp] Finch> that sounds really boring, you know
[18:18:55] <✦[rp] Finch> either way. if we REALLY wanted to use it to mess you up or whatever. why wouldn't we start digging pits in malfaction, hm?
[18:19:38] <✦[rp] Finch> why would we dig a pit here?? where we live?? that seems really stupid if we wanted to use it against you, you know
[18:19:34] <✦[rp] Prince> well the fact that you started talking with pyrite means ur at least comfy with stepping back on malf land
[18:19:44] <✦[rp] Prince> so im sure youre planning too
[18:19:56] <✦[rp] Finch> trust me nobody was comfortable with that trip
[18:20:28] <✦[rp] Prince> sure sure
[18:20:53] <✦[rp] Finch> plus we didn't even go. topside. too cold for that. plus your land kinda sucks and nobody wants to go near your sculk . things.
[18:21:05] <✦[rp] Prince> dont be rude theyre awesome
[18:21:19] <✦[rp] Finch> you showed up to insult my void, so i think we're fair
[18:21:10] <✦[rp] Prince> anyway
[18:21:34] <✦[rp] Prince> last time i also heard that the void destroyed the World my little gatito
[18:21:44] <✦[rp] Prince> and guess who lives in the capital W world
[18:21:46] <✦[rp] Prince> ME
[18:21:49] <✦[rp] Finch> okay and? i just didn't have enough time to stop it this time
[18:21:59] <✦[rp] Finch> this time i can do that. and we can have my little friend in my area
[18:22:09] <✦[rp] Finch> and you can just. kinda fuck off somewhere i don't know.
[18:22:07] <✦[rp] Prince> oh reallllly?
[Prince smarms.]
[18:22:27] <✦[rp] Prince> mmm sure sure
[18:22:27] <✦[rp] Finch> i think you forget i live in this world too
[18:22:36] <✦[rp] Finch> why would i intentionally do something that would endanger myself
[18:22:46] <✦[rp] Prince> because ur naive and stupid
[18:23:01] <✦[rp] Prince> the fact you think its a 'friend' is enough evidence
[18:22:58] <✦[rp] Finch> and you admit you dont like thinking
[18:23:04] <✦[rp] Finch> so which one of us is worse?
[18:23:18] <✦[rp] Prince> ive got something else thinking for me
[18:23:23] <✦[rp] Prince> you only got your peabrain
[18:23:38] <✦[rp] Finch> i wouldn't call whatever that sculk stuff is smart either
[18:23:38] <✦[rp] Finch> so
[18:23:49] <✦[rp] Prince> oh its smarter than you at the very least
[18:24:00] <✦[rp] Prince> it knows between friend and foe pretty darn well
[18:24:05] <✦[rp] Prince> unlike you
[18:24:18] <✦[rp] Finch> oh i know it very well. i know there's one on my fucking house
[18:24:39] <✦[rp] Finch> a foe, you know, if your little sculk brain couldn't figure that one out
[18:24:45] <✦[rp] Prince> and yet it considers the 'void' to be friend? i think youre missing a few screws there bud
[18:24:55] <✦[rp] Prince> i know for a fact that you hate my guts
[18:25:02] <✦[rp] Prince> and i know youre foe dipstick
[18:25:08] <✦[rp] Finch> mhm
[18:25:11] <✦[rp] Prince> we both know we're foes of each other
[18:25:22] <✦[rp] Finch> great glad we're on the same page
[18:25:26] <✦[rp] Prince> you got that one figured out
[18:25:27] <✦[rp] Prince> congrats
[18:25:34] <✦[rp] Prince> but you still think this void fella is a friend
[18:25:46] <✦[rp] Finch> because it is. you weren't there. you don't know anything.
[18:26:00] <✦[rp] Prince> fine, ill admit that i wasnt there
[18:26:15] <✦[rp] Prince> but why is your friend so mean then? destroying a whole world seems pretty dickish to me
[18:26:44] <✦[rp] Finch> listen! i tried! i really did. but.. didn't work fast enough. that's fine. i can try again
[18:26:28] <✦[rp] Prince> at least sculk doesnt destroy
[18:26:36] <✦[rp] Prince> youll still live
[18:26:56] <✦[rp] Finch> i don't really see what you're describing as 'living'
[18:26:57] <✦[rp] Finch> you know
[18:27:05] <✦[rp] Finch> what's the point if you can't just leave
[18:27:15] <✦[rp] Finch> like this conversation.
[18:27:30] <✦[rp] Prince> hmmm
[Prince toes the line, tiptoeing forward towards Finch.]
[18:27:43] <✦[rp] Prince> oops
[Finch levels the rifle.]
[18:27:53] <✦[rp] Finch> keep your distance
[Prince points towards some buttons.]
[18:27:59] <✦[rp] Prince> hey what do these buttons do
[Finch flicks their ears back.]
[18:28:10] <✦[rp] Finch> those aren't mine
[18:28:13] <✦[rp] Finch> im not going near those
[18:28:16] <✦[rp] Prince> whose are they then
[18:28:21] <✦[rp] Finch> i'd guess yours
[18:28:28] <✦[rp] Finch> which is all the more reason to not touch them
[18:28:27] <✦[rp] Prince> why would it be mine??????
[18:28:36] <✦[rp] Finch> i don't know, you showed up at my house?
[18:28:50] <✦[rp] Finch> it's kept me alive thus far, so i'll call it justified
[18:29:05] <✦[rp] Prince> fair enough
[Prince rolls his eyes.]
[18:28:37] <✦[rp] Prince> jeez ur paranoid
[18:29:14] <✦[rp] Prince> do you not like pushing buttons though
[Finch narrows their eyes.]
[18:29:20] <✦[rp] Finch> i like pushing my own buttons
[18:29:27] <✦[rp] Prince> well these arent mine!!
[18:29:31] <✦[rp] Finch> aren't mine either
[18:29:35] <✦[rp] Prince> fair
[18:29:50] <✦[rp] Prince> ooh sniffers
[18:30:03] <✦[rp] Finch> plus if i really wanted to press them
[Finch climbs up to above the train tracks, they level their weapon, firing a shot at the button. It clicks and pushes it.]
[18:30:31] <✦[rp] Finch> doesn't seem to be doing much
[Finch fires at the button again.]
[18:31:03] <✦[rp] Finch> nope. the buttons don't do anything. so glad that mysery is solved. at a safe distance
[18:31:31] <✦[rp] Prince> have u tried all of them??
[18:31:48] <✦[rp] Prince> if you havent, that's not really knowing is it
[18:31:49] <✦[rp] Finch> so you did place them, hm?
[18:31:54] <✦[rp] Prince> no??
[18:32:01] <✦[rp] Finch> then why would you care
[18:32:07] <✦[rp] Prince> awesome buttons
[18:32:21] <✦[rp] Finch> thats most of the buttons
[18:32:28] <✦[rp] Finch> are you placing more
[18:32:31] <✦[rp] Prince> no??
[Prince points to a few more buttons.]
[18:32:30] <✦[rp] Prince> have you tried these ones
[18:32:38] <✦[rp] Finch> those were not there last i looked
[18:32:43] <✦[rp] Finch> and you're the only suspect
[18:32:47] <✦[rp] Finch> so i am NOT pressing those
[18:32:47] <✦[rp] Prince> i think ur just blind
[18:32:58] <✦[rp] Finch> i think you know what you're doing
[18:33:15] <✦[rp] Prince> i mean i know shit of jack of whats happening rn
[18:33:24] <✦[rp] Finch> either way you're dirtying my lawn
[Prince throws up his hands.]
[18:33:31] <✦[rp] Prince> im not doing anything!!
[18:33:32] <✦[rp] Prince> jeez
[18:33:41] <✦[rp] Finch> yeaaahhh sure
[18:33:52] <✦[rp] Finch> and why should i trust you on that
[Prince begins spreading sculk onto the ground in front of him.]
[18:34:01] <✦[rp] Finch> yeah okay thats. you're
[18:34:06] <✦[rp] Finch> thats my lawn man
[18:34:14] <✦[rp] Prince> just redecorating
[18:34:24] <✦[rp] Finch> its not good decoration
[18:34:29] <✦[rp] Prince> its awesome actually
[18:35:10] <✦[rp] Finch> i do have this
[Finch holds up a bucket of lava.]
[18:35:20] <✦[rp] Prince> ooh is that lava
[18:35:37] <✦[rp] Finch> yeah. i can. put it. on your. weird. decor. to. get you. to leave
[18:35:46] <✦[rp] Finch> thats not. going directly against you thats cleaning up my lawn
[18:35:49] <✦[rp] Prince> they can survive. for a bit
[18:36:35] <✦[rp] Finch> either way. can you just leave now
[18:36:38] <✦[rp] Finch> you got what you wanted
[18:36:55] <✦[rp] Finch> to have a chat. we had a chat.
[18:37:09] <✦[rp] Finch> and the answer was YOU'RE overreacting
[18:37:14] <✦[rp] Finch> so. can you leave now.
[Finch frowns at the ground.]
[18:39:21] <✦[rp] Finch> oh and if you're gonna leave. clean up my lawn
[18:39:24] <✦[rp] Finch> it looks like a mess
[18:39:26] <✦[rp] Finch> due to you
[18:39:30] <✦[rp] Prince> uhuh
[18:39:32] <✦[rp] Prince> sure
[18:40:48] <✦[rp] Finch> because there's like. a really big clump. near my cool pretty train and i don't want any of that near it
[18:41:02] <✦[rp] Prince> i think you can just clear it out yourself
[18:41:07] <✦[rp] Finch> i'm sure you understand how you don't want weird ugly blotches near your house
[18:41:15] <✦[rp] Finch> or well, i don't think you can.
[18:41:23] <✦[rp] Prince> depends on the blotches
[18:41:39] <✦[rp] Finch> i think you missed the part where I was talking about you
[18:42:06] <✦[rp] Prince> some blotches i can tolerate
[18:42:09] <✦[rp] Prince> others not really
[18:42:31] <✦[rp] Finch> great well i can't tolerate you, so glad we have an agreement there
[Prince spreads his hands.]
[18:42:49] <✦[rp] Prince> okay so
[18:42:53] <✦[rp] Prince> cards on the table
[18:42:57] <✦[rp] Prince> because im so nice
[18:43:10] <✦[rp] Finch> what about cards
[18:43:10] <✦[rp] Prince> there was a whole thing i wanted to do
[18:43:13] <✦[rp] Finch> uhhuh
[18:43:29] <✦[rp] Finch> i dont see what this has to do with cards
[18:43:39] <✦[rp] Prince> its an expression my good little kucing
[18:43:47] <✦[rp] Prince> there was a whole thing
[18:43:55] <✦[rp] Prince> i think i was complicating a whole lot of it
[18:44:07] <✦[rp] Finch> get to the point
[18:44:09] <✦[rp] Prince> let me tell you something
[18:44:20] <✦[rp] Finch> mhm?
[18:44:26] <✦[rp] Prince> its hard to subjugate people when your trap is as poorly designed as mine
[Finch rolls their eyes. They hold the weapon tight in their arms.]
[18:44:38] <✦[rp] Finch> im not going to go walk into it out of pity
[18:44:40] <✦[rp] Finch> you know that
[18:44:42] <✦[rp] Finch> right?
[18:44:45] <✦[rp] Prince> i know
[18:44:46] <✦[rp] Prince> now
[18:45:01] <✦[rp] Prince> you have the survival instincts to not walk into a trap
[18:45:10] <✦[rp] Prince> which is better than most animals
[18:44:48] <✦[rp] Prince> youre smarter
[18:44:53] <✦[rp] Prince> than i gave you credit for
[18:45:00] <✦[rp] Finch> that's not much coming from you, but i'll take it
[18:45:20] <✦[rp] Prince> so now
[18:45:26] <✦[rp] Prince> im kind of out of options
[18:45:30] <✦[rp] Prince> right now
[18:45:33] <✦[rp] Prince> i think
[18:45:40] <✦[rp] Finch> you do have an option, and that option is to leave my house
[18:45:46] <✦[rp] Prince> sure
[18:45:38] <✦[rp] Prince> some other part of me
[Prince pauses. Something passes over his face.]
[18:45:50] <✦[rp] Prince> some other part of me
[18:45:56] <✦[rp] Prince> a funny one i will admit
[18:46:03] <✦[rp] Prince> just released the hostage that i have
[18:46:16] <✦[rp] Prince> so i cant use him anymore
[18:46:25] <✦[rp] Prince> i think theyre having dinner now actually
[18:46:34] <✦[rp] Prince> its causing me a bit of
[Prince pauses, blinking.]
[18:46:36] <✦[rp] Prince> split attention
[18:46:19] <✦[rp] Finch> so you really don't have any advantage right now, do you
[18:46:35] <✦[rp] Finch> and there's nothing stopping me from doing anything right now, is there
[18:46:45] <✦[rp] Prince> there is
[18:46:53] <✦[rp] Finch> and what's that?
[18:46:54] <✦[rp] Prince> i may not be able to threaten your dad's loved ones anymore
[18:47:06] <✦[rp] Prince> but you forget that i Always Come Back
[18:47:24] <✦[rp] Prince> you could do anything you want
[18:47:26] <✦[rp] Prince> but now
[18:47:40] <✦[rp] Prince> i wont have any reason to not keep watch over your sordid little hole
[18:47:52] <✦[rp] Prince> i know about it now
[18:48:14] <✦[rp] Prince> and maybe its time you face a little consequence for breaking the deal
[18:48:34] <✦[rp] Prince> im a fair cat
[18:48:35] <✦[rp] Prince> so
[18:48:39] <✦[rp] Prince> duel on 3?
[Prince raises a weapon. His armor grows out of his body, hardening around him like the carapace of an insect. Finch shakes their head, waving their hands.]
[18:48:47] <✦[rp] Finch> we already established the void wasnt against you
[18:48:52] <✦[rp] Finch> so where's the fairness in that?
[18:49:19] <✦[rp] Finch> and why duel near my house. i don't quite want it to be harmed
[18:49:07] <✦[rp] Prince> i dont believe you
[18:49:16] <✦[rp] Prince> so we're having this fight
[18:49:22] <✦[rp] Prince> whether you want it or not
[18:49:36] <✦[rp] Finch> i could also always just leave
[18:49:48] <✦[rp] Prince> you could try
[18:49:57] <✦[rp] Prince> where would you go?
[18:50:14] <✦[rp] Finch> the question is why would you be so persistent about it
[Prince huffs.]
[18:50:25] <✦[rp] Prince> because ive got some steam to release
[18:50:34] <✦[rp] Prince> and you seem perfect for it right now
[18:50:31] <✦[rp] Finch> punch a cactus
[18:50:55] <✦[rp] Finch> but fine. i'm not one to turn down beating your sorry little glasses into a pulp
[18:51:07] <✦[rp] Finch> give me a second.
[Finch jumps over to their beacon, climbing up.]
[18:51:16] <✦[rp] Finch> we're going to make this fight fair.
[Beacon fucking dies]
[18:52:03] <✦[rp] Finch> away from my house.
[They take the fight a few paces away. Finch squares up.]
[18:52:25] <✦[rp] Finch> so. we're going to do this thing, or what.
[18:52:44] <✦[rp] Finch> ready?
[18:52:46] <✦[rp] Prince> on your marks
[18:52:51] <✦[rp] Finch> three
[18:52:57] <✦[rp] Finch> two
[18:52:58] <✦[rp] Finch> one
[Prince and Finch engage in combat. They fire projectiles at one another, clash with swords, until Finch finds themself low on resources. As Prince scores a sneaky blow, Finch tries to dodge backwards before leaping into the sky, and flying off.]
[18:54:09] <✦[rp] Prince> COWARD
[18:54:16] <✦[rp] Finch> makes me the better person
[Finch flies off in some aimless direction. Prince watches them from the ground, before melting into the pool of sculk, and disappearing into the ground. Finch finds themself at Dan’s, chest heaving as they rush towards his clock tower. They land finally on a surface near it, breathing hard. Just before they can catch their breath, a sound manifests behind them. Finch reaches for a fire charge, throwing it onto the ground behind them. Prince floats through the flames like a specter, sword drawn.]
[18:57:30] <✦[rp] Prince> nice trick
[They clash again, Finch fearful, and Prince overconfident. When Finch tries to fly off this time, Prince is ready, his chestpiece of carapace morphs into skeletal wings webbed with sculk. They play a game of cat and…other cat…until Finch realizes an opening. Finch leaps down off the bluff and into the water below, Prince following close behind. They rolls onto their back, only supported in the air by their wings as they glide belly up. Prince is too cocky, and doesn’t realize the move as it comes. When his wings open up, it leaves his chest exposed. Finch fires a shot into his chest.]
[18:58:25] ✦[rp] Prince was shot by ✦[rp] Finch using [Hunting Rifle]
[With some awkward manuvering in the air, Finch manages to catch themself and flap up into the air. They watch as Prince’s body sinks into the water, having been dropped like a heavy stone. It dissolves into darkness below the surface.]
[18:58:51] <✦[rp] Finch> i guess that makes me the winner, in some capacity
[18:59:43] <✦[rp] Finch> either way, no longer my problem.
[Finch flies home. Prince is standing on the patch of sculk he’d left from before, an anchor, Finch realizes now. They land outside their train.]
[19:01:02] <✦[rp] Prince> youre back
[19:01:07] <✦[rp] Finch> you know you don't hide well
[19:01:18] <✦[rp] Finch> kinda hard to if i came in at the side you were hiding behind
[19:01:26] <✦[rp] Prince> yeahhhh
[19:01:29] <✦[rp] Finch> guess we can call it a draw, i guess.
[19:01:33] <✦[rp] Finch> i ran, you lost
[19:01:43] <✦[rp] Prince> pfft
[19:02:01] <✦[rp] Finch> that means i didn't lose. and that means you can probably leave now
[Prince draws his blade again.]
[19:01:47] <✦[rp] Prince> sure hermano
[19:02:07] <✦[rp] Prince> this shits not over till your armor is broken and i crush your skull in
[19:02:16] <✦[rp] Finch> hold on
[19:02:30] <✦[rp] Finch> thought we agreed to A duel
[19:02:44] <✦[rp] Finch> a is one, or can you not count
[Prince wields his weapon with a surprising determination behind his words.]
[19:03:05] <✦[rp] Prince> shits not over till i say it is
[Finch puffs out their chest, they grip something hidden in their pocket.]
[19:03:10] <✦[rp] Finch> no
[19:03:14] <✦[rp] Finch> its over when i say it is
[19:03:19] <✦[rp] Prince> nope
[19:03:21] <✦[rp] Prince> when i do
[19:03:24] <✦[rp] Finch> and i say you can pack your little clown act up and leave
[Finch flies off again. They land in Verdigris. Prince finds them again easily.]
[19:06:00] <✦[rp] Prince> hello again
[19:06:02] <✦[rp] Finch> hello
[Finch stands next to the TNT shop.]
[19:06:07] <✦[rp] Finch> i think i've made myself clear
[19:06:22] <✦[rp] Prince> and i thought that i made myself clear
[19:06:31] <✦[rp] Finch> what can you not read what's around me
[19:06:41] <✦[rp] Prince> explosives
[19:06:42] <✦[rp] Prince> yes
[19:06:44] <✦[rp] Finch> correct
[19:06:49] <✦[rp] Finch> you're catching on
[19:06:51] <✦[rp] Finch> im so proud
[19:07:08] <✦[rp] Finch> now if you really really wanted me to do something other than just continue as im doing with my little hole
[19:07:15] <✦[rp] Finch> then i have the manner to do it
[19:07:24] <✦[rp] Finch> or. the mannor. whatever. we can both threaten each other here
[19:07:41] <✦[rp] Prince> its manner
[19:07:51] <✦[rp] Finch> not that either of us would do much, because doing one will cause the other to do something
[19:08:00] <✦[rp] Finch> i really don't think you're understanding what i'm suggesting
[19:08:16] <✦[rp] Finch> but hey, if you really wanting to escalate something
[19:08:09] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah im not catching on
[19:08:14] <✦[rp] Prince> explain it in the clearest details
[19:08:17] <✦[rp] Prince> spare no expense
[19:08:21] <✦[rp] Finch> ahem
[19:08:37] <✦[rp] Finch> tnt. mannor. i know it grows back, that you've said. or whatever the fuck your house does
[19:08:48] <✦[rp] Finch> but hey. its something to hit. and you seem really keen on attacking me
[19:08:52] <✦[rp] Finch> so lets cut it at a draw
[19:09:12] <✦[rp] Prince> because youre chicken?
[19:09:27] <✦[rp] Finch> you said it before, i value my life
[19:10:11] <✦[rp] Finch> so can't you do something more productive with your life
[19:10:28] <✦[rp] Finch> like i dont know, learn how to fish
[19:10:28] <✦[rp] Prince> i can be everywhere at once if i wanted to
[19:10:39] <✦[rp] Prince> im taking care of you while immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-
[Prince freezes, the hair on his body standing on end. His ears prick, before swiveling around, his fingers tenses.]
[19:10:54] <✦[rp] Finch> uhm
[Finch tilts their head, surveying him.]
[19:10:58] <✦[rp] Finch> i think i won. Maybe?
[Prince shakes out of it, coming to.]
[19:11:13] <✦[rp] Finch> can you leave now
[19:11:26] <✦[rp] Prince> yeah
[19:11:27] <✦[rp] Prince> sure
[19:11:33] <✦[rp] Finch> oh! thats great
[19:11:41] <✦[rp] Prince> see you never
[19:11:45] <✦[rp] Finch> i don't have to blow up your house then
[19:11:46] <✦[rp] Finch> bye!
[Prince leaves, somewhat dazed.]
[19:11:50] <✦[rp] Finch> weirdo