Characters present: Pyrite, Prince
Date: 12/9/23
Season: 3

[Pyrite approaches Prince’s mansion, they look up to see Prince hanging out above them.]

[07:22:55] <?[rp] Pyrite?> hello up there!

[07:23:03] <?[rp] Prince> oh is that pyrite i see?

[07:23:12] <?[rp] Prince> what brings you?

[07:23:18] <?[rp] Prince> to our most humblest of abodes

[07:23:47] <?[rp] Pyrite?> it is indeed! it has been a while hasnt it? I figured a small chat would be in order

[07:23:56] <?[rp] Prince> oh! a chat! how nice

[07:24:00] <?[rp] Prince> come in come in

[Prince ushers Pyrite inside, and the two of them traverse the maze of Prince’s home.]

[07:24:00] <?[rp] Pyrite?> catch up on what has changed for the both of us

[07:24:09] <?[rp] Prince> things changed?

[07:24:20] <?[rp] Pyrite?> well. not much

[07:24:34] <?[rp] Pyrite?> perhaps new builds? or activities you may have performed

[Prince leads Pyrite towards the lounge.]

[07:24:28] <?[rp] Prince> how about we take a seat in the lounge?

[07:24:36] <?[rp] Prince> youve seen my dining room a bit

[07:25:06] <?[rp] Prince> mmm

[07:25:27] <?[rp] Pyrite?> you have some nice views out these windows. shame its mostly just snow to see

[07:25:43] <?[rp] Prince> yes... its not the best, but we couldnt bother for more

[07:25:50] <?[rp] Pyrite?> we?

[Prince lifts up the top to a jukebox as Pyrite asks this.]

[07:25:52] <?[rp] Prince> music?

[Pyrite leans forward.]

[07:26:00] <?[rp] Pyrite?> sure! what do you have?

[07:26:05] <?[rp] Prince> i think ive got some discs laying around…

[Prince flicks through his disc collection.]

[07:27:12] <?[rp] Prince> we've got... a collection of cat, ward, oh! pigstep

[07:27:21] <?[rp] Prince> oh even blocks

[07:27:27] <?[rp] Prince> and otherside

[07:27:41] <?[rp] Prince> any of those tickle your fancy?

[07:27:57] <?[rp] Pyrite?> hmmm either pigstep or otherside? whichever of the two youd prefer

[07:28:06] <?[rp] Prince> otherside it is then!

[07:28:42] <?[rp] Prince> here we go!

[Prince moves the disc into the jukebox.]

[07:28:57] <?[rp] Prince> hm. it seems my hands slip

[He struggles to perform the task.]

[07:29:05] <?[rp] Prince> cant. put it in... much

[Prince sets the disc down.]

[07:29:09] <?[rp] Prince> a moment

[Another Prince arrives.]

[07:29:27] <?[rp] Pyrite?> oh! another you

[07:29:39] <?[rp] Pyrite?> i forgot you had many

[07:29:39] <?[rp] Prince> dont mind him

[The other Prince inserts the disc and leaves]

[07:29:57] <?[rp] Prince> now this is some good music

[07:30:03] <?[rp] Pyrite?> tis indeed!

[07:30:09] <?[rp] Prince> anyway! you had something to talk about?

[07:30:23] <?[rp] Pyrite?> I havent had much to do, so what have you been up to recently?

[07:30:41] <?[rp] Prince> well... since the last time we talked, not much actually

[07:30:47] <?[rp] Prince> we've been... stagnant

[07:30:49] <?[rp] Prince> for a while

[07:30:59] <?[rp] Pyrite?> its been quite slow for the past week or 2 myself

[07:31:05] <?[rp] Prince> yeah?

[07:31:10] <?[rp] Prince> anything fun happen with you?

[07:31:20] <?[rp] Pyrite?> mostly just digging out the birdcage

[07:31:26] <?[rp] Pyrite?> not fun, but mindless

[07:31:27] <?[rp] Prince> birdcage??

[07:31:31] <?[rp] Prince> mmm yes

[07:31:47] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ah yes, do you know that my home is a series of connected rooms underground?

[07:32:02] <?[rp] Pyrite?> one of them is a birdcage with a bird in it!

[07:32:04] <?[rp] Prince> i think ive heard some tale of it, probably

[07:32:14] <?[rp] Prince> oh!! cool

[07:32:21] <?[rp] Prince> is it. a big bird

[07:32:28] <?[rp] Prince> why would you need a whole room

[07:32:40] <?[rp] Pyrite?> very large. about... 20 blocks across maybe?

[07:32:37] <?[rp] Prince> is it like the road runner

[07:32:49] <?[rp] Pyrite?> no unfortunately. its a canary

[07:33:02] <?[rp] Prince> ah just like that humorous twitty bird

[07:33:10] <?[rp] Prince> i think

[07:33:24] <?[rp] Pyrite?> besides an animal like a 'roadrunner' seems like it would rather be outside a cage

[07:33:33] <?[rp] Prince> seems like it yes

[07:33:41] <?[rp] Prince> so what's the actual reason you have come here?

[07:34:04] <?[rp] Prince> idle chat is fun, but that's verde drug shopping talk

[Prince looks distant for a moment.]

[07:34:27] <?[rp] Prince> even that's not always fun...

[07:34:34] <?[rp] Pyrite?> to talk truly! theres been absolutely nothing going on and I thought i should keep in contact with the few still remaining here

[07:34:50] <?[rp] Prince> then truly talk

[07:35:12] <?[rp] Pyrite?> talking to the others could be fun, but I dont know them very well and it would be mostly introductions and judgements

[07:35:20] <?[rp] Prince> i may be homebound most days, but i heard tell that some of those corroded fellas came over to you

[07:35:22] <?[rp] Pyrite?> how so?

[07:35:49] <?[rp] Pyrite?> yes, they came over asking about some special wither roses i had from the last world

[07:35:49] <?[rp] Prince> you do remember that you sit above a cavern of It?

[07:35:55] <?[rp] Prince> wither roses?

[07:36:28] <?[rp] Prince> why must they come to you for wither roses?

[07:36:51] <?[rp] Pyrite?> yes roses! theyre void afflicted from the last world. I believe they were corrupted by it

[07:37:11] <?[rp] Pyrite?> it seems like i was the only one who brought some

[07:37:24] <?[rp] Prince> why were they interested?

[07:37:42] <?[rp] Pyrite?> they seem to be interested in bring it back!

[07:37:49] <?[rp] Prince> bring what back?

[Pyrite begins to realize…perhaps they shouldn’t have mentioned this…]

[07:37:59] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ...the void

[07:38:07] <?[rp] Prince> the... void

[07:38:18] <?[rp] Pyrite?> or at least bringing it back above bedrock

[Prince nods sagely.]

[07:38:29] <?[rp] Prince> well i definitely know what that is, but for those uniformed, can you tell me what that is?

[07:39:10] <?[rp] Pyrite?> its um. nothingness? the hungering void? almost like a disease to be honest

[07:39:26] <?[rp] Prince> a disease? why would they want to bring that back?

[07:39:40] <?[rp] Prince> seems like a horrible idea

[07:39:56] <?[rp] Pyrite?> finch thinks its their friend, though the others seem a bit doubtful

[07:40:19] <?[rp] Pyrite?> as for why theyre going along with it, i think the skulk is annoying them pretty badly

[Genuine: ]

[07:40:38] <?[rp] Prince> really? huh... i wonder why

[07:40:39] <?[rp] Pyrite?> they think Nothing is a better option... or something

[07:40:54] <?[rp] Prince> odd people

[07:41:06] <?[rp] Pyrite?> im not sure why exactly, but it is very interesting to observe

[07:41:19] <?[rp] Pyrite?> what spreads from the void that is

[07:41:33] <?[rp] Prince> the fragmented parts of a scientist in me agrees with you, it sounds interesting

[07:41:52] <?[rp] Pyrite?> oh ouch. are the fragments sharp?

[07:42:32] <?[rp] Prince> one of the sharpest, his mind is something behold

[07:42:49] <?[rp] Prince> but it breaks a lot, and the shards can cut

[07:43:15] <?[rp] Pyrite?> they seem like someone who may be interesting to talk with

[07:43:46] <?[rp] Prince> mmm, yeah, i would not be so sure of that some days

[07:44:18] <?[rp] Prince> and let me ask... those corroded fellas, finch specifically, they want to impede the sculk?

[07:44:31] <?[rp] Prince> halt its spread?

[07:44:39] <?[rp] Prince> dare i say, getting in its way?

[07:45:00] <?[rp] Pyrite?> I believe so. it seemed to spook them a bit, so they are attempting to halt its spread, at least near them

[07:45:09] <?[rp] Pyrite?> im not certain of the detals

[07:45:33] <?[rp] Prince> oh finch you sorry bastard

[Pyrite cocks their head to the side.]

[07:45:45] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ?

[Prince stands.]

[07:45:53] <?[rp] Prince> dont worry about it

[He looks pointedly at Pyrite.]

[07:45:57] <?[rp] Prince> a drink?

[07:46:02] <?[rp] Pyrite?> oh. alright.

[07:46:04] <?[rp] Prince> ive got some vodka i think

[07:46:05] <?[rp] Pyrite?> sure!

[07:46:11] <?[rp] Pyrite?> thats always fun

[07:46:30] <?[rp] Prince> let's go grab it then, i think the me that watches looney tunes has it

[07:46:53] <?[rp] Pyrite?> the you that watches looney tunes huh

[The two walk through the house together. The Prince Pyrite walks with pushes open a door, cutting a shaft of light into a dark room, only illuminated by a flickering projector screen. The smell is what hits them first, dank and ripe with all manners of body odor, and the sharp almost inky smell of sculk. Nearly completely hidden by how far he’s wedged himself into his couch, a Prince sits watching the screen with glazed eyes.]

[07:48:06] <?[rp] Prince> prime.

[07:48:09] <?[rp] Prince> hey prime

[The Prince walks over to Prime, stepping over candy wrappers and old clothes. Pyrite follows slowly behind as Prince reaches over to shake Prime.]

[07:48:26] <?[rp] Prince> WAKE UP

[Prime startles.]

[07:48:37] <?[rp] Prince Prime> whuh

[07:48:38] <?[rp] Prince Prime> yeah

[He pushes himself up off the couch as much as he can. A divot in the couch has molded around his body, where crumbles of food and other filth have fallen into the cracks in the fabric.]

[07:48:40] <?[rp] Prince Prime> what

[07:48:47] <?[rp] Prince Prime> whats up

[He blinks his reddened eyes.]

[07:48:53] <?[rp] Prince Prime> dude why did you wake me up

[07:48:58] <?[rp] Prince Prime> i was having the greatest dream

[Prime reaches over to where a blunt sits in an ashtray. He lifts it up, lighting it on a small candle on the table beside him, whose wax has almost entirely melted onto the table. He smokes the blunt, puffing the smoke into the already thick air. The Prince looks fed up with him.]]

[07:49:25] <?[rp] Prince> can we have vodka

[07:49:34] <?[rp] Prince Prime> yea sure

[Pyrite steps closer to Prime as the other Prince goes to grab a vodka bottle from the cart Prime had dragged into the room.]

[07:49:26] <?[rp] Pyrite?> hmm. you good? youre very differsnt from the others ive seem

[07:49:37] <?[rp] Prince Prime> different?

[07:49:38] <?[rp] Prince Prime> how

[Prime rubs his eyes, and wipes crumbs off his front.]

[07:49:41] <?[rp] Prince Prime> im so normal

[07:50:05] <?[rp] Pyrite?> less... something. not a bad less but. not good either?

[07:50:19] <?[rp] Prince Prime> huh

[07:50:22] <?[rp] Prince Prime> weird dude

[Prime coughs into his hand, the sculk on his body seems less of a healthy green than normal.]

[07:50:32] <?[rp] Prince Prime> hey you two wanna watch looney tunes with me

[07:50:35] <?[rp] Prince Prime> i can share the vodka

[Prime takes another hit off of his blunt. Prince looks over to Pyrite.]

[07:51:02] <?[rp] Prince> uhhh, depends on you pyrite

[07:51:05] <?[rp] Pyrite?> sure? ive been wondering exactly 'looney tunes' is

[07:51:23] <?[rp] Prince Prime> hell yeah

[Prime pats the chair next to him.]

[07:51:26] <?[rp] Prince Prime> grab a seat

[On screen, an episode of Wile. E. Coyote and The Roadrunner begins.]

[07:52:54] <?[rp] Pyrite?> oooh thats a roadrunner

[07:53:03] <?[rp] Prince> yes theyre fast

[07:53:05] <?[rp] Pyrite?> definately NOT what i made

[07:53:15] <?[rp] Prince Prime> woagh you tried making a road runner????

[07:53:23] <?[rp] Pyrite?> no not quite

[07:53:18] <?[rp] Pyrite?> mine was made to die

[07:53:22] <?[rp] Prince Prime> oh

[07:53:24] <?[rp] Prince Prime> mood

[07:53:28] <?[rp] Pyrite?> hm

[07:54:33] <?[rp] Pyrite?> trapped in its cage that it would die in!

[Action happens on screen. Prime sits up and points at it.]

[07:54:36] <?[rp] Prince Prime> woah!! the coyote just fell off a cliff and then wrote a sign that says "Help!"

[07:54:39] <?[rp] Prince Prime> hilarious!!!

[07:54:46] <?[rp] Pyrite?> floated too!

[The other Prince hovers next to the couch with his arms crossed.]

[07:54:49] <?[rp] Prince> yeah. we've. seen it like. 51 times.

[Prime wipes tears from his eyes.]

[07:55:00] <?[rp] Prince Prime> its so fucking funny the 51st time

[07:55:05] <?[rp] Prince Prime> like goddamn

[07:55:10] <?[rp] Prince Prime> cant believe how funny this shit is

[07:55:28] <?[rp] Prince Prime> dude goddamn

[07:55:33] <?[rp] Prince Prime> we should have this more

[07:55:39] <?[rp] Prince Prime> this is so fun

[07:55:44] <?[rp] Prince> debatable

[07:56:05] <?[rp] Prince Prime> company is always nice

[07:56:07] <?[rp] Pyrite?> its certainly an entertaining show! Though im not sure how many repeats i would be able to watch

[Prince muses, but doesn’t look away from the screen.]

[07:57:14] <?[rp] Prince> mgh yes

[07:57:27] <?[rp] Prince> nothing's progressing

[07:57:37] <?[rp] Prince> it just repeats, endlessly, there's no story

[Prime gestures towards the screen.]

[07:57:46] <?[rp] Prince Prime> yeah but like. that's the awesome part

[07:57:59] <?[rp] Pyrite?> true. it seems no story just repeated failures

[07:58:07] <?[rp] Pyrite?> or well. attempts

[07:58:21] <?[rp] Prince Prime> its the same shit. forever and ever. not changing and forever stuck. and it always gets reset the next episode

[07:58:33] <?[rp] Pyrite?> but theres no story at all with a success. so the roadrunner must always escape somehow

[07:58:52] <?[rp] Prince> yeah

[Prince sighs.]

[07:59:13] <?[rp] Prince> why cant we watch madoka magica instead again

[Prime shakes his head.]

[07:59:28] <?[rp] Prince Prime> didnt have the box dvd downloaded

[07:59:22] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ?

[07:59:32] <?[rp] Pyrite?> whats that?

[07:59:35] <?[rp] Prince Prime> an anime

[07:59:41] <?[rp] Pyrite?> an... ok

[07:59:49] <?[rp] Prince Prime> bout a girl that becomes a magical girl

[07:59:55] <?[rp] Prince Prime> that fights monsters

[08:00:05] <?[rp] Prince> its actually pretty good

[08:00:10] <?[rp] Prince> its a favorite of mine

[08:00:19] <?[rp] Pyrite?> oh cool!

[08:00:23] <?[rp] Prince Prime> yeee

[08:00:15] <?[rp] Prince Prime> too depressing though

[08:00:35] <?[rp] Pyrite?> how so? fighting monsters is always fun

[08:00:45] <?[rp] Prince Prime> youll just have to watch it to know

[08:00:49] <?[rp] Prince Prime> cant really spoil it

[08:00:56] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ohhh ok

[08:01:03] <?[rp] Prince> ill show you if we ever leave this world

[08:01:07] <?[rp] Pyrite?> one of those best blind things

[08:01:13] <?[rp] Prince> exactly!

[08:02:01] <?[rp] Prince> i think if we returned to the scc, ill be able to download the episodes and then we can just project it from there

[08:02:31] <?[rp] Prince> im a fan of tragedies

[08:03:00] <?[rp] Prince Prime> well im not, im more of a comedy guy yknow

[08:03:01] <?[rp] Pyrite?> hmm. that sounds about right for you

[08:03:08] <?[rp] Prince Prime> mhmmm

[08:03:16] <?[rp] Pyrite?> personally not my thing, but i do understand the liking of

[08:03:39] <?[rp] Prince> mhmm yea

[Both Princes speak at once.]

[08:03:55] <?[rp] Prince> pyrite, do you ever feel stuck in time?

[08:03:57] <?[rp] Prince Prime> pyrite, do you ever feel stuck in time?

[08:04:07] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ive always been a bigger fan of things with... not happy endings, but that could be positive in the end

[08:04:22] <?[rp] Prince> just like my life

[08:04:24] <?[rp] Prince Prime> just like my life

[08:04:27] <?[rp] Pyrite?> sometimes, when nothing changes it feels stagnant

[08:04:58] <?[rp] Pyrite?> notings changing, nothings moving. it all stays

[08:05:46] <?[rp] Prince> it all stays, rotting, in a single room, with a single projector, and an endless loop

[08:05:48] <?[rp] Prince Prime> it all stays, rotting, in a single room, with a single projector, and an endless loop

[08:05:54] <?[rp] Pyrite?> i know thats what i was like before coming here

[08:06:09] <?[rp] Prince> oh?

[08:06:11] <?[rp] Prince Prime> oh?

[08:06:26] <?[rp] Pyrite?> an isolated world. nothing changing but what i changed

[08:06:36] <?[rp] Pyrite?> it got. boring

[08:06:54] <?[rp] Prince> sounds boring

[08:06:55] <?[rp] Prince Prime> sounds boring

[08:07:02] <?[rp] Pyrite?> i spent most time sleeping. or dying on occasions. something different

[08:07:27] <?[rp] Prince> that's what it feels like most days for us as well

[08:07:29] <?[rp] Prince Prime> that's what it feels like most days for us as well

[08:07:45] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ripping yourself to pieces just to see if they see different

[08:07:56] <?[rp] Prince> fucked up

[08:07:57] <?[rp] Prince Prime> fucked up

[08:07:59] <?[rp] Pyrite?> but they were still me

[Pyrite raises their head, their tone changing.]

[08:08:07] <?[rp] Pyrite?> glad im not there anymore!

[08:08:19] <?[rp] Prince> yeah...

[08:08:21] <?[rp] Prince Prime> yeah…

[Both Princes consider something before speaking.]

[08:08:35] <?[rp] Prince> would you be saddened if i wasnt here anymore?

[08:08:37] <?[rp] Prince Prime> would you be saddened if i wasnt here anymore?

[08:09:05] <?[rp] Pyrite?> upset certainly! youre very fun to talk to. i dont fully understand why the others hate you so much!

[08:09:30] <?[rp] Prince Prime> me too

[08:09:32] <?[rp] Prince> me too

[08:09:53] <?[rp] Prince Prime> would you escape with me if we had the chance?

[08:09:55] <?[rp] Prince> would you escape with me if we had the chance?

[08:10:01] <?[rp] Pyrite?> to where?

[08:10:20] <?[rp] Prince Prime> back home, the scc

[08:10:22] <?[rp] Prince> back home, the scc

[08:10:41] <?[rp] Prince Prime> it was all so much simpler there

[08:10:43] <?[rp] Prince> it was all so much simpler there

[08:10:48] <?[rp] Pyrite?> hmm. im not certain

[08:11:20] <?[rp] Pyrite?> i like you very much! but i would like to at least know the others at all

[08:11:40] <?[rp] Prince Prime> that's fair

[08:11:43] <?[rp] Prince> that's fair

[The mood shifts, Prime grows restless, Prince seems to mimic him.]

[08:12:16] <?[rp] Prince Prime> this was fun pyrite

[08:12:18] <?[rp] Prince> this was fun pyrite

[08:12:21] <?[rp] Pyrite?> it was!

[08:12:30] <?[rp] Pyrite?> its always great to speak with you!

[08:12:38] <?[rp] Prince Prime> thank you

[08:12:39] <?[rp] Prince> thank you

[08:12:58] <?[rp] Pyrite?> it never happens quite enough, short conversations arent quite the same

[Prince breaks free, he steps away from Prime, and walks towards the door.]

[08:12:55] <?[rp] Prince> ill see you to the door then

[08:13:06] <?[rp] Pyrite?> alrighty

[The two return to the entrance of the mansion.]

[08:13:31] <?[rp] Prince> bright sunny skies

[08:14:11] <?[rp] Prince> be safe now

[08:14:19] <?[rp] Pyrite?> i will try!

[Pyrite starts to walk down the stairs towards the bridge, Prince calls out.]

[08:14:20] <?[rp] Prince> and if you can

[08:14:43] <?[rp] Prince> tell the little corroded fellas you talked to, to speak to me

[08:14:49] <?[rp] Prince> at the very least finch

[08:14:52] <?[rp] Pyrite?> ok!

[Pyrite waves, before they stumble in the general direction of their home.]

[Prince sighs. He watches them as they become a speck on the horizon.]

[08:15:41] <?[rp] Prince> that was enlightening