Characters present: Ceph, Dan, Faulkner, Finch, Ollie, Punk
Date: 3/1/24
Season: 3

[A few people stand around inside of Punk’s home. Faulkner fiddles with his spyglass, seeming antsy. Finch thumps their foot on the ground impatiently. Punk lounges on a chair, a beautiful feast of many different foods sitting on the table behind him. Dan paces, nervous.]

[21:06:55] <?Faulkner [rp]> So...

[21:07:07] <?[rp] Finch> so.

[21:07:07] <?Faulkner [rp]> What are we doing here again...?

[21:07:19] <?[rp] Punk> um feasting on my baller spread of course

[21:07:14] <?[rp] Finch> dad wanted us to be here!

[Finch eyes the landscape outside the windows with distrust.]

[21:07:29] <?[rp] Finch> which..... i don't know why we're spending time... here. of all places.

[Dan clears his throat, his voice nervous.]

[21:07:52] <? [rp] DAN> haha yeah..! i was hoping to. well. reconnect. over dinner.. or something

[Faulkner mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear: ]

[21:08:01] <?Faulkner [rp]> Or something

[21:08:02] <?[rp] Finch> reconnect?

[21:08:12] <? [rp] DAN> well, yeah

[21:08:13] <?[rp] Finch> don't we all talk already or something? except for uhh..

[Finch narrows their eyes at Faulkner.]

[21:08:18] <?[rp] Finch> whoever you are again

[Faulkner glares back at Finch. His distaste for them is palpable.]

[21:08:35] <?[rp] Punk> well yeah were all in different factions we dont get the chance to talk much . dan and his family

[Dan sighs softly at Finch’s comment, but he smiles, a bit bittersweet, at the sentiment of “his family”.]

[21:09:09] <? [rp] DAN> yeah. punk had a fantastic table well suited for a. um. family gathering

[Finch pulls their paws inwards, placing them onto their chest.]

[21:09:03] <?[rp] Finch> he gets to talk to his family pleennnnttyyyy.

[It becomes clear that they only consider themself part of his family. Punk seems to ignore this, leaning back to display with his hands all of the things he made.]

[21:09:26] <?[rp] Punk> forreal constructed with my bare hands

[21:09:32] <?[rp] Finch> good for you.

[21:09:37] <?Faulkner [rp]> It's... nice

[21:09:43] <?[rp] Punk> thank you faulkner

[21:09:39] <?[rp] Finch> why did we have to invite uh.

[Finch gestures at Faulkner.]

[21:09:49] <?[rp] Finch> that one.

[Faulkner idly rubs his paw over the wood of the table.]

[21:09:58] <?[rp] Punk> THEIR name is faulkner jesus finch

[21:10:06] <?[rp] Finch> ok. cool i guess

[21:10:19] <?[rp] Finch> why did we invite fork near again

[Faulkner flicks its ear, ignoring Finch’s comments. Dan sighs loudly.]

[21:10:10] <? [rp] DAN> because, finch! family!!!

[He enunciates the syllables of family.]

[21:10:28] <? [rp] DAN> family. bonding

[21:10:35] <? [rp] DAN> ollie is on his way too, i hope. i think.

[Punk addresses Faulkner, and then Finch.]

[21:10:48] <?[rp] Punk> dan said hes close with ollie . intt that right faulkner? and ollies ur sibling if u even remember

[Faulkner perks up slightly.]

[21:11:18] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh, yes I am close with Ollie

[21:11:17] <?[rp] Finch> right yeah. ollie

[21:11:19] <?[rp] Finch> ollie exists.

[Faulkner mutters under their breath: ]

[21:11:31] <?Faulkner [rp]> he exists more than you

[21:12:25] <?[rp] Finch> anyways if we have. flopner here, where's ollie

[21:12:48] <? [rp] DAN> finch. their name is Faulkner, you should work on your pronunciation

[Faulkner rolls its eyes, looking up through the ceiling to the night sky above. They use their spyglass to admire the stars. They’re mostly distracted from this conversation, uninterested by its contents. Punk answers Finch.]

[21:12:40] <?[rp] Punk> hes invited he should be on his way

[21:12:50] <?[rp] Finch> he should really walk faster.

[21:13:11] <?Faulkner [rp]> He isn't the type to do that

[21:13:15] <?[rp] Punk> oh my god ur face should walk faster ok

[21:13:27] <?[rp] Finch> what would having my face walk even mean.

[Ollie walks towards Punk’s base. He clutches a letter from Dan tightly in his hand, using it to guide him. His palms are sweaty, and his chest flares with a nervous twinge, but he continues to trudge on through the snow.]

[21:15:24] <?[rp] Ollie> oh boy I hope this is the right way-

[Dan perks up as he hears a voice down the hall. Ollie steps through the foyer, to be greeted by several people waiting for him. Faulkner perks up as they see Ollie, their tail puffing up.]

[21:15:50] <?[rp] Finch> oh there you are.

[21:15:50] <?[rp] Ollie> oh

[21:15:52] <?[rp] Ollie> hello

[21:16:01] <?[rp] Finch> you're like. the last person to arrive, you know

[Punk throws his arms up.]

[21:15:57] <?[rp] Punk> AYOOOO

[21:16:05] <?[rp] Punk> my broski ollie how u been

[21:16:03] <? [rp] DAN> ollie!! you made it !!

[21:16:04] <?[rp] Ollie> this is more people than i -

[Ollie blinks in surprise.]

[21:16:13] <?[rp] Ollie> Faulkner???????

[21:16:25] <?[rp] Finch> yeah i don't know why he's here either.

[21:16:37] <?[rp] Finch> he's not even one of dan's other. Children.

[Dan smacks a hand over his face, sighing. How many times does he have to explain this concept to them?

Faulkner raises his paw and gives Ollie a wave.]

[21:16:15] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hello Ollie

[Ollie draws in a breath.]

[21:16:32] <?[rp] Ollie> well this is . huh wow okay

[He looks over between Dan and Faulkner.]

[21:16:34] <?[rp] Ollie> unexpected

[He hasn’t seen Faulkner in a long time…the last time was…]

[21:16:36] <?[rp] Ollie> this is fine

[21:16:38] <?[rp] Ollie> hello everone

[Faulkner takes a tentative step forward.]

[21:16:43] <?Faulkner [rp]> Is something wrong?

[21:17:11] <?[rp] Ollie> no no, I just didn't know you had woken up, or that you'd be here honestly

[21:17:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> I apologize for sleeping so long. It took a lot for me to recover my energy

[21:17:13] <?[rp] Ollie> its fine

[21:17:18] <?[rp] Ollie> im glad to see everyone

[21:17:37] <?[rp] Punk> we glad to have u here legend

[Finch crosses their arms.]

[21:17:36] <?[rp] Finch> great glad to see you too or something like that

[21:17:41] <?[rp] Ollie> okay i guess I should sit down

[21:17:48] <?[rp] Finch> yeah you should.

[21:18:04] <?[rp] Ollie> Finch can you at least PRETEND to be nice

[Dan leans down to hiss quietly at Finch.]

[21:18:08] <? [rp] DAN> be polite!!! you know your manners, kid!"

[21:18:09] <?[rp] Finch> i am!

[21:18:14] <?Faulkner [rp]> Doubtful

[21:18:19] <?[rp] Ollie> isn't this past their bedtime or something

[21:18:24] <?Faulkner [rp]> Probably

[21:18:48] <?[rp] Finch> i dont HAVE a bedtime. because i'm so awesome

[21:18:52] <?[rp] Finch> i sleep whenever i want.

[21:18:59] <?[rp] Punk> disrespectfully u should have one

[21:19:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> Someone should put you down

[Faulkner pauses.]

[21:19:07] <?Faulkner [rp]> to bed

[Another brief pause.]

[21:19:10] <?Faulkner [rp]> of course

[Ollie tries to stifle a laugh. Dan clears his throat loudly. Faulkner fidgets more with their spyglass.]

[21:19:31] <? [rp] DAN> well!! glad we are all getting along well. great banter. Um

[21:20:03] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah this could definitely be going worse

[21:20:09] <?[rp] Finch> it could be going better too!

[Dan takes in a deep breath, the intake waves a little.]

[21:20:12] <? [rp] DAN> just wanted to say thanks for all coming out of the way to have dinner

[As Dan starts to continue, everyone’s gaze turns to look behind him as a figure begins to approach the group. The sound of their heels echo on the blackstone as they approach.]

[21:20:29] <?[rp] Finch> oh no.

[21:20:32] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh

[Ceph, with several bottles of vodka under their arm, saunters towards the group. They raise their free hand over their head and wiggle their fingers in greeting.]

[21:20:33] <?[rp] ceph> hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

[21:20:37] <?[rp] Ollie> HUH

[21:20:35] <?[rp] Finch> why the fuck are you here

[Dan coughs as inhales a breath too quickly seeing Ceph, choking on air.]

[21:20:38] <?[rp] Finch> why the FUCK are you here.

[Punk throws up the horns on his left hand, greeting Ceph.]

[21:20:40] <?[rp] Punk> WOOOOOO

[Dan raises a nervous hand in greeting.]

[21:20:44] <? [rp] DAN> um. hi ceph.!?

[Faulkner frowns slightly as Ceph approaches.]

[21:20:45] <?Faulkner [rp]> I didn't know that one was coming

[Ceph pauses in front of Ollie.]

[21:20:45] <?[rp] ceph> ohhh hey ollie

[They shoot winks and blow kisses at Dan before they reach the table. Ceph sets the vodka bottles down on the table next to Punk. They lean over him gratuitously, and he smirks back at them.]

[21:21:10] <?[rp] Ollie> okay so this definitely can get worse i see

[Faulkner nods in agreement with Ollie. Finch shouts over at Ceph.]

[21:20:50] <?[rp] Finch> why are you here.

[21:20:57] <?[rp] Finch> answer quickly.

[Ceph snorts, turning back around to look at Finch.]

[21:21:06] <?[rp] ceph> rude ass

[21:21:07] <?[rp] Punk> they were fucking invited finch why do u think

[Ceph puts a hand on Punk’s bicep.]

[21:21:14] <?[rp] ceph> punk invited me

[21:21:17] <?[rp] Finch> fine.

[21:21:20] <?[rp] Finch> why were you invited.

[Ceph shrugs.]

[21:21:22] <?[rp] ceph> its his house

[21:21:25] <?[rp] Finch> why did you invite ceph.

[21:21:34] <?[rp] Finch> why would you ever invite ceph.

[Dan groans.]

[21:21:35] <? [rp] DAN> finch. be nice

[Ceph shrugs again.]

[21:21:36] <?[rp] ceph> idfk for some bangin

[21:21:44] <?[rp] Ollie> DONT SAY THAT

[21:21:56] <?[rp] ceph> hiii punkkkkkk

[21:22:01] <?[rp] Punk> hey sexyyyy

[Ceph kisses Punk. Finch makes a gagging noise.]

[21:22:34] <?[rp] ceph> mwah

[21:22:37] <?[rp] ceph> <3

[Punk raises his eyebrows at Finch.]

[21:21:37] <?[rp] Punk> u ever heard of friends finch

[21:21:48] <?[rp] Finch> i heard of friends but why ceph. why ceph of all people.

[Ollie looks away, shielding his eyes.]

[21:22:24] <?[rp] Ollie> do we need to be here

[Ceph sticks their tongue out at Ollie.]

[21:22:47] <?[rp] Ollie> hello Ceph

[Ceph takes a seat next to Punk with a whirl of flourish.]

[21:23:10] <?[rp] ceph> heyy olliee!~

[Ollie rolls their eyes at Ceph. Faulkner narrows his eyes, watching Ceph closely. Finch leans over to Dan, whispering quietly.]

[21:22:25] <?[rp] Finch> made sure they didn't bring-

[Finch gestures vaguely.]

[21:22:25] <?[rp] Finch> you know. didn't we have an entire talk about how they're connected or what the fuck ever. why are they here

[Finch whispers a little louder.]

[21:23:03] <?[rp] Finch> didn't you all go try to get them back to reign in that fuck. why are they here. Why

[Dan whispers back: ]

[21:22:57] <? [rp] DAN> theyre here because this is a family dinner, finch. you should behave yourself a bit more

[Ollie looks over at Dan whispering to Finch.]

[21:23:06] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah finch stop being annoying

[21:23:14] <?Faulkner [rp]> Agreed

[21:23:26] <?[rp] Punk> impossible for finch to stop being annoying i fear

[21:23:20] <?[rp] Finch> i'm not annoying. i'm Great.

[21:23:47] <?[rp] Ollie> you are literally the worst

[21:23:49] <?[rp] Ollie> no offense

[Dan turns back to Finch, finishing what he was saying.]

[21:23:31] <? [rp] DAN> they came back of their own accord. okay.

[Finch whispers back.]

[21:24:10] <?[rp] Finch> fine.

[Ceph pulls a bottle of vodka towards them. They pull their dagger from their thigh, using it to pop the cork out of the bottle.]

[21:24:01] <?[rp] ceph> oh i brought vodka btw. anyone want some

[21:24:08] <?[rp] Ollie> YEAAA

[21:24:11] <?Faulkner [rp]> Whats that..?

[21:24:13] <?[rp] Finch> hm?

[21:24:14] <?[rp] Finch> well.

[Ollie grabs a bottle from off the table.]

[21:24:17] <?[rp] Ollie> Ceph you are awesome

[21:24:31] <?[rp] ceph> u know it bby <3

[21:24:20] <?[rp] Finch> actually. i think i'm the best here

[21:24:23] <?[rp] Finch> so i think you are wrong

[21:24:27] <?[rp] Finch> which makes you infinitely worse

[21:24:33] <?[rp] Ollie> what the fuck

[21:24:36] <?Faulkner [rp]> That's objectively false

[21:24:41] <?[rp] Finch> i'm always true

[Dan groans.]

[21:24:45] <? [rp] DAN> what does that even mean

[Ceph shakes their head. They take a swig of vodka.]

[21:25:02] <?[rp] ceph> what the hell is happening 5 different things r speaking

[Ollie points a finger at Finch.]

[21:25:28] <?[rp] Ollie> I bet you can't even reach for a table. you are that small. shut up

[Finch leaps up from their chair, standing on it.]

[21:25:42] <?[rp] Finch> I CAN REACH TABLES.

[21:25:48] <?[rp] Ollie> no you cant

[Faulkner watches Finch and Ollie argue, biting at a piece of gold. Punk stands up, waving his hands.]

[21:25:33] <?[rp] Punk> lets all shut up for a minute and eat some food that ive lovingly prepared with my heart and soul ok

[21:25:49] <?[rp] ceph> awww punk id love to

[21:25:45] <?[rp] Ollie> oh yes yes food

[21:25:50] <? [rp] DAN> great idea, punk

[21:25:53] <? [rp] DAN> thank youu

[21:25:59] <?[rp] ceph> yayyy

[Ollie whispers back across the table to Finch.]

[21:25:51] <?[rp] Ollie> you gotta use those

[21:25:55] <?[rp] Ollie> high chairs

[21:25:57] <?[rp] Ollie> for babies

[21:26:03] <?[rp] Ollie> cuz you're a baby

[Finch grits their teeth.]

[21:26:06] <?[rp] Finch> fuck you.

[21:26:09] <?[rp] Finch> just. fuck you.

[21:26:24] <?[rp] Ollie> lol

[21:26:17] <?[rp] ceph> shut UP

[21:26:21] <?[rp] ceph> wtf

[21:26:32] <?[rp] Finch> what.

[21:26:51] <?[rp] ceph> sit down the adults r talking

[Dan mumbles to himself.]

[21:27:02] <? [rp] DAN> hopefully eating will stop everyone from bitching at each other

[He claps his hands together. The sound reverberates across the room, everyone quiets down.]

[21:26:42] <? [rp] DAN> ok! we all have some amazing home cooked food so. we should eat now. i think

[As the plates get passed around, Faulkner nods towards Punk.]

[21:26:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> thank you

[Punk leans over towards Faulkner.]

[21:26:38] <?[rp] Punk> no probs sorry if dragons arent huge on rabbit ill find something else if u need

[21:27:00] <?Faulkner [rp]> No this is alright. I've eaten rabbit whole before

[Ollie turns to look at Faulkner.]

[21:27:05] <?[rp] Ollie> you what

[21:27:18] <?Faulkner [rp]> I've eaten them whole

[21:27:06] <?[rp] Punk> oh badass

[21:27:19] <?[rp] Punk> they deserve to be eaten whole . piss me right off

[21:27:22] <?[rp] Ollie> What

[21:27:24] <?Faulkner [rp]> It's not very hard

[Ollie blinks.]

[21:28:01] <?Faulkner [rp]> I can show you later perhaps if you are interested

[Finch grumbles under their breath. They speak pointedly at Ceph.]

[21:27:13] <?[rp] Finch> grhphm.

[21:27:18] <?[rp] Finch> i can talk to other people you know.

[21:27:24] <?[rp] Finch> i just don't like many of the people here

[21:27:44] <?[rp] ceph> finch stop antagonizing the normies ok

[Dan looks over at Finch.]

[21:27:46] <? [rp] DAN> finch. your manners

[21:27:57] <? [rp] DAN> eat your rabbit

[Finch stabs at the rabbit on their plate. They bite at it, mildly annoyed.]

[21:27:59] <?[rp] Finch> fine.

[Ollie squints over at Faulkner.]

[21:28:00] <?[rp] Ollie> hey wait are you like, not wearing a shirt

[The comment immediately sparks Ceph’s attention.]

[21:28:35] <?[rp] ceph> who's not wearing a shirt

[Dan bites back a flirtatious response aimed at Ceph. Faulkner looks down at himself.]

[21:28:46] <?Faulkner [rp]> I am not wearing a shirt

[21:28:53] <?Faulkner [rp]> or clothes really

[Ollie coughs. His face has warmed a little. He looks pointedly down at his rabbit.]

[21:28:59] <?[rp] Ollie> mhm okay

[21:29:05] <?[rp] Ollie> im going to Eat now

[Faulkner holds out his arm, which has changed significantly from his typical “Player” form.]

[21:29:17] <?Faulkner [rp]> It's uncomfortable with my fur and scales

[21:29:41] <?[rp] Finch> can be.

[21:29:29] <?[rp] ceph> hot i bet aha

[21:29:29] <?Faulkner [rp]> Itchy

[21:29:55] <?[rp] Punk> i relate except i dont have fur or scales i just like going bare tit

[21:29:35] <?[rp] Ollie> ...yeah

[21:30:04] <?Faulkner [rp]> I regulate my temperature decently well

[Ollie rubs the skin of his cheeks, trying to press some chill into them with his cold hands.]

[21:30:16] <?[rp] Ollie> im also good at regulating my temperature

[Dan gulps down his food, silently thankful for the peace that has finally settled over the table. The others eat with relative peace, Ollie takes a bite of rabbit and closes his eyes as he savors the buttery flavor of the skin.]

[21:29:53] <?[rp] Ollie> oh shit this food is good Punk

[21:29:59] <?[rp] Punk> THABK you

[21:30:10] <? [rp] DAN> punk is rlly a great chef

[21:30:09] <?[rp] Punk> literally put my whole pussy into this metaphorically of course

[Ceph laughs at Punk.]

[21:30:48] <?[rp] ceph> haha punk i also have something u can put ur whole pussy into

[21:30:56] <?[rp] Punk> OH YEAAAHHHH

[21:31:01] <?[rp] Ollie> oh dear lord

[21:30:22] <?[rp] Finch> yeah the food is excellent! you really get practice making food thats warm since you like in the middle of freezetown coldplace

[21:30:37] <?[rp] Punk> truth

[Faulkner looks up at Ollie.]

[21:30:27] <?Faulkner [rp]> I don't think thats true Ollie

[21:30:37] <?Faulkner [rp]> No offense

[Ollie looks between Punk and Faulkner.]

[21:30:41] <?[rp] Ollie> what are you trying to say wtf

[21:30:53] <?Faulkner [rp]> You do not handle the cold well

[Ollie blinks.]

[21:31:11] <?[rp] Ollie> ahaha yeah thats true ...

[21:31:18] <?[rp] Ollie> its okay tho I've found a way

[21:31:38] <?Faulkner [rp]> You're worse

[Across the table, Ceph blows Punk a kiss. Punk pretends to catch it with both hands. Ollie purposefully keeps his attention on Faulkner, trying to ignore Ceph and Punk.]

[21:31:26] <?[rp] Finch> can you two be normal.

[21:31:49] <?[rp] Finch> i think you should do that instead.

[21:31:37] <?[rp] ceph> no

[21:31:39] <?[rp] ceph> kys

[21:31:41] <?[rp] Punk> we are normal you sheltered toddler

[21:32:05] <?[rp] Punk> NO respect NOO Respect honestly

[Ollie can’t help but eavesdrop.]

[21:31:43] <?[rp] Ollie> HAH

[21:32:21] <?[rp] Ollie> finch you need to think before you talk

[21:32:29] <?[rp] Ollie> which is something I don't think you have ever done in your life

[21:32:28] <?[rp] Finch> i do think before i talk

[21:32:36] <?[rp] Finch> and i think i am so good at conversing

[21:32:30] <?[rp] ceph> dan ur child told me to kill myself it hurt my feewingsssss :<

[21:32:37] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah thats fucked up

[21:32:44] <?[rp] Finch> i really don't care.

[Dan sighs. Maybe a peaceful family dinner was going to be more difficult than he was expecting.]

[21:32:46] <? [rp] DAN> ceph you're sexy they're just cranky cuz its past their bedtime

[21:33:00] <?[rp] ceph> omg i love u u flatterer

[Faulkner is once again distracted by the night sky through the glass ceiling. It turns its head as Finch’s bedtime is mentioned.]

[21:33:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh so they do have one?

[21:33:04] <? [rp] DAN> tehee

[21:33:11] <?[rp] Finch> i do NOT.

[21:33:20] <?Faulkner [rp]> Your father says otherwise

[21:33:17] <?[rp] Ollie> you totally do

[Dan half whispers.]

[21:33:32] <? [rp] DAN> they shouldve gone to sleep like a half hour ago

[21:33:39] <?[rp] ceph> lmaooo

[21:33:54] <?[rp] Finch> …

[Finch pulls out their hunting rifle. Faulkner bristles at the pointed movement. Dan chuckles, not noticing.]

[21:34:06] <? [rp] DAN> its ok tho ! you're growing up. u can stay up late

[21:34:14] <? [rp] DAN> doing your mischevious things or whatever

[Finch slowly lowers the hunting rifle, but keeps it in their hands. Ceph laughs nervously, they drum their nails on the table.]

[21:34:09] <?[rp] ceph> soooo ahahaha what have u guys beeen up tooooo

[21:34:36] <? [rp] DAN> ummmmm im gathering vines to make my room walls super epic

[21:34:48] <?[rp] ceph> thsts so epic ^_^

[21:34:50] <?[rp] Punk> oh hell yes

[21:34:51] <?[rp] Ollie> ohh that sounds cool

[Ceph finishes another bottle of vodka. They make sure no one’s watching before they eat the entire glass bottle. Across the room, Faulkner finally digs into the rabbit. They tear into it animalistically, using their teeth more than their paws. Finch taps their paw to their chin.]

[21:34:55] <?[rp] Finch> uhhh

[21:35:02] <?[rp] Finch> what. have... i been doing

[21:35:08] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah

[21:35:13] <?[rp] Ollie> what have you been doing. Finch.

[Thick with sarcasm.]

[21:35:17] <?[rp] Ollie> i am oh so interested in that

[21:35:25] <? [rp] DAN> im also pretty curious to be honest!

[21:35:27] <?[rp] Finch> uh! well.

[Finch looks off to the side.]

[21:35:34] <?[rp] Finch> you know. things.

[21:35:38] <?[rp] Ollie> like what

[21:35:43] <?[rp] Punk> speak on that

[21:35:53] <?[rp] Finch> preparing.

[21:36:01] <?[rp] Finch> you know. just incase.

[21:36:11] <?[rp] Ollie> preparing for what.

[21:36:07] <?[rp] ceph> for what fuckin doomsday

[21:36:13] <?[rp] ceph> the rapture

[21:36:11] <?[rp] Punk> literally the most cryptic thing u could ever say

[21:36:49] <?Faulkner [rp]> Annoying

[21:36:25] <?[rp] Finch> it's not very cryptic!

[21:36:39] <?[rp] Punk> you just said preparing thats textbook cryptic

[21:36:31] <?[rp] Ollie> it definitely is

[21:36:42] <?[rp] Ollie> why cant you be more specific huh?

[21:36:47] <?[rp] Finch> well

[Finch gestures at Ceph.]

[21:36:56] <?[rp] Finch> them.

[Ceph pats their chest and then their pockets, they mutter under their breath.]

[21:37:00] <?[rp] ceph> dammit i forgot my weed

[Ceph looks up to see everyone looking at them.]

[21:37:12] <?[rp] ceph> whatts happening

[Finch points at Ollie.]

[21:37:10] <?[rp] Finch> you were at the festival. you understand.

[21:37:18] <?[rp] ceph> i dont

[21:37:23] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[21:37:17] <?[rp] Ollie> what do you mean by that

[21:37:29] <? [rp] DAN> they arent like. some spy or something

[21:37:40] <?[rp] Ollie> Finch I can assure you Ceph is fine

[21:37:59] <?[rp] ceph> haha a AM fine arent i

[21:37:41] <?[rp] Ollie> most likely

[21:37:40] <?[rp] Finch> and how do YOU know that, huh?

[21:38:04] <?[rp] Punk> damn straight

[Faulkner looks over at Ollie, a little curious and a bit surprised.]

[21:38:04] <?[rp] Ollie> uhh..

[21:38:13] <?[rp] Ollie> isn't it obvious

[21:38:27] <? [rp] DAN> its definitely obvious !!

[21:38:28] <?[rp] Ollie> Ceph wouldn't put themselves in danger like that duh

[Finch talks over the end of what Ollie was saying.]

[21:38:16] <?[rp] Finch> either way.

[21:38:25] <?[rp] Finch> i have been having.. .fun? i think that's the word

[21:38:36] <?[rp] Ollie> fun with what

[21:38:41] <?[rp] Finch> as i said. preparing.

[21:38:53] <?[rp] Ollie> you are SO annoying to talk to

[21:39:27] <?[rp] Ollie> ANYWAYY

[Ollie turns to Dan.]

[21:39:30] <?[rp] Ollie> how about you Dan

[21:39:34] <?[rp] Ollie> how have you been

[21:39:39] <? [rp] DAN> oh!! me!

[21:39:50] <? [rp] DAN> i've been pretty good. um. pretty alright!

[Dan seems almost too eager to get the chance to talk to Ollie. As he leans forward, Faulkner crunches down on one of the rabbit’s bones, causing an audibly loud crack. Ollie turns his head.]

[21:40:02] <?[rp] Ollie> what the fuck

[21:40:06] <? [rp] DAN> how are you doing??

[21:40:29] <?[rp] Ollie> oh- um

[They try desperately not to get distracted by Faulkner as he begins to suck the marrow out of the bones.]

[21:40:29] <?[rp] Ollie> well-

[Across the table, Ceph whispers at Finch.]

[21:39:46] <?[rp] ceph> hey finch

[21:39:48] <?[rp] ceph> pst

[21:40:00] <?[rp] Finch> hm?

[21:40:06] <?[rp] ceph> look

[Ceph pulls a mask out of their pocket, and holds it up to their face. It makes them look exactly like Prince. Finch startles, pulling their gun and aiming it right at Ceph’s face.]

[21:40:17] <?[rp] ceph> DANNNNNNNNN

[21:40:23] <?[rp] Finch> DAAADDD

[Dan looks away from his conversation with Ollie.]

[21:40:26] <? [rp] DAN> huh

[21:40:32] <?[rp] ceph> UR CHILD pulled a gun on me

[21:40:35] <?[rp] Finch> CEPH IS BEING ANNOYING AND WEIRD

[Faulkner growls lowly at Finch pulling out the gun again. Ollie rolls his eyes.]

[21:40:43] <?[rp] Ollie> oh void Finch can you shut up

[21:40:44] <? [rp] DAN> finch!!! why are you pulling your gun out at the table

[21:40:57] <?[rp] Finch> THEY STARTED ITTTT

[21:41:02] <? [rp] DAN> what did they do

[21:40:56] <?[rp] Ollie> why does Finch have a GUN

[21:41:05] <?[rp] Ollie> are we not going to question that

[21:41:12] <? [rp] DAN> i dont know how they got it

[21:41:20] <?[rp] Ollie> ?????????

[21:41:21] <?[rp] Finch> oh! joco sells the guns!

[21:41:26] <? [rp] DAN> ugh

[21:41:27] <? [rp] DAN> jocoo

[21:41:33] <? [rp] DAN> kids should not have guns.....

[21:41:38] <?[rp] Punk> i didnt know joco was a violence enabler

[21:41:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> is it too late to put them down

[Faulkner pauses.]

[21:41:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> to bed

[21:41:35] <?[rp] Ollie> PFFFFT

[21:41:40] <?[rp] Finch> i should always have a gun!

[21:41:48] <?[rp] Ollie> you definitely Shouldn't

[21:41:51] <? [rp] DAN> you shouldnt

[21:41:57] <? [rp] DAN> and put it away at the table or im taking it

[Finch glowers slightly as they stow the gun away.]

[21:42:01] <?[rp] Finch> fine.

[21:42:14] <?[rp] Ollie> your baby fingers couldn't even be able to use it properly

[21:42:20] <?[rp] ceph> true

[Ceph makes a motion with their hand.]

[21:41:44] <?[rp] ceph> heyyy i need a fucking glock

[21:41:49] <?[rp] ceph> give it to me

[Finch pats the gun where it rests on their back.]

[21:42:42] <?[rp] Finch> oh trust me! i've already done plenty with this little baby~!

[21:42:43] <?[rp] Ollie> ah

[Dan clears his throat loudly, turning back to Ollie.]

[21:42:34] <? [rp] DAN> anyway umm!!!! ollie.. how were you doing!! im really glad you made it to the dinner

[21:42:43] <?[rp] Punk> yeah thanks for coming out here man

[Faulkner flicks his ears towards Ollie. He sits forward, curious to hear the answer. Ollie fidgets with his hands, running his fingers along the napkin in his lap.]

[21:42:46] <?[rp] Ollie> im okay

[21:42:50] <?[rp] Ollie> im doing better honestly

[21:43:08] <? [rp] DAN> thats really great to hear

[Dan sighs softly. He feels a twinge of guilt heat up in his chest.]

[21:43:23] <? [rp] DAN> glad you're doing better

[Ollie nods.]

[21:43:34] <?[rp] Finch> oh well glad you're doing better or something

[21:43:48] <?[rp] Ollie> I've been getting into CHESS . I don't know how it works at all but

[21:43:59] <?Faulkner [rp]> Chess?

[21:43:57] <?[rp] Punk> wtf chess

[21:44:03] <?[rp] Punk> u clever fellow

[21:44:02] <?[rp] Finch> cheese?

[21:44:11] <?[rp] Ollie> not cheese you idiot child

[Dan nods at Ollie, smiling.]

[21:43:59] <? [rp] DAN> board games are fun

[21:44:01] <? [rp] DAN> pretty epic

[21:44:05] <?[rp] Ollie> they are!!

[21:44:18] <?[rp] ceph> oh ollie i loveee chess

[21:44:26] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah im sure you do

[Ollie shoots a glare at Ceph. Ceph twirls a lock of hair around their finger.]

[21:44:40] <?[rp] ceph> we sjhould play it together sometime ^_^

[21:44:50] <?[rp] Ollie> you are so funny sometimes you know that

[They smile innocently.]

[21:45:02] <?[rp] ceph> i ammmmm arent ii

[21:45:06] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[Ceph blows Ollie a kiss. Dan and Faulkner both look between Ollie and Ceph, Dan seems to clock a different energy passing between them than before.]

[21:45:32] <?[rp] Finch> can you two be normal.

[21:45:37] <?[rp] Ollie> SHUT UP

[21:45:42] <?[rp] ceph> shut up omg

[21:45:41] <? [rp] DAN> no one is normal ever finch

[21:45:47] <? [rp] DAN> are you not like the number 2 example of that

[21:45:48] <?[rp] Ollie> how about you try being normal

[21:45:45] <?[rp] Finch> I'M normal

[21:45:53] <?[rp] ceph> nobody cares finch

[21:46:03] <?[rp] Finch> i care!! about myself!

[21:46:07] <?[rp] Ollie> go to bed

[Faulkner considers something. It looks up, and gets Ollie’s attention.]

[21:45:47] <?Faulkner [rp]> hmm

[21:45:59] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hey Ollie?

[21:46:10] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah?

[21:46:21] <?Faulkner [rp]> Can you lean over here for a second?

[21:46:27] <?[rp] Ollie> uhh

[21:46:29] <?[rp] Ollie> okay sure

[Faulkner leans over, getting close to Ollie. They take a moment and sniff him. Ceph rolls their eyes.]

[21:47:08] <?[rp] ceph> get a fukin room

[Ollie pulls back on instinct, extremely confused.]

[21:47:15] <?[rp] Ollie> ?????????

[He looks over to Ceph for a moment before realizing that that isn’t a good idea. Ollie looks back at Faulkner.]

[21:47:17] <?[rp] Ollie> um

[Faulkner pulls away.]

[21:47:18] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hmm

[21:47:22] <?[rp] Punk> does he smell good

[21:47:34] <?Faulkner [rp]> ...yes

[21:47:36] <?[rp] Ollie> i promise ive showered

[Dan politely looks around at the other side of the room, but curiously glances at Ollie and Ceph. Faulkner’s nostrils flare.]

[21:48:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> Thank you, was just curious

[21:48:13] <?[rp] Ollie> oh, alright then-

[Ceph raises their eyebrows at Faulkner.]

[21:48:14] <?[rp] ceph> ok r u DONE

[21:48:21] <?[rp] Finch> yeah

[21:48:28] <?[rp] Finch> are you two like done doing. whatever that was.

[Faulkner leans back in its chair. They smell familiar. Like cold and snow, sweat. That smell is very familiar to it. There’s also something deeper there, if Faulkner could smell under Ollie’s cloak it almost smelled like-]

[21:48:23] <?Faulkner [rp]> Thought I caught the scent of something on you

[Ceph scoffs.]

[21:48:37] <?[rp] ceph> save the sniffing for the bedroom fukin hell

[21:48:29] <?[rp] Ollie> ...ah

[21:48:29] <?[rp] Finch> ah

[21:48:40] <?[rp] Finch> makes sense

[Ollie turns back to Finch.]

[21:48:49] <?[rp] Ollie> Finch how about you go to your room

[21:48:56] <?[rp] Finch> well my room is uh.. back home

[21:49:02] <?[rp] Finch> and that's a bit of a distance.

[21:49:09] <?Faulkner [rp]> Then start walking

[Ollie turns back to Dan.]

[21:49:00] <?[rp] Ollie> Dan send them to their room they are annoying

[21:49:03] <?[rp] Ollie> any room

[21:49:09] <?[rp] Ollie> any room is fine

[Dan chuckles lightly.]

[21:49:16] <? [rp] DAN> noo we will finish dinner

[21:49:19] <? [rp] DAN> we are all doing great

[21:49:23] <?[rp] Ollie> okayy okay

[Dan tries his best to pull a convincing smile onto his face.]

[21:49:28] <? [rp] DAN> look at the like. family bonding going on

[21:49:32] <? [rp] DAN> its great....!

[21:49:35] <?[rp] Finch> yeah! we're getting along!

[21:49:37] <?[rp] Finch> i got free food!

[21:49:36] <?[rp] Punk> yes guys guys ive literally baked four entire cakes for this occasion ok i need all mouths on deck

[21:49:48] <? [rp] DAN> i got plenty of mouth

[21:49:42] <?[rp] Ollie> I do love free food

[21:49:48] <?[rp] Ollie> and this is some great food

[21:49:55] <?[rp] Ollie> Punk you are quite good at cooking

[21:50:06] <?[rp] Punk> thank u ollie

[Ceph plays with the rim of their newest vodka bottle with a finger.]

[21:49:54] <?[rp] ceph> oh guys haha i recently came into possession of an Object

[21:49:59] <?[rp] ceph> a cool one

[21:50:06] <?[rp] Finch> ooo an object

[21:50:09] <?[rp] Punk> i love objects

[Dan raises his brow.]

[21:50:00] <? [rp] DAN> thats too vague

[Ollie half jerks out of his seat.]

[21:50:08] <?[rp] Ollie> HAHAH HEYYY

[21:50:10] <?[rp] ceph> ok its boring nvm

[21:50:11] <?[rp] Ollie> Ceph

[21:50:19] <?[rp] ceph> yess ollie??

[21:50:10] <?[rp] Finch> can it be used to kill people.

[Finch starts to jump up and down on their chair.]

[21:50:12] <?[rp] Finch> can it?

[21:50:14] <?[rp] Finch> can it?

[21:50:16] <?[rp] Finch> can it?

[21:50:20] <? [rp] DAN> what

[21:50:21] <? [rp] DAN> finch

[21:50:25] <? [rp] DAN> why would you ask that

[21:50:32] <?[rp] Finch> you know exactly why!

[21:50:22] <?[rp] Punk> can i shove it up my ass haha jk unless

[Dan glances at Punk. He wants to make a comment about that badly, but it is way too inappropriate for the current company.]

[21:50:36] <?Faulkner [rp]> I dont think any objects of yours are all that interesting

[21:50:44] <?[rp] ceph> rude fuck

[21:50:54] <?[rp] ceph> shut up u dragon

[Ollie moves his hand quickly to knock his drink over. In a fantastic cascade of liquid, it manages to spray all over Ceph, spilling onto their outfit.]

[21:51:08] <?[rp] Ollie> haha UHH OH im SO sorry Ceph

[Ceph lifts their hands up, looking down at their stained dress.]

[21:51:17] <?[rp] ceph> wtf

[Finch scoots away from the splash area. Ceph shoots a glare at Ollie.]

[21:51:21] <?[rp] ceph> bitchass

[21:51:29] <?[rp] Ollie> im sooooo sorry ^.^

[21:51:53] <?[rp] ceph> i think finch should take u out back n shoot u

[Dan leans forward to offer Ceph some napkins, sopping up most of the spill on the table.]

[21:52:08] <?[rp] ceph> thank u dan

[21:52:07] <?[rp] Ollie> is there a bathroom here I'll grab some papertowels or something and help you with that mess ive made aha oops ^^

[21:52:25] <? [rp] DAN> of course

[Ceph squints.]

[21:52:42] <?[rp] ceph> is this a plot to make out in the bathroom

[Ollie makes a face.]

[21:52:50] <?[rp] Ollie> ew what the fuck

[21:52:51] <?[rp] Ollie> never

[21:52:53] <?[rp] Ollie> come with me tho

[Ollie stands, gesturing for Ceph to follow. Faulkner seems to come back to the conversation. He watches them both with his brow furrowed. That smell…it was exactly what he’d thought, wasn’t it.]

[21:53:10] <?[rp] ceph> ok dan ur child is kidnaping me

[21:53:15] <?[rp] ceph> bye ig

[21:53:20] <? [rp] DAN> dont hurt eachother ok!!

[21:53:21] <?[rp] Ollie> oh shut the fuck up ur so dramatic

[21:53:32] <?[rp] Ollie> ahahaaa be right back

[21:53:27] <? [rp] DAN> and dont leave early. or something

[Faulkner watches the pair leave, confused.]

[21:53:35] <?[rp] Punk> the shit just happened guys

[21:53:31] <?[rp] Finch> are they always like this or.....

[21:53:42] <?[rp] Finch> like ...

[21:53:43] <? [rp] DAN> ermm something for sure

[21:53:47] <?[rp] Finch> is this just a regular occurance?

[21:53:58] <?Faulkner [rp]> Definitely not

[21:53:58] <? [rp] DAN> we can just move on the subject now

[21:54:00] <? [rp] DAN> i think

[21:54:08] <?Faulkner [rp]> Apparently a lot has happened since I was asleep

[21:54:22] <?[rp] Finch> i think i'd rather be asleep than have witnessed that

[Faulkner makes direct eye contact with Finch.]

[21:54:30] <?Faulkner [rp]> I can put you down

[Finch doesn’t break the eye contact. Dan clears his throat.]

[21:54:33] <? [rp] DAN> well um. whats a good topic to talk about in the meantine

[21:55:43] <?[rp] Finch> question.

[21:55:55] <?Faulkner [rp]> No

[21:56:01] <?[rp] Finch> why the hell do you willingly live with ollie?

[21:56:07] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh

[Faulkner pauses for a moment. He gestures with his paw.]

[21:56:40] <?Faulkner [rp]> I enjoy his company. He was one of the first to welcome me to the server

[21:56:49] <?[rp] Finch> hmph.

[21:56:50] <? [rp] DAN> ollie is great company !

[21:56:53] <?[rp] Finch> i guess? that makes sense

[21:56:59] <?[rp] Punk> fax hes lovely

[21:57:09] <?Faulkner [rp]> He isn't always the most pleasant to be around. However I am willing to look past that to be there for him

[21:57:14] <?Faulkner [rp]> I care about him

[21:57:16] <?[rp] Finch> dad's my dad because uh! i dunno he gives me free food and things and hanging out.

[21:58:12] <?[rp] Finch> if he isn't that pleasant, then why do you stick around anyways.

[21:58:34] <?[rp] Punk> everyone has their moments of unpleasannttnes

[21:58:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> As I said, I care about him

[21:58:41] <?[rp] Finch> weirdo.

[Out in the hall, Ollie and Ceph whisper to one another in hushed tones.]

[21:54:00] <?[rp] ceph> wtf was that bitch

[21:54:28] <?[rp] Ollie> i should be asking you that !!!

[21:54:54] <?[rp] Ollie> this is a nice night . or i guess Interesting night

[21:55:06] <?[rp] Ollie> don't fucking . mention That

[21:55:20] <?[rp] ceph> bitch whyd u fucking spill vodka on me

[21:55:31] <?[rp] ceph> wasting it huh

[21:55:44] <?[rp] Ollie> how else would I be able to talk to you in private duh

[21:55:47] <?[rp] Ollie> only way

[21:56:02] <?[rp] ceph> theyr GONNA think we r making out btw bc ur a dumbasss

[21:56:17] <?[rp] Ollie> no they WONT ASSHOLE

[21:56:24] <?[rp] Ollie> okay

[21:56:29] <?[rp] ceph> ur the asshole fuck u

[21:56:44] <?[rp] Ollie> can you not mention the egg?

[21:56:46] <?[rp] Ollie> ..please?

[21:57:17] <?[rp] ceph> jesus first u wanted to give it to ur hoe so bad n now u dont

[21:57:41] <?[rp] Ollie> i DO want to-

[21:57:42] <?[rp] ceph> whatever

[21:57:43] <?[rp] Ollie> i just

[21:57:45] <?[rp] Ollie> not now

[21:57:52] <?[rp] ceph> i dont care

[21:58:01] <?[rp] Ollie> ...thanks Ceph

[21:57:11] <?[rp] Ollie> i'm sorry for staining your dress by the way...

[21:57:36] <?[rp] ceph> fine. thats a dumnb ass apology

[21:58:04] <?[rp] ceph> im going back fuck u

[Ollie sighs as Ceph breezes past them and returns to the dining room.]

[21:58:27] <?[rp] ceph> hahaa hiii i have returnedddd

[21:58:35] <? [rp] DAN> welcome back!!

[21:58:43] <?[rp] Finch> oh you're back!

[21:58:43] <? [rp] DAN> glad youre dried off now hah

[Ollie pulls on a pleasant expression and joins group again.]

[21:58:50] <?[rp] Ollie> I guess I'm back too woww

[21:58:52] <?[rp] ceph> oh yea ahahaha'

[21:58:54] <?[rp] Ollie> hope I didn't take too long

[21:58:59] <? [rp] DAN> no no no its ok!

[21:59:04] <? [rp] DAN> glad you both came back

[Faulkner leans towards Finch.]

[21:59:03] <?Faulkner [rp]> You should try caring sometimes

[21:59:16] <?[rp] Finch> i do care! i care about myself.

[21:59:39] <?Faulkner [rp]> I meant about other people

[Faulkner rolls its eyes, it rasps out a word in Draconic.]

[21:59:45] <?Faulkner [rp]> [dumbass]

[Dan seems to be focusing on Ollie, but when Finch mentions caring about themself, a muscle in his face seems to twitch. Ceph sulks in their chair, drinking another bottle of vodka, they crunch loudly on the glass. Ollie seems to be trying to ignore them, he immediately pushes himself into Faulkner and Finch’s conversation.]

[21:59:23] <?[rp] Ollie> oohoh wow what is going on here

[21:59:36] <?[rp] Finch> i'm making pleasant conversation!

[21:59:45] <?[rp] Ollie> this doesnt sound pleasant

[21:59:40] <?[rp] Finch> we were just talking about you!

[21:59:44] <?[rp] Finch> apparently you are 'unpleasant'

[22:00:20] <?Faulkner [rp]> Thats not what I said

[21:59:51] <?[rp] Ollie> i-

[21:59:52] <?[rp] Ollie> oh

[Dan loudly clears his throat, shooting Finch a look.]

[22:00:02] <? [rp] DAN> i think finch is just being cranky again

[22:00:07] <?[rp] ceph> wowwwwwwww talking about olliee?

[22:00:12] <? [rp] DAN> we were talking about you being pleasant to be around

[22:00:20] <?[rp] Punk> well everyone except finch

[22:00:25] <?[rp] Ollie> aah...

[22:00:37] <?[rp] Ollie> well I don't really care about Finch's opinion ever so

[Finch looks back at Faulkner, a little confused.]

[22:00:40] <?[rp] Finch> it was exactly what you said!

[22:00:50] <? [rp] DAN> i think you're misremembering finch

[22:01:27] <?[rp] Finch> i'm just catching ollie up on the conversation!

[Faulkner growls.]

[22:01:00] <?Faulkner [rp]> You're making it sound worse than it was

[22:01:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> [annoying child]

[Ollie looks away, they take a sip of their drink.]

[22:01:40] <?[rp] Ollie> helpful as always Finch

[22:01:51] <?[rp] Finch> i'm always helpful!

[Ceph speaks loudly towards Punk.]

[22:01:16] <?[rp] ceph> punk this is unpleasnt we should ditch

[Dan frowns.]

[22:01:24] <? [rp] DAN> bewfoer cake

[22:01:25] <? [rp] DAN> man

[22:01:28] <?[rp] ceph> oh

[22:01:38] <?[rp] ceph> yeah ig cake

[Punk sits up.]

[22:01:36] <?[rp] Punk> oh god i forgot ill go get them now

[Punk heads off towards the kitchen.]

[22:01:40] <? [rp] DAN> you can make it through the rest of the dinner cepphh

[Dan shoots Ceph a pleading expression.]

[22:01:46] <?[rp] ceph> okayyyyyyyyyyyyy

[22:01:56] <?[rp] ceph> only 4 u bby

[Ceph blows Dan a kiss.]

[22:02:00] <? [rp] DAN> teehee

[22:02:02] <? [rp] DAN> tank tyouu

[Faulkner leans back across the table towards Finch and Ollie.]

[22:02:03] <?Faulkner [rp]> I said that I enjoyed Ollie's company in spite of things

[22:02:22] <?[rp] Ollie> it would be great if we didn't talk about me

[22:02:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> I wouldn't be around him if I didn't-

[Punk carries out several cakes, setting them down on the table, distracting everyone. All of the cakes are beautifully decorated, and as Punk cuts into one of them with a knife, the cake inside is dense and thick with different liqueurs, and each layer is separated by smooth frosting.]

[22:02:16] <?[rp] ceph> omg

[22:02:19] <? [rp] DAN> omgg cake

[22:02:20] <? [rp] DAN> holy shit

[22:02:28] <?[rp] Ollie> ayyy cake!

[22:02:35] <?[rp] Finch> oh!! yay! cake!

[22:02:35] <?[rp] ceph> yayy

[22:02:34] <? [rp] DAN> these r so expertly crafted thank you punk

[Punk grins as he begins handing out plates of cake to everyone.]

[22:02:23] <?[rp] Punk> guys you are literally so welcome

[Finch is passed a plate first, and digs into it with excitement. They shove a forkful into their mouth.]

[22:02:37] <?[rp] Finch> yummy…

[22:03:35] <?[rp] Finch> thanksies for the cakes, punk!

[Finch begins shoving the cake into their mouth. There is a solid pile of crumbs and cake bits growing on the table around their place. Everyone else takes a slice, or slices, of cake of their choice.]

[22:02:45] <?[rp] ceph> punk ur sooo hot

[22:02:47] <?[rp] Ollie> ohh it's been so long since i've had cake

[Faulkner leans forward sniff the cake with curiosity.]

[22:03:54] <?[rp] Punk> feast my friends faulkner i can sprinkle some gold on half that thang for u boss

[22:04:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> No need. While it does look nice I am not much of a cake eater

[22:04:29] <?Faulkner [rp]> poor for my stomach

[22:05:03] <?[rp] Punk> sorry to hear bro lemme hand u a Steak

[22:05:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> thank you Punk

[Dan takes a large slice of cake, before eating in a single bite. Ollie pulls a slice of cake towards them and begins to cut into it with their fork.]

[22:04:19] <?[rp] ceph> woww u sure mustv needed a lot of EGGS to make these haha

[Ollie is halfway to putting the cake into their mouth when Ceph says this. They stare at Ceph..]

[22:04:43] <? [rp] DAN> um

[Dan pauses for a moment, debating talking about the egg. Finch reaches across the table to grab more cake as they finish licking up the rest on their plate.]

[22:04:55] <?[rp] Finch> more for me!

[22:05:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> I hope you have a sugar crash and dont wake up for several hours

[22:05:45] <?[rp] Finch> i will survive.

[22:05:53] <?[rp] Finch> i have eaten more cake in less time.

[Ollie finally puts the cake into their mouth, and savors the bite.]

[22:05:30] <?[rp] Ollie> oohh this is yummy

[22:05:38] <? [rp] DAN> yeah! this is really well made ty punk

[22:05:46] <?[rp] Punk> no problem gang

[Ceph looks at Ollie.]

[22:05:07] <?[rp] ceph> iv got something that u need clearly

[22:05:15] <?[rp] ceph> a chicken coop

[22:05:20] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[Ollie seems to ignore them in favor of talking about the cake.]

[22:05:54] <?[rp] Ollie> it is very very nice

[Punk sets a steak in front of Faulkner, who tears into it like a feral animal, including the bone.]

[22:06:19] <?[rp] Ollie> thank you for the food Punk, it's all been fantastic

[22:06:06] <?[rp] Punk> i do anything for the freakin Boys!!!!

[Faulkner crunches happily on the bone in the steak. Ollie stares at Faulkner as he chews.]

[Ceph stabs their fork into the table.]

[22:06:51] <?[rp] ceph> ahahaa heyyyy crunch my bones too bby

[Dan tries to hold back a laugh at Ceph’s behavior, but fails, and the sound comes out in a snort. Faulkner stares at Ceph with confusion..]

[22:07:40] <?[rp] Ollie> I can't decide what's the weirdest thing going on here right now

[22:07:41] <?Faulkner [rp]> What

[22:07:54] <?[rp] Ollie> don't worry about it Faulkner

[Ceph winks at Ollie and blows him a kiss.]

[22:08:02] <?[rp] ceph> ;))

[Faulkner makes a disgusted face. He continues to crunch on his bone.]

[22:08:35] <?[rp] Finch> punk this cake is fucking-

[Finch chews on the cake through their sentence.]

[22:08:35] <?[rp] Finch> delicious.

[22:08:47] <?[rp] Punk> thank you finch i mean what can i say im a master at my craft

[22:09:03] <?[rp] Ollie> jeez Finch have you not eaten all day or something

[22:09:14] <?[rp] Finch> i've eaten!

[22:09:17] <?[rp] Finch> i like eating!

[22:10:06] <?[rp] Punk> finch if ur ever in need of a cake literally hit me up

[22:09:38] <?[rp] Ollie> that's fair, but maybe you should slow down a bit, enjoy the food more

[22:09:39] <? [rp] DAN> finch kid, you should maybe put some slices on a plate. yknow. Regulate yourself.

[22:10:24] <?[rp] Finch> no. slices will slow- [chewing noise]- me down

[22:10:36] <?[rp] Finch> and thanks punk!

[22:10:41] <?Faulkner [rp]> you are bad at eating

[22:10:38] <?[rp] Ollie> this isn't a competition

[22:09:52] <?[rp] ceph> do u even fucking chew

[22:09:59] <?[rp] ceph> like part way'

[22:10:08] <?[rp] ceph> ik cat teeth suck

[22:10:58] <?[rp] Finch> i am winning at eating.

[22:11:14] <?[rp] ceph> ihope u choke and die forever

[22:11:15] <?Faulkner [rp]> You could never eat a bone. You would choke. And die

[22:11:58] <?[rp] Finch> no. i wouldn't. because i'm great

[Faulkner opens its mouth, all of their sharp teeth on display as they eat the rest of the bone whole. Dan slices off another piece for himself from the remaining cake that seems to look edible. He slides the last chunk onto a plate as well.]]

[22:10:35] <? [rp] DAN> um, well! ollie! would yu like the last slice of um. [He glances at Finch] cake

[22:10:42] <?[rp] Ollie> !

[22:11:10] <?[rp] Ollie> oh!! if you don't want it then, yes I'd like to have it

[22:11:19] <? [rp] DAN> of course!

[Dan passes the last piece of cake to Ollie. Ollie smiles slightly.]

[22:11:49] <?[rp] Ollie> thanks, Dan

[Dan smiles back at Ollie softly. Ceph drinks more vodka. They’re more than slightly tipsy now, verging on fully drunk. Faulkner and Finch continute to argue.]

[22:12:28] <?[rp] Finch> you- [They chew noisily.] - couldn't handle this much cake. so. im winning.

[Faulkner swallows the second steak whole. They make eye contact with Finch the entire time.]

[22:12:44] <? [rp] DAN> i personally could handle more cake than you, kid

[22:12:53] <? [rp] DAN> there is no winning an eating competition against me

[22:13:02] <?[rp] Ollie> pfft

[22:12:50] <?[rp] Punk> omg fight fight fight

[22:13:07] <?[rp] Finch> nuh- uh

[22:13:08] <?Faulkner [rp]> I could win

[22:13:13] <?[rp] Finch> no I would

[Ceph pipes up.]

[22:13:14] <?[rp] ceph> dragon boy i have a bone u can chew ahaha

[22:13:25] <?[rp] Ollie> ceph please

[Faulkner looks over at Ceph with a blank expression, he doesn’t seem to understand.]

[22:13:34] <?[rp] Punk> save some for me damn

[22:13:46] <?[rp] ceph> he doesnt understand ollie look at him

[22:13:55] <?[rp] Ollie> I don't think anyone should be eating bones thanks

[22:14:04] <?Faulkner [rp]> Why not

[22:14:07] <?[rp] Finch> why not

[22:14:26] <?[rp] Ollie> okay except you Faulkner, I have no idea how you're chowing down on those bones

[22:14:33] <?[rp] Ollie> but you're somehow not dying because of it so

[22:14:18] <? [rp] DAN> bones are healthy maybe

[22:14:35] <?[rp] Finch> uh

[22:14:37] <?[rp] Finch> bones tasty

[22:14:39] <?[rp] Finch> go chomp

[22:14:57] <?[rp] Finch> tasty and nutritious inside. like many other it- [Finch looks at Faulkner.] -things

[Ceph leans further towards Faulkner.]

[22:14:18] <?[rp] ceph> do u swallow salmon whole too

[22:14:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> Yes

[22:14:31] <?[rp] ceph> i love to we shou;ld hang out

[22:14:38] <?Faulkner [rp]> I can swallow a lot of things whole

[22:14:43] <?[rp] ceph> haha

[22:14:49] <?Faulkner [rp]> Depends on how I am feeling

[22:14:50] <?[rp] ceph> me too ^_^

[Dan is trying his best not to laugh.]

[Ollie takes a huge swig of his drink, exhausted of whatever Ceph is trying to do with this conversation. Faulkner seems completely clueless of the implications. Ceph nods at Faulkner.]

[22:15:26] <?[rp] ceph> lets go fishin twink boy

[22:15:35] <?[rp] ceph> with our teeth

[22:15:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> Don't call me that

[22:15:39] <?Faulkner [rp]> Not a boy

[22:15:44] <?[rp] ceph> thing

[22:15:49] <?[rp] ceph> whatever

[22:16:15] <?Faulkner [rp]> I would like to fish

[22:16:18] <?Faulkner [rp]> maybe not with you

[22:16:31] <?[rp] ceph> wtf

[22:16:37] <?[rp] ceph> rude ass

[22:16:51] <? [rp] DAN> fishing is great ! great activity

[22:16:38] <?[rp] Finch> yeah you should go fishing. maybe it'd improve you.

[22:16:53] <?Faulkner [rp]> [What the fuck is that supposed to mean]

[22:16:58] <?[rp] ceph> ollie would u go fishing with me

[22:17:07] <?[rp] Ollie> oh- uh

[22:17:08] <?[rp] Ollie> um

[22:17:09] <?[rp] ceph> since ur hoe wont

[22:17:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> I would go fishing with Ollie

[22:17:31] <?[rp] ceph> then lets all go

[22:17:32] <?[rp] Ollie> ah.........

[22:17:40] <?[rp] Ollie> im not the best at fishing haha

[22:17:55] <?[rp] ceph> u suck at chess too

[22:18:05] <?[rp] Ollie> fuck you !!!

[22:18:07] <?[rp] ceph> u still play tho

[22:17:40] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hm

[22:17:45] <?[rp] Finch> i'd like to fish but i'd only really wanna do it with dad

[22:17:47] <?[rp] Finch> not uh.

[Finch looks at Ceph.]

[22:17:53] <?[rp] Finch> you.

[22:17:47] <?[rp] ceph> ok and

[22:17:53] <?Faulkner [rp]> Who asked

[22:18:04] <?[rp] Finch> i asked! myself.

[22:17:49] <?Faulkner [rp]> Well you don't need to fish

[22:18:05] <?[rp] Punk> just fuckin hurl the line and pull it out again sometimes its ez pz

[22:18:17] <? [rp] DAN> fishing aint too hard

[22:18:42] <?[rp] Ollie> I guess it isn't

[22:18:38] <?Faulkner [rp]> I could show you how to fish

[22:18:53] <?[rp] Ollie> you could

[22:19:00] <?[rp] ceph> i could show u how to fish with ur hands

[22:19:09] <?[rp] Ollie> a part of me thinks you'd like, grab the fish yourself

[22:19:17] <?[rp] Ollie> or with your sharp teeth or something

[22:19:20] <?Faulkner [rp]> I can fish both ways

[22:19:15] <?[rp] Finch> i could! if i wanted

[22:19:22] <?[rp] Finch> but dad says i should use a line

[22:19:34] <?[rp] Punk> you should what if u get scaleys in ur paws

[22:19:28] <? [rp] DAN> its fun using a line

[22:19:32] <? [rp] DAN> sometimes you catch cool shit

[22:19:34] <?Faulkner [rp]> I realize not all my methods are optimal for you

[22:19:44] <?[rp] Ollie> haha, yeahh

[22:19:56] <?Faulkner [rp]> It would be nice to catch up

[22:20:07] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah..........

[22:20:07] <?Faulkner [rp]> I feel like theres a lot for me to be caught up on

[22:20:16] <?[rp] Ollie> ohh not much really

[22:20:28] <?[rp] Ollie> i haven't really been doing much of anything honestly

[Faulkner’s tail flicks back and forth.]

[22:20:40] <?[rp] Ollie> not that I'm ever doing anything

[Ceph puts the Prince head back up in front of theirs.]

[22:20:30] <?[rp] ceph> hey haha finch

[Finch draws their hunting rifle again and points it at Ceph.]

[22:20:43] <?[rp] ceph> dannnnnnnnnn

[22:20:47] <? [rp] DAN> finch

[22:20:50] <? [rp] DAN> i saw that

[22:20:48] <?[rp] Punk> gun away finch

[Faulkner is distracted as Finch pulls their weapon. Finch starts puts the hunting rifle away.]

[22:20:50] <?[rp] Finch> i have other weapons, you know.

[22:21:00] <?[rp] ceph> ur child is threatening me

[22:21:02] <?[rp] Finch> dad ceph is being ANNOYING.

[22:21:09] <? [rp] DAN> dinner is almost done can you not quell the urge to threaten people

[22:21:12] <?[rp] Ollie> Finch why are you bringing deadly weapons to the table

[22:21:22] <? [rp] DAN> alright awesome!

[22:21:01] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hey.

[Faulkner pulls out his crossbow.]

[22:21:19] <?[rp] Ollie> faulkner-

[22:21:29] <?[rp] Ollie> okay let's not point shit at each other please

[22:21:39] <? [rp] DAN> FINCH!

[22:21:47] <? [rp] DAN> FAULKNER.

[Dan groans.]

[22:21:30] <? [rp] DAN> please put that away

[22:21:41] <?[rp] Finch> fine.

[Faulkner set the crossbow on the table, but pointed in Finch’s direction.]

[22:21:50] <?Faulkner [rp]> Perhaps get your child under control

[Ceph watches the scene with interest. Dan shoots a glare at Finch.]

[22:22:21] <? [rp] DAN> awesome we can be well behaved and have table manners

[22:22:31] <?[rp] Finch> I'M TRYING.

[22:23:17] <? [rp] DAN> you dont even get to use it. you're like one second away from me taking it from you

[22:22:34] <?[rp] Ollie> if we do this again, might i suggest we leave weapons at the entrance

[22:22:43] <? [rp] DAN> thats a fantastic idea ollie

[22:22:51] <?[rp] ceph> FUCK NO i need my sword

[22:23:04] <?[rp] Punk> ceph if its my house theres always special privs for u

[22:23:17] <?[rp] ceph> i cant take off the sword attached to me ahaha

[22:22:52] <?[rp] Finch> thats fucking boring, ollie

[22:23:03] <?[rp] Ollie> youre fucking boring, Finch

[22:23:03] <?Faulkner [rp]> I can stand to leave my things at home

[22:23:10] <?Faulkner [rp]> My teeth can do plenty of work

[22:23:16] <?Faulkner [rp]> If necessary

[22:23:49] <?[rp] ceph> i loveeeeeeeee sharp teeth

[22:23:51] <?Faulkner [rp]> Anyways

[22:23:54] <?Faulkner [rp]> Fishing?

[22:24:02] <?[rp] Finch> yeah! fishing.

[22:24:05] <?[rp] Ollie> mmm ... alright

[22:24:07] <?Faulkner [rp]> With... Ceph I suppose

[22:24:14] <?[rp] ceph> oh?

[22:24:17] <?[rp] ceph> yayy

[22:24:23] <?[rp] ceph> with ME

[22:24:31] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[Ceph seems surprised, they didn’t expect to be invited.]

[22:24:19] <?[rp] Ollie> that sounds

[22:24:20] <?[rp] Ollie> fun

[22:24:23] <?Faulkner [rp]> I wouldn't mind ice fishing

[22:24:39] <?Faulkner [rp]> I haven't gotten the chance to in a while

[22:24:48] <?[rp] Ollie> oh?

[22:25:09] <?[rp] Finch> i'd uh

[22:25:13] <?[rp] Finch> offer to go but.

[22:25:18] <?[rp] Ollie> no thanks

[22:25:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> You are not fucking going

[22:25:22] <?[rp] ceph> dni

[22:25:22] <?[rp] Finch> okay i have to be honest i don't want to be in the same room with you without dad

[22:25:28] <?Faulkner [rp]> I'll kill you if you show up

[22:25:38] <?Faulkner [rp]> Teeth to your throat

[22:25:38] <?[rp] ceph> we r gonna do hard drugs

[Ollie makes a noise, shakes his head.]

[22:25:42] <?[rp] Ollie> no we are not

[22:25:46] <?[rp] ceph> cocaine

[22:25:51] <?[rp] Ollie> no cocaine

[22:26:19] <?[rp] ceph> ollie shut up i dont even have cocaine

[22:26:28] <?[rp] Ollie> i know you dont okay you shut up

[22:26:36] <?[rp] ceph> rude ass

[Dan turns to Finch.]

[22:25:44] <? [rp] DAN> i think you should wait to be invited on a fishing trip

[22:25:50] <? [rp] DAN> instead of offering

[22:26:10] <?[rp] Finch> people don't tend to invite me to things unless it's a big everyone event.

[22:26:12] <?[rp] Finch> thus why i offer!

[22:26:17] <?[rp] Ollie> i wonder why

[22:26:22] <?Faulkner [rp]> [i wonder why]

[Faulkner leans forward.]

[22:26:39] <?Faulkner [rp]> Is dinner over?

[22:26:48] <?[rp] Punk> sure you guys can head off if you like

[Faulkner nods at Punk.]

[22:26:47] <?[rp] Finch> i fucking hope so

[22:26:52] <?[rp] Punk> oh my god chill finch

[22:26:57] <? [rp] DAN> yeah, we made it through a whole dinner

[22:26:58] <?[rp] Ollie> wellll, this dinner was funn

[22:27:02] <? [rp] DAN> and no one died! awesome

[22:27:07] <?[rp] Ollie> next time we can do it after Finch's bedtime

[22:27:06] <? [rp] DAN> thank you all for coming so much

[22:27:03] <?[rp] ceph> id like to stay ahahaaa

[22:27:19] <?[rp] Punk> of course ceph u can stay over <3

[22:27:44] <? [rp] DAN> haha... i can also stay ^_^ it seems cold out there

[22:27:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> thank you for the food

[22:27:03] <?[rp] Finch> thanks again for all the food, punk

[22:27:10] <?[rp] Punk> thanks guyssss so glad u enjoyed

[22:27:16] <?[rp] Finch> it's pretty well made for someone who willingly lives in malfaction!

[Ceph stands from the table, pulls the dagger from their side, and plunges it into Finch’s chest. They seem to freeze for an instant, until they shatter into a shower of glowstone particles.]

[22:27:23] ?[rp] Finch was slain by ?[rp] ceph

[22:27:29] <?[rp] Punk> deserved

[22:27:31] <?[rp] Ollie> oops

[22:27:34] <?Faulkner [rp]> [about time]

[22:27:43] <?[rp] Ollie> so much for no one dying

[Ceph wipes their knife off on the underside of their dress.]

[22:27:38] <?[rp] ceph> they had it coming

[Faulkner nods in agreement.]

[22:27:52] <?[rp] Punk> oh absoulutelyyy

[Dan groans. He lets his shoulders droop.]

[22:27:49] <? [rp] DAN> ugh. i guess so

[22:27:58] <?[rp] Ollie> aha i am DEFINITELY leaving okay

[22:28:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> Shall we return home together Ollie?

[Ollie seems distracted as he says his goodbyes to Dan and Punk.]

[22:28:09] <? [rp] DAN> bye ollie! thank you so much for coming, and you too faulkner

[22:28:14] <? [rp] DAN> it was overall a great dinner !!!!!

[22:28:22] <?[rp] Punk> ollie faulkner thanks for coming all the way out here guys

[22:28:19] <?[rp] Ollie> thanks Punk for the food, and thank you Dan for this

[22:28:26] <?[rp] Ollie> it was nice, talking to you again

[Dan smiles.]

[22:28:35] <? [rp] DAN> you too

[22:28:39] <?[rp] Ollie> this is a lot better than last time for sure pfft

[22:28:44] <? [rp] DAN> we should ahve dinner again soon! or maybe lunch. idk. whatever works

[22:28:31] <?Faulkner [rp]> The child died which I think improved it greatly

[22:28:16] <?[rp] ceph> dan do u want to have sex with me even after watching me kill ur kid

[22:29:13] <?[rp] ceph> ahaha

[22:28:44] <?Faulkner [rp]> All dinners should have child execution

[22:28:55] <?[rp] Ollie> you know what Faulkner i fully agree with you

[22:29:09] <?[rp] Ollie> we're ending the dinner on a high note

[Faulkner stands from the table, stretching. His full draconic form on display. Ollie stares at him, they’ve never seen the entire transformation before. He is…something to look at.]

[22:29:33] <?[rp] ceph> ahahaaa

[22:29:39] <?[rp] ceph> heyyy

[To Faulkner: ]

[22:29:47] <?[rp] ceph> u free bby

[Faulkner nods his head at Ollie, ignoring Ceph.]

[22:29:54] <?Faulkner [rp]> come on

[Ollie stands.]

[22:30:14] <?[rp] ceph> smh rude

[22:30:17] <?[rp] Punk> cold

[22:30:19] <?[rp] ceph> ignored

[Ollie gives the remaining group a wave.]

[22:30:22] <?[rp] Ollie> bye everyonee

[22:30:25] <?[rp] Punk> bye guys!

[22:30:28] <? [rp] DAN> BYE!!!!

[22:30:29] <?[rp] Ollie> have a good night!!

[22:30:32] <?[rp] Punk> you too

[Faulkner and Ollie leave together. Dan leans over to Ceph.]

[22:30:17] <? [rp] DAN> i think he's quite taken

[Ceph turns back.]

[22:30:38] <?[rp] ceph> no hes not

[22:30:44] <?[rp] ceph> i dont think

[22:30:54] <? [rp] DAN> my intuition tell me otherwise ^_^

[22:31:01] <? [rp] DAN> its ok tho i dont think either of them know that yet tho

[Ceph sighs. They put on their best sultry expression.]

[22:31:30] <?[rp] ceph> okay guys wanna fuck

[22:31:31] <? [rp] DAN> is hot babe geting in on this

[22:31:45] <?[rp] Punk> she can get it on

[22:31:47] <? [rp] DAN> and helll yeah sexy