Characters present: Ollie, Faulkner, Ceph
Date: 3/12/24
Season: 3

[Ollie stands outside in the cold wearing his usual faction attire, but tries to warm himself up with a big coat. His breath steams in the cold air, and he buries his nose into whatever warmth he can find.]

[18:30:54] <?[rp] Ollie> i.m going to fucking die out here

[From beside him, Ceph scoffs.]

[18:31:22] <?[rp] ceph> your a fucking pussy

[18:31:28] <?[rp] Ollie> shut up

[18:31:37] <?[rp] Ollie> shut up forever and ever

[18:31:57] <?[rp] Ollie> fuckk you

[18:32:18] <?[rp] ceph> ๊–Œโ•Ž๊–Ž๊–Ž ||๐™นโšโˆทแ“ญแ’ท๊–ŽโŽ“

[18:32:31] <?[rp] Ollie> ..what the FUCK

[18:32:32] <?[rp] ceph> stop whining ok

[18:33:06] <?[rp] ceph> ur bitch is coming i thought youd be excited

[18:32:37] <?[rp] Ollie> for fucks sake-

[18:32:52] <?[rp] Ollie> look okay im sorry alright

[18:34:21] <?[rp] Ollie> i wouldnt say id be excited, but i would be a lot more cheerful if it werent for the current circumstances okay

[18:34:32] <?[rp] ceph> which are

[18:34:37] <?[rp] ceph> ?

[18:34:49] <?[rp] ceph> did u break up

[Ollie rolls their eyes.]

[18:34:50] <?[rp] Ollie> first of all it's fuckinng COLD, why did it need to snow TODAY

[18:34:52] <?[rp] Ollie> and second

[18:35:01] <?[rp] Ollie> i guess im a bit worried

[18:32:58] <?[rp] Ollie> could you do me a favor

[18:33:09] <?[rp] ceph> what

[18:35:15] <?[rp] Ollie> you need to promise me you wont bring up that stupid egg okay?

[18:35:29] <?[rp] ceph> why not

[18:35:32] <?[rp] Ollie> im gonna give it to him eventually

[18:35:34] <?[rp] Ollie> i just

[18:35:59] <?[rp] Ollie> i just dont want him or dan to be all ANNOYING about it just yet

[18:36:08] <?[rp] ceph> .what

[Ceph giggles loudly. They open their mouth at Ollie.]

[18:36:21] <?[rp] ceph> r u jelous of a fucking egg

[18:36:46] <?[rp] ceph> r u mad they care about shit thats not u

[18:36:57] <?[rp] Ollie> SHUT UP IM NOT JEALOUS

[Ollie huffs.]

[18:36:39] <?[rp] Ollie> i mean, Dan only fucking went to our house and talked with me cuz he was looking for that fucking dragon egg

[18:36:53] <?[rp] Ollie> and Faulkner almost killed an entire faction for the same thing

[18:37:05] <?[rp] ceph> u selfish bitch smh

[18:37:19] <?[rp] ceph> beefing with an unborn egg

[18:37:24] <?[rp] Ollie> im mad because they don't even seem to care about me that much okay fuck you

[Ollie turns on his heel, walking a few paces away from Ceph.]

[18:37:32] <?[rp] Ollie> this is stupid

[18:37:33] <?[rp] Ollie> i dont care

[Ceph seems unbothered.]

[18:37:40] <?[rp] ceph> well that sucks L

[Ollie clenches his fists.]

[18:37:49] <?[rp] Ollie> i don't really need anyone it's fine

[18:38:07] <?[rp] ceph> haha

[18:38:27] <?[rp] ceph> u sound like an edgy 13 year old

[18:38:32] <?[rp] Ollie> shut up

[18:38:30] <?[rp] Ollie> i just hope that after i give the egg back they arent all weird about it again

[18:38:41] <?[rp] ceph> whatever i dont care

[18:38:46] <?[rp] Ollie> fine

[18:38:48] <?[rp] Ollie> i dont care either

[18:39:07] <?[rp] ceph> hey ollie

[Ollie turns to look at Ceph.]

[18:39:12] <?[rp] Ollie> what

[Ceph reaches out a hand and beckons Ollie forward with it.]

[18:39:35] <?[rp] ceph> i think we should kiss i need exporsure to new microbes

[18:39:50] <?[rp] ceph> to strengthen my immune system

[18:39:44] <?[rp] Ollie> fuck no

[18:39:50] <?[rp] Ollie> go lick the ground

[18:39:55] <?[rp] ceph> wtf

[18:40:16] <?[rp] ceph> u literally want me to die

[18:40:24] <?[rp] Ollie> you want new microbes

[18:40:55] <?[rp] ceph> u literally r telling me to die why would i lick the ground

[Ollie goes to take a swig of their vodka. Above them, Faulkner trudges through the snow on the cliffside. He looks over the edge as he hears the echoes of voices, and spots Ollie and Ceph below. Faulkner doesn’t hesitate for a moment before diving off the cliff and into the icy lake beneath them.

The slam into the lake with a massive splash, scaring the hell out of Ollie mid-swig of their vodka. The lake water spills over the edges of the icy embankment, and Faulkner surfaces, head slowly emerging from the water.]

[18:40:50] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hello

[18:40:58] <?[rp] ceph> oh-

[18:41:02] <?[rp] ceph> hi

[Ollie slams his fist into his chest as he begins to cough on his vodka.]

[18:41:04] <?[rp] Ollie> HEY

[Ollie doubles over and continues coughing until he gets it all out of his system.]

[18:41:06] <?[rp] Ollie> ow

[18:41:09] <?[rp] Ollie> myfufckknigng thoruat

[Faulkner cocks its head slightly to the side.]

[18:41:12] <?Faulkner [rp]> Are you alright?

[Ollie grabs at his chest again.]

[18:41:36] <?[rp] Ollie> y.yeah

[He sucks in a deep breath and then straightens up. When he comes to a full stand, Faulkner has pulled itself out of the water. Its dark fur drips with water, but it shakes itself off. It pats Ollie on the back gently.]

[18:41:37] <?[rp] Ollie> hey

[18:41:38] <?[rp] Ollie> hi

[18:41:42] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hello

[Ceph mumbles under their breath to themself: ]

[18:41:44] <?[rp] ceph> jesus christ im third wheeling

[Ollie looks Faulkner up and down.]

[18:42:20] <?[rp] Ollie> aren't you cold

[18:42:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> No?

[18:42:31] <?[rp] Ollie> what the fuck

[Faulkner gestures to their body.]

[18:42:40] <?Faulkner [rp]> fur

[18:42:50] <?[rp] Ollie> ohh yeah

[18:42:51] <?[rp] Ollie> fur

[Ceph raises their eyebrows.]

[18:42:38] <?[rp] ceph> are you two done being touchy

[Ollie snaps around.]

[18:42:46] <?[rp] Ollie> are you done being a bitch

[18:42:51] <?[rp] ceph> never~

[18:42:50] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hello Ceph

[Ceph gives a dainty little wave to Faulkner, fluttering their eyelashesp. Ollie shoots them a glare.]

[18:43:29] <?[rp] Ollie> so

[18:43:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> so

[18:43:41] <?[rp] Ollie> are we

[18:43:42] <?[rp] Ollie> fishing

[18:43:47] <?Faulkner [rp]> I hope so

[18:43:56] <?[rp] Ollie> i don't know how you all plan to do that

[18:44:01] <?[rp] Ollie> this lake is fucking ice

[18:44:12] <?[rp] ceph> we break it dumbass

[18:44:23] <?[rp] Ollie> okay no need to be an asshole

[Ceph pulls out a handkerchief and coughs into it less delicately than they normally do.]

[18:44:08] <?Faulkner [rp]> Are you alright Ceph?

[18:44:19] <?[rp] ceph> oh yea yeah

[18:44:27] <?[rp] ceph> im. fine

[18:44:37] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah of course you're fine

[18:44:39] <?[rp] Ollie> why wouldnt you be

[18:44:50] <?[rp] ceph> what tf does that mean

[18:44:58] <?[rp] ceph> u asshole

[Faulkner looks between Ollie and Ceph.]

[18:45:18] <?[rp] ceph> WHATEVER. yes . fishing

[18:44:37] <?Faulkner [rp]> But yes, we break the ice

[18:44:43] <?Faulkner [rp]> Very easy

[18:45:07] <?[rp] Ollie> i could break it with my axe

[18:45:09] <?[rp] Ollie> maybe

[18:45:29] <?Faulkner [rp]> No need. I can do it

[18:45:34] <?[rp] Ollie> oh

[18:45:37] <?[rp] Ollie> sure go ahead then

[18:45:36] <?[rp] ceph> sexy'

[18:45:52] <?[rp] ceph> give us a show dragon bitch

[18:45:56] <?Faulkner [rp]> Are we fishing on the shore or are we heading out to the center

[18:46:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> Center would be better but

[18:46:07] <?[rp] Ollie> whatever suits you better

[18:46:07] <?[rp] ceph> middle maybe

[18:46:20] <?[rp] ceph> so i can shove ollie in

[18:46:27] <?[rp] Ollie> what

[18:46:31] <?[rp] Ollie> fuck you

[18:46:36] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[18:46:37] <?[rp] Ollie> do you want to KILL me

[18:46:43] <?[rp] ceph> maybe

[18:46:55] <?[rp] Ollie> what the fuck...

[18:46:44] <?Faulkner [rp]> I don't think we need to be in the middle for that but

[18:46:46] <?Faulkner [rp]> lets go

[Faulkner walks out onto the ice. They stretch and flex their paws, extending their claws. They slice twice across the ice just for show, before slamming their fist through it, smashing a hole clean through.]

[18:47:59] <?[rp] ceph> wow

[18:48:01] <?[rp] ceph> hot

[18:48:16] <?[rp] ceph> u got some talons on u huh

[18:48:24] <?Faulkner [rp]> Claws, but yes

[18:48:33] <?[rp] Ollie> oh wow

[18:48:58] <?[rp] Ollie> you made it seem a lot easier than it actually is

[18:49:26] <?Faulkner [rp]> its not that hard really

[18:49:39] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah sure.

[Faulkner slides over to Ollie.]

[18:50:09] <?Faulkner [rp]> Are you ready

[18:50:15] <?[rp] Ollie> um

[18:50:27] <?[rp] Ollie> okay yeah im ready

[Ceph pulls several bottles of vodka out of their dress.]

[18:50:17] <?[rp] ceph> i brought vodka btw'

[18:50:26] <?[rp] ceph> only a bit

[18:50:38] <?[rp] ceph> does anyone want a drink

[18:50:43] <?[rp] Ollie> heyyyy

[18:50:49] <?Faulkner [rp]> I still don't know what that is

[18:50:59] <?[rp] ceph> alcohol

[Ceph hands Faulkner a bottle.]

[18:51:09] <?Faulkner [rp]> That does not help

[Faulkner gives the bottle to Ollie.]

[18:51:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> Here

[18:51:37] <?[rp] Ollie> oh

[18:51:39] <?[rp] Ollie> alright then

[18:51:41] <?[rp] Ollie> thanks

[Ceph pulled a beautiful silver rod out while Faulkner and Ollie were talking, and dropped it into the water. They pull up a salmon almost immediately.]

[18:52:05] <?[rp] ceph> wow guys haha i caught one

[18:52:11] <?[rp] Ollie> oh wow

[18:52:13] <?[rp] Ollie> that was quick

[18:52:23] <?[rp] Ollie> salmon?

[18:52:30] <?[rp] ceph> yea there r a lot of fish here

[Faulkner peers into the water.]

[18:52:32] <?Faulkner [rp]> its pretty deep

[Ollie takes a step back.]

[18:52:52] <?[rp] ceph> im hungry as shit

[18:53:05] <?[rp] Ollie> why didnt you eat before going out

[Ceph unhooks the salmon from their line and holds it up by the pocket under the gills.]

[18:53:16] <?[rp] ceph> why eat before

[Ceph unhinges their jaw, teeth protruding much longer than they normally do in this form. They slip the wriggling fish into their mouth, and bite down hard in a snap. Bones crunch and crack, and Ceph swallows it down, satisfied.]

[18:53:46] <?[rp] Ollie> what. the fuck

[18:53:49] <?[rp] Ollie> did you just EAT IT

[18:53:50] <?[rp] Ollie> WHOLE

[18:53:51] <?[rp] Ollie> RAW????/

[Faulkner seems unfazed.]

[18:53:52] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[18:54:05] <?[rp] ceph> yeah whats wrong with that

[18:54:21] <?[rp] Ollie> i

[18:54:26] <?[rp] Ollie> okay.

[18:54:29] <?[rp] Ollie> sure

[Faulkner waves Ollie over as he looks away from Ceph.]

[18:53:40] <?Faulkner [rp]> Fishing is intimidating but ultimately simple. All you have to do is cast the rod and then wait for a tug

[18:54:32] <?Faulkner [rp]> Here I'll show you

[Faulkner casts out his line into the lake. He waits patiently for a few minutes before the bobber is tugged underwater. Faulkner reels the fish in with ease, and unhooks it from the lure, he shows the cod he just caught to Ollie.]

[19:02:51] <?[rp] Ollie> you all make it seem a LOT easier than it is okay...

[19:03:03] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[Faulkner glares at Ceph. He helps Ollie spool up his reel with fishing line.]

[19:03:38] <?Faulkner [rp]> It's not too bad. Especially with how many fish there seem to be

[19:03:53] <?Faulkner [rp]> Why don't you try?

[19:03:54] <?[rp] Ollie> alrighttt alright ...I'll try

[19:03:49] <?[rp] ceph> ollie u havent even cast ur line yet stop bitching

[19:03:58] <?[rp] Ollie> FUCK YOU !!!

[19:04:05] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[19:04:18] <?[rp] Ollie> for the record, i have tried before

[19:04:21] <?[rp] Ollie> im just not good at it

[19:04:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> Well thats what practice is for

[19:04:39] <?[rp] ceph> theres not much to it'

[Ollie grunts.]

[19:04:48] <?[rp] Ollie> finee…

[Ollie casts his line out into the water. They stand in silence for a few minutes.]

[19:05:56] <?[rp] ceph> maybe. tug on the line a little. wiggle it yk

[19:06:07] <?[rp] Ollie> wiggle on it

[19:06:08] <?[rp] ceph> makes the fish want it more

[19:06:11] <?[rp] Ollie> that's your advice

[19:06:16] <?[rp] ceph> yea

[19:06:14] <?Faulkner [rp]> Yes

[19:06:17] <?Faulkner [rp]> They are right

[19:06:26] <?Faulkner [rp]> Sometimes you need to reel it in a bit

[19:06:28] <?[rp] Ollie> okay..

[19:06:31] <?[rp] ceph> mhm

[They continue to catch fish, but none seem to want to take Ollie’s bait.]

[19:07:12] <?[rp] Ollie> this is unbelievable

[19:07:18] <?Faulkner [rp]> A little yes

[19:07:27] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hmm

[19:07:18] <?[rp] Ollie> FISH ARE YOU IN THERE !!!!!!1

[19:07:31] <?[rp] Ollie> COME HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[19:07:41] <?Faulkner [rp]> Here, let me try something

[19:07:58] <?[rp] ceph> ollie ur bobber keeps moving a lil like fish r nibnling

[19:08:37] <?[rp] Ollie> what the fuck did you just say to me

[19:08:47] <?[rp] ceph> what dont u get

[19:09:31] <?[rp] ceph> do u not know the anatomy of a fishing rod

[19:09:03] <?[rp] Ollie> i dont get how you can be so annoying at all times

[19:09:09] <?[rp] Ollie> impressive really

[On the ice, Faulkner has crouched near the fishing hole. Its fur begins to shorten and become more fine. Its coat seems to take on an oily sheen, and it looks seal like, mane almost completely gone.]

[19:09:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> I'll be right back

[Ollie stares at Faulkner as the transformation completes, and he slips into the water with little more than a splash.]

[19:09:33] <?[rp] Ollie> uh- oh

[19:09:35] <?[rp] ceph> oh

[19:09:39] <?[rp] ceph> hes gone

[19:09:51] <?[rp] Ollie> holy shit

[19:09:55] <?[rp] ceph> well

[19:10:05] <?[rp] Ollie> was it just me or did he .......

[19:10:24] <?[rp] Ollie> huh..

[Under the water, Faulkner swims around looking for fish to chase closer to the hole. Ceph huffs quietly.]

[19:10:10] <?[rp] ceph> we wont be catching much NOW

[19:10:25] <?[rp] ceph> fuckers scaring the hoes

[19:10:36] <?[rp] Ollie> well guess it's over for me

[19:10:47] <?[rp] Ollie> i'll never be able to successfully fish

[19:10:50] <?[rp] ceph> loser

[19:10:58] <?[rp] Ollie> idiot

[Ceph pulls the fish from their own reel and slaps Ollie across the face with it.]

[19:11:21] <?[rp] Ollie> OW!!!!!

[19:11:27] <?[rp] Ollie> WHAT THE HELL CEPH!!!!!!!!!!!

[19:11:39] <?[rp] Ollie> MOTHERFUCKER

[19:12:01] <?[rp] ceph> fuck u

[Ceph’s teeth elongate, they snap the head off the fish in one sharp motion, and begin to chew. Ollie wipes the wet, slimy mucus from the fish off of his face. A few scales have stuck to his face.]

[19:12:30] <?[rp] Ollie> fucker..............

[19:12:35] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[Faulkner climbs out of the water, holding a salmon in his mouth.]

[19:12:53] <?[rp] ceph> wow

[19:12:54] <?[rp] Ollie> oh!

[19:12:59] <?[rp] ceph> heyyyyyyyyyy sexy

[19:13:02] <?[rp] Ollie> holy shit

[19:13:06] <?[rp] Ollie> so you know TWO ways to fish

[19:13:25] <?[rp] ceph> hes not special i do TOO

[19:13:09] <?Faulkner [rp]> Here

[Faulkner hands the salmon to Ollie.]

[19:13:32] <?[rp] Ollie> oh

[19:13:37] <?[rp] Ollie> ...thanks

[19:13:51] <?Faulkner [rp]> There weren't as many fish as I thought, took a bit to find

[19:14:05] <?[rp] Ollie> really? i thought there were a lot here

[19:14:12] <?Faulkner [rp]> Maybe you would have better luck with a different rod-

[Ceph sneakily hooks their rod onto the back of Ollie’s cloak. With a sharp tug, Ollie skids on the ice and tumbles into the water.]

[19:15:00] <?[rp] Ollie> AAAH WHATTT THEFUCK

[19:15:08] <?[rp] ceph> oops ^_^

[19:15:08] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh shit-

[Faulkner reaches down and pulls Ollie out of the water.]


[19:15:35] <?[rp] ceph> dw im sure ur dragon bitch will warm u up

[19:15:42] <?Faulkner [rp]> Are you ok??

[Ollie’s teeth chatter as he spits out angrily at Ceph.]

[19:15:47] <?[rp] Ollie> YYYOU LITTLE BITCH

[19:15:53] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[Faulkner growls lowly.]

[19:16:13] <?Faulkner [rp]> We are supposed to be catching the FISH

[19:16:14] <?[rp] ceph> chill\

[19:16:50] <?[rp] ceph> well he will catch something at least

[19:16:56] <?[rp] ceph> hypothermia

[Ollie shakes from the cold, their lips quickly turning blue. They unhook their cloak and shake it out, trying to get the water out.]

[19:16:53] <?[rp] Ollie> ceph ii.f i could id KILLYYOU

[19:17:43] <?[rp] ceph> have my last bottle of vodka itll warm u up

[Faulkner shakes himself off, his fur begins to lengthen, returning to its original fluff, if not a bit longer and puffier. He extends his arms and wraps them around Ollie. Ollie goes still.]

[19:18:06] <?[rp] Ollie> oh-

[Faulkner opens its mouth, plumes of red stardust trickle out and surround them. The phantasmal waves are slightly warm. Ollie feels them encircle his clothing, drying them out slowly.]

[19:18:09] <?[rp] Ollie> ohh....

[19:18:15] <?[rp] Ollie> ohh thatts warm

[Faulkner nods. Ceph turns away, ignoring them. They look up into the gray sky above, thinking of someone.]

[19:18:42] <?[rp] ceph> i should call them

[Ollie leans into Faulkner.]

[19:19:49] <?[rp] Ollie> ooh im so fuccking cold.... i ddidnt thinkk this could get WORSE

[19:19:40] <?Faulkner [rp]> Here

[Faulkner hands Ollie his fishing rod.]

[19:20:13] <?[rp] Ollie> mmm..

[Ollie takes it hesitantly.]

[19:20:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> You might have better luck with that

[19:20:40] <?Faulkner [rp]> I've enchanted it

[19:20:55] <?[rp] Ollie> ooh....okay

[19:20:57] <?[rp] Ollie> illl try

[Faulkner swallows down the fish he’d caught whole. Ollie tries to ignore that. Ceph fishes peacefully a few paces away from them, trying to ignore whatever the other two have going on. Something begins to tug on Ollie’s rod, he pulls up on it with a sharp motion. Ollie reels in his catch, bringing it to the surface.]

[19:22:15] <?[rp] Ollie> OH

[19:22:18] <?[rp] Ollie> HOLY SHIT

[He pulls the fish out of the water, holding it up for everyone to see.]

[19:22:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh!

[Faulkner takes the line, looking at the fish dangling on the end.]

[19:22:34] <?Faulkner [rp]> It's... a tropical fish..?

[Ollie does a little dance as Faulkner takes the rod to remove the fish.]

[19:22:36] <?[rp] Ollie> I GOT ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[19:22:37] <?[rp] Ollie> WOOOOOOOOO

[19:22:50] <?[rp] Ollie> YEAAAAA

[19:22:54] <?[rp] ceph> wtf whered he get that

[19:23:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> Not sure why its here but... its a fish!

[19:23:08] <?[rp] Ollie> ITS A FISH !!!

[Faulkner hands the fish to Ollie, who takes it gingerly.]

[19:23:28] <?[rp] Ollie> hehehahaha

[19:23:30] <?[rp] Ollie> fish...

[19:23:35] <?[rp] Ollie> im...not gonna eat it raw…

[19:23:41] <?[rp] ceph> wanna gut it

[19:23:52] <?Faulkner [rp]> I wouldnt, the tropical ones are nasty

[19:24:02] <?Faulkner [rp]> Pretty though

[19:23:55] <?[rp] Ollie> um

[19:23:58] <?[rp] Ollie> oh

[19:24:05] <?[rp] ceph> to each their own

[Ollie smiles down at the catch wriggling in his hands.]

[19:24:24] <?[rp] Ollie> yk what, i don't care, i caught a FISH

[19:24:42] <?[rp] Ollie> in the end. it turns out i didn't need skills

[19:24:49] <?[rp] Ollie> just tool enchantments

[19:24:59] <?[rp] Ollie> ive learned a lot today

[Faulkner looks into the water. For a moment, it seems lost in thought as it remembers something.]

[19:25:25] <?[rp] ceph> i was about to beat ur ass if u said some corny shit

[19:25:35] <?[rp] Ollie> shut the fuck up

[19:25:49] <?[rp] ceph> u shut up

[Ollie holds out the fish to Ceph.]

[19:25:44] <?[rp] Ollie> hey do you want my fish

[19:25:53] <?[rp] ceph> wjat

[19:26:05] <?[rp] Ollie> fish

[19:26:19] <?[rp] ceph> keep ur lame fucking fish

[19:26:28] <?[rp] Ollie> what the fuck....

[19:26:32] <?[rp] Ollie> im just trying to be nice

[19:26:36] <?[rp] ceph> u can shove it up ur ass

[19:26:40] <?[rp] Ollie> i will NOT

[19:26:58] <?[rp] Ollie> i've eaten plenty fish before okay

[19:26:59] <?[rp] Ollie> like

[19:27:00] <?[rp] Ollie> a lot

[Ceph crosses to the other side of the ice hole. Faulkner is still far away, not listening to the two bicker for the fourth time in the last ten minutes.]

[19:27:28] <?[rp] ceph> haha littering

[Ceph straightens suddenly, they cough into their sleeve, unable to get their handkerchief fast enough. They fold the sleeve over quickly to hide any stains. Faulkner looks up, gently turning their head towards Ollie.]

[19:28:43] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hey Ollie

[19:28:50] <?[rp] Ollie> mhm?

[19:29:15] <?Faulkner [rp]> You trust me, yes?

[19:29:25] <?[rp] Ollie> ....yes..?

[Ceph walks away back towards the other side of the hole, ignoring them both again.]

[19:30:06] <?Faulkner [rp]> and you care for me?

[19:30:20] <?[rp] Ollie> yes

[19:30:25] <?[rp] Ollie> …i guess

[19:30:28] <?[rp] Ollie> um

[19:30:33] <?[rp] Ollie> why are you asking

[Faulkner ignores the question.]

[19:31:03] <?Faulkner [rp]> You would tell me if something happened while I was asleep then

[19:31:22] <?[rp] Ollie> uuhh............

[19:31:28] <?[rp] Ollie> ....yes

[19:31:36] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hmm

[19:31:41] <?Faulkner [rp]> Alright

[19:31:52] <?[rp] Ollie> everything okay,?

[Faulkner takes a step forward.]

[19:31:56] <?Faulkner [rp]> Did anything happen?

[Ceph’s rod snaps. It echoes across the quiet landscape. The hair on the back of Ollie’s neck stands on end.]

[19:32:47] <?[rp] ceph> wtf my shitty ass rod snapped

[19:32:53] <?[rp] ceph> smh

[Ollie clears his throat.]

[19:32:08] <?[rp] Ollie> oh-

[19:32:21] <?[rp] Ollie> what do you mean?

[19:32:46] <?Faulkner [rp]> Did anything happen that I should know about

[19:33:16] <?[rp] Ollie> .....

[19:33:33] <?[rp] Ollie> ...not anything that I can think of

[19:33:51] <?Faulkner [rp]> Fair enough

[Ceph walks around the ice hole. They smack Ollie on the back of the head.]

[19:33:33] <?[rp] ceph> hey gay bitch stop having a moment

[19:33:41] <?[rp] ceph> give me ur rod

[They make a grabby motion for Faulkner’s rod.]

[19:34:06] <?Faulkner [rp]> It’s technically mine

[Ollie rubs the back of his head.]

[19:33:59] <?[rp] Ollie> ow-

[19:34:03] <?[rp] Ollie> ffucking

[19:34:06] <?[rp] Ollie> fine Ceph

[19:34:08] <?[rp] Ollie> there

[Ollie hands Ceph their own rod, the unenchanted one. They turn and hand Faulkner back his rod.]

[19:34:31] <?[rp] Ollie> here's yours

[19:34:31] <?[rp] Ollie> thanks

[19:34:31] <?[rp] Ollie> for helping me

[19:34:43] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh

[19:34:46] <?Faulkner [rp]> Thank you

[Ollie clears his throat.]

[19:35:44] <?[rp] Ollie> guess that's it for me

[19:35:52] <?[rp] Ollie> fishing wise i mean

[Faulkner stands.]

[19:35:57] <?[rp] Ollie> no more fishing rod

[19:36:03] <?[rp] ceph> no ur dying fr

[19:36:04] <?[rp] Ollie> hm?

[19:36:14] <?[rp] Ollie> shut the fuck up Ceph

[19:36:17] <?[rp] Ollie> you're not funny

[19:36:21] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[19:36:24] <?[rp] ceph> i am

[19:36:24] <?Faulkner [rp]> Here, you can hold on to it actually

[Faulkner gives Ollie their fishing rod.]

[19:36:45] <?[rp] Ollie> ..oh

[Ollie stares down at it.]

[19:36:55] <?Faulkner [rp]> Remember what we talked about at the dinner?

[19:37:09] <?[rp] Ollie> uhhhh

[19:37:27] <?[rp] Ollie> there was a lot of topics that came up at the dinner-

[19:37:16] <?Faulkner [rp]> The rabbit

[19:37:29] <?[rp] Ollie> oh

[19:37:30] <?Faulkner [rp]> I'm going to go find one

[19:37:34] <?[rp] Ollie> oh?

[19:37:50] <?Faulkner [rp]> So I can show you what I said I would

[19:38:03] <?[rp] Ollie> pfft

[19:38:09] <?[rp] Ollie> well that would be very interesting to see....

[19:38:14] <?[rp] Ollie> mostly freaky but

[19:38:16] <?[rp] Ollie> interesting as well

[19:37:52] <?[rp] ceph> im out of vodka this sucks

[19:38:44] <?[rp] ceph> ollie im ditching u to go get vodka

[19:38:50] <?[rp] Ollie> the fuck

[19:39:11] <?[rp] ceph> make out or something

[19:39:11] <?[rp] Ollie> okay i don't care Ceph!!!

[Ceph trots off in the direction of the church. Faulkner nods down at the fishing rod.]

[19:38:21] <?Faulkner [rp]> You can use my fishing rod while I'm hunting. Shouldn't take too long

[19:38:33] <?[rp] Ollie> alright alright

[19:38:46] <?[rp] Ollie> my next catch is yours okay

[Faulkner hesitates, looking at Ollie intently.]

[19:39:14] <?Faulkner [rp]> I'll keep that in mind

[Ollie nods.]

[19:39:43] <?[rp] Ollie> guess im back in the game

[Faulkner leaves without another word. They drop into a crouch and head off on all fours. Ollie watches them go before he casts his line into the water.

Faulkner immediately climbs the cliff towards Ceph’s church. He lopes up the steps, pausing in front of the massive wooden doors, before pushing them open without a second though. Faulkner quietly enters the looming halls, eyes flicking everywhere, looking for the egg.]

[19:41:44] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh-

[19:41:52] <?Faulkner [rp]> That was... easier than I expected

[The egg sits on a pedestal in the entrance of the room. It runs forward, a warm expression flickering across its face for a moment, before it hears the creek of a door opening. Ceph emerges from the secret basement beneath the church, clinking audibly with the amount of vodka bottles on their person.]

[19:42:08] <?Faulkner [rp]> [shit. damn it]

[19:42:13] <?[rp] ceph> heyyyyyyyyyyyy~

[Ceph crosses the room towards Faulkner.]

[19:42:17] <?[rp] ceph> we dont have any rabbits in here, dragon boy

[19:42:22] <?[rp] ceph> sorry lol

[19:42:23] <?Faulkner [rp]> ...hello Ceph

[19:42:41] <?[rp] ceph> hellooo ^_^

[19:42:47] <?Faulkner [rp]> I think we both know I'm not here for a rabbit

[19:42:55] <?[rp] ceph> ahaha

[Faulkner takes a step towards Ceph.]

[19:43:00] * ?Faulkner [rp] steps towards Ceph

[19:43:09] <?[rp] ceph> u lied to ur bitch so sad

[19:43:22] <?Faulkner [rp]> He lied to me first

[19:43:33] <?[rp] ceph> he diddddddd huh

[19:44:00] <?[rp] ceph> its so sad when bitches fight

[19:44:09] <?[rp] ceph> ships sinking ect

[19:44:15] <?[rp] ceph> i dont care

[Faulkner growls at Ceph. His fur bristles, mane standing on end.]

[19:44:33] <?[rp] ceph> ur looking very dragon btw

[Faulkner reaches out and touches the egg. It seems to respond to their touch.]

[19:44:37] <?Faulkner [rp]> I'm taking the egg

[19:44:54] <?[rp] ceph> who said i gave a fuck exactly

[19:45:05] <?[rp] ceph> u can have it

[19:45:18] <?[rp] ceph> its brining too many hoes

[19:45:31] <?[rp] ceph> im drowning in pussy

[19:45:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> I wasn't asking, but thank you

[19:46:14] <?[rp] ceph> fucking take it pussy ass

[Faulkner wastes no time grabbing the egg from the pedestal it sits on. He gently presses it face against it.]

[19:46:25] <?[rp] ceph> ew

[19:46:28] <?[rp] ceph> weirdo

[19:46:37] <?[rp] ceph> now get tf out

[19:46:45] <?Faulkner [rp]> Gladly

[19:46:56] <?Faulkner [rp]> Tell Ollie he can keep the fishing rod

[19:47:19] <?[rp] ceph> fine . fucking ??? ? ??

[19:48:01] <?[rp] ceph> ๊–Œโ•Ž๊–Ž๊–Ž ||๐™นโšโˆทแ“ญแ’ท๊–ŽโŽ“. [KILL YOURSELF]

[19:48:16] <?[rp] ceph> โŠฃแ’ทโ„ธ ฬฃ ๐™นโšโ„ธ ฬฃ ๐™นโŽ“ แ’ฒ|| โ‘๐™นโšแ“ญแ’ท [GET OUT OF MY HOUSE]

[Faulkner snorts, ignoring Ceph. It leaves the way it came, the egg tucked under one of its paws. Ceph pops the top off of their vodka. They mutter to themself: ]

[19:49:20] <?[rp] ceph> god i hate visitors

[Faulkner pauses outside of the church. They look down the hill to where they know Ollie still is. For a moment it seems like they want to go that way.

They don’t.

Ceph walks back down the path to where Ollie waits, still fishing.]

[19:51:14] <?[rp] ceph> hey ollie

[19:51:23] <?[rp] Ollie> oh! hey hey

[19:51:37] <?[rp] ceph> how r u feeling big guy

[19:51:44] <?[rp] ceph> wow a rod

[19:51:28] <?[rp] Ollie> look at what I got

[Ollie holds up a pufferfish.]

[19:51:50] <?[rp] Ollie> big fucking fish

[19:51:58] <?[rp] ceph> jesus

[19:52:08] <?[rp] Ollie> haha yeahh ....very big

[19:52:20] <?[rp] ceph> did u know dolphins get high on that shit

[19:52:35] <?[rp] Ollie> oh wow, i did not know

[19:52:45] <?[rp] ceph> its crazy

[19:52:52] <?[rp] Ollie> mhmmhm

[19:52:59] <?[rp] ceph> not my high of choice

[19:53:04] <?[rp] ceph> whatever

[19:53:10] <?[rp] ceph> i got u vodka

[Ceph hands Ollie a bottle of vodka.]

[19:53:27] <?[rp] Ollie> i'll be honest, I have tried fishing plenty of times before

[19:53:44] <?[rp] Ollie> including a couple months ago

[19:53:53] <?[rp] Ollie> never really went well

[19:54:15] <?[rp] Ollie> it's honestly quite boring, specially when you don't catch anything

[19:54:08] <?[rp] ceph> sucks to be u huh

[19:54:23] <?[rp] Ollie> hah yeah, guess so

[19:54:26] <?[rp] ceph> its relaxing

[19:54:34] <?[rp] Ollie> not for me

[19:54:49] <?[rp] ceph> i think u need to relax for once in ur life

[19:55:04] <?[rp] Ollie> maybe it was for Oliver but, I never really Got It

[19:55:08] <?[rp] Ollie> its so boring............

[19:55:11] <?[rp] ceph> ur so weird btw

[19:55:15] <?[rp] ceph> fuck u

[19:55:21] <?[rp] Ollie> fuck YOU!!

[19:55:40] <?[rp] ceph> clearly u have never been an ambush predator

[19:55:54] <?[rp] Ollie> ?????

[Ollie puts his pufferfish back into his inventory.]

[19:55:29] <?[rp] Ollie> im not giving you my pufferfish

[19:55:36] <?[rp] Ollie> not that I was gonna

[19:56:04] <?[rp] ceph> why would i want ur fucking pufferfish

[19:56:31] <?[rp] Ollie> it's huge!!!!

[19:56:34] <?[rp] Ollie> fuck you

[19:56:35] <?[rp] Ollie> bitch

[19:56:39] <?[rp] ceph> r u in the headspace to receive devastating news btw

[19:56:49] <?[rp] Ollie> never

[19:56:53] <?[rp] ceph> ggood

[19:57:08] <?[rp] Ollie> why

[19:57:14] <?[rp] ceph> ollie ur now single

[19:57:19] <?[rp] Ollie> ?????

[19:57:26] <?[rp] Ollie> that's not really

[19:57:27] <?[rp] Ollie> news for me

[19:57:31] <?[rp] Ollie> have you not been paying attention

[19:57:44] <?[rp] Ollie> my spouse is fucking . dead . or somewhere in the void

[19:57:47] <?[rp] Ollie> i don't fucking know

[19:57:47] <?[rp] ceph> no i mean ur alone alone

[19:57:59] <?[rp] Ollie> yeah I know that

[19:58:02] <?[rp] Ollie> no need to tell me asshole

[19:58:04] <?[rp] Ollie> jeez

[Ceph sighs, taking a swig of vodka.]

[19:58:15] <?[rp] ceph> i fucking ran into ur hoe~

[19:58:24] <?[rp] ceph> in the church

[19:58:28] <?[rp] ceph> ^_^

[19:58:32] <?[rp] Ollie> can you please speak in a way that i can understand

[19:58:57] <?[rp] ceph> oh my god . the egg is gone. faulkner hates u . ect

[19:59:13] <?[rp] ceph> so sad

[Ollie stops.]

[19:59:15] <?[rp] Ollie> w

[19:59:16] <?[rp] Ollie> what

[19:59:23] <?[rp] Ollie> what??

[19:59:28] <?[rp] ceph> we r both going to die alone now

[19:59:35] <?[rp] Ollie> fuck you

[19:59:44] <?[rp] ceph> fuck u

[19:59:39] <?[rp] Ollie> this isn't funny Ceph

[19:59:47] <?[rp] Ollie> where is he

[Ollie looks around, trying to find any sign of Faulkner. The tundra is quiet. Ollie grips the rod in his hands.]

[20:00:19] <?[rp] Ollie> you are NOT funny Ceph

[20:00:26] <?[rp] Ollie> this isn't fucking funny

[20:00:29] <?[rp] ceph> i dont fucking know bitch started rubbing up on the egg like an ugly cat then he left

[20:00:43] <?[rp] Ollie> ...what

[20:00:57] <?[rp] ceph> what r u not getting

[Ceph pinches the bridge of their nose.]

[20:01:09] <?[rp] ceph> i hate repeating myself

[20:01:11] <?[rp] Ollie> you're

[20:01:13] <?[rp] Ollie> not kidding

[20:01:21] <?[rp] ceph> why would i be

[Ollie takes a step backward. He clutches the fishing rod like it’s the only thing he can hold onto.]

[20:01:36] <?[rp] Ollie> uh

[20:01:43] <?[rp] Ollie> um...

[20:01:49] <?[rp] Ollie> shit-

[20:02:03] <?[rp] ceph> wow

[Ollie snaps at Ceph.]

[20:02:06] <?[rp] Ollie> damn it Ceph why didn't you STOP THEM

[20:02:15] <?[rp] ceph> why would i

[20:02:29] <?[rp] ceph> do u rlly think i couldve

[20:02:41] <?[rp] ceph> bitch is dragon

[20:02:34] <?[rp] Ollie> ...

[20:02:40] <?[rp] Ollie>

[20:02:48] <?[rp] Ollie> you couldn't have....

[Ollie sits down on the ice.]

[20:03:13] <?[rp] ceph> and he clearly has some sort of parental thing going on

[20:03:22] <?[rp] ceph> he wouldve mauled me

[20:03:47] <?[rp] ceph> im not dying for ur shitty situationship

[Ollie curls into himself. He holds the rod against his chest.]

[20:03:38] <?[rp] Ollie> fuck

[20:03:43] <?[rp] Ollie> i

[20:03:46] <?[rp] Ollie> i don't know

[20:03:48] <?[rp] Ollie> what to do

[Tears brim in Ollie’s eyes.]

[20:04:52] <?[rp] Ollie> ...Ceph I think I messed up

[He blinks them away.]

[20:05:03] <?[rp] ceph> damn right u did

[20:04:53] <?[rp] ceph> ur a loser ig u dont have a home now lol