Characters present: Faulkner, Ollie
Date: 3-14-24
Season: 3

[3/14/24] - Faulkner / Ollie

Ollie returns home to Wisteria, only to run into Faulkner. The two argue about the lies between them, with Faulkner trying to understand why Ollie wouldn’t tell him that they knew where the egg was. Ollie bursts out that he never believed the egg was alive in the first place, and that he doesn’t understand Faulkner’s attachment to it. Faulkner snarls back that Ollie doesn’t care about it, or trust it, which prompts Ollie to reveal more than he expected to in the flurry of emotions. They inform Faulkner that his presence was torture, and that they didn’t understand why he had to stick around. Faulkner eventually has enough, and leaves, taking Oli the cat with them. Ollie realizes what he’s done, and Faulkner lets his emotions take over, throwing off the bounds of a Player, and becoming something else entirely.

[Ollie returns to Wisteria, stepping carefully through their own nether portal. They walk towards their home, their fingers shake with a frantic, nervous energy. Ollie pushes the door open slowly, entering inside, wary of any sign of Faulker.

In the basement, Faulkner collects the few items it needs. It tucks them away into its inventory, and climbs quickly up the vine to the first floor. Just as it surfaces, Ollie stops in his tracks.]

[21:07:45] <?[rp] Ollie> oh-

[21:07:47] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh

[Faulkner emerges from the basement. They keep themself low to the ground, crouching. He keeps his eyes trained intently on Ollie.]

[21:09:05] <?[rp] Ollie> umm

[Under their breath: ]

[21:09:26] <?Faulkner [rp]> [for fucks sake]

[21:09:30] <?[rp] Ollie> heyyy…

[Ollie fidgets with his hands, avoiding making eye contact.]

[21:09:34] <?Faulkner [rp]> Hello Ollie

[21:09:55] <?[rp] Ollie> hi Faulkner

[21:10:07] <?Faulkner [rp]> Why are you here?

[Ollie pauses, caught off guard by the question.]

[21:10:59] <?[rp] Ollie> uhh.... it's my home..?

[21:11:28] <?Faulkner [rp]> That's the only reason?

[21:11:39] <?[rp] Ollie> um

[21:11:48] <?[rp] Ollie> ...I guess not

[21:12:11] <?Faulkner [rp]> Oh, so you're done lying to me?

[21:12:55] <?[rp] Ollie> okay okay- I know know

[21:13:24] <?[rp] Ollie> and I KNOW it looks a bit bad

[21:13:30] <?Faulkner [rp]> It looks very bad

[21:13:43] <?[rp] Ollie> but I was gonna give it to you eventually okay....

[21:13:51] <?Faulkner [rp]> Yeah? Were you?

[21:14:03] <?[rp] Ollie> of course, I have no use for it

[21:14:13] <?[rp] Ollie> and I went looking for it just for you!

[21:14:03] <?Faulkner [rp]> Why didn't you just tell me?

[21:14:19] <?[rp] Ollie> uhh...

[21:14:43] <?Faulkner [rp]> [wow how noble]

[21:15:10] <?[rp] Ollie> I definitely WASN'T going to tell you at the dinner

[21:15:32] <?[rp] Ollie> or else Dan would have wanted it back

[21:15:41] <?Faulkner [rp]> Thats true

[21:16:00] <?Faulkner [rp]> Still doesn't explain why you lied to my face at the lake

[21:16:45] <?[rp] Ollie> we we're having a nice time! I didn't want to ruin it just yet by talking about the egg

[Faulkner bears its teeth, growling.]

[21:18:27] <?Faulkner [rp]> I could have handled the information

[21:18:18] <?Faulkner [rp]> What happened to the whole "I trust you" and "I care about you"? Or were you lying about that too?

[21:18:59] <?[rp] Ollie> I wasn't LYING ...I was going to tell you where it was

[21:19:09] <?Faulkner [rp]> When

[21:19:39] <?[rp] Ollie> I don't know...when it felt right?? I guess???

[21:19:22] <?[rp] Ollie> I can assure you I really have no reason to keep that thing

[Faulkner rolls his eyes.]

[21:21:01] <?Faulkner [rp]> That sounds like never

[21:21:51] <?[rp] Ollie> okay you're blowing this a bit out of proportion-

[21:22:32] <?[rp] Ollie> you have the egg now, that's all that matters-

[21:22:19] <?Faulkner [rp]> You're the one being weird!

[21:22:50] <?[rp] Ollie> I'm being weird???

[21:23:03] <?Faulkner [rp]> Yeah, you are.

[21:23:10] <?Faulkner [rp]> You lied to me for no reason

[21:23:36] <?Faulkner [rp]> How do I know you aren't keeping anything else from me. You knew the egg was important to me

[21:23:45] <?[rp] Ollie> come ON Faulkner, as if you're one to talk

[21:24:21] <?[rp] Ollie> I "lied" because I didn't want you to run off as soon as we started talking again

[21:25:09] <?[rp] Ollie> I'm trying to HELP you honestly

[Faulkner snarls.]

[21:25:26] <?Faulkner [rp]> What are you talking about

[21:25:40] <?[rp] Ollie> you're quite attached to it- which is fine I guess but

[21:26:21] <?[rp] Ollie> I don't think trying to start fights with half the world here was going to help you

[21:27:07] <?[rp] Ollie> what if I told you that Ceph had it, and you went there ready to fight them and the rest of the Malfaction

[21:28:34] <?Faulkner [rp]> So what if I did? If your assumption is even right

[21:29:47] <?[rp] Ollie> That's not something you should be doing!! Period! And if you tried fighting Ceph you could have killed them, you know.

[21:28:54] <?Faulkner [rp]> I don't know if you've noticed Ollie but I've been talking to people a lot more

[21:30:15] <?[rp] Ollie> I didn't know how you were going to react!!

[21:31:09] <?Faulkner [rp]> It's not like I asked corroded to come here and threaten me! I didn't expect them to be so pissy over it

[21:31:31] <?Faulkner [rp]> and for the record I did not try to fight Ceph. Even when we met in the castle

[21:31:43] <?Faulkner [rp]> They let me take the egg and that was the end of it

[21:32:09] <?[rp] Ollie> well I'm glad that went smoothly for you.

[Ollie pauses. He fidgets again.]

[21:32:52] <?[rp] Ollie> you got the egg ...shouldn't you be happy or something

[21:34:00] <?Faulkner [rp]> I would be happier if I didn't have to go behind your back for it! And you just told me instead of dancing around it! Since you apparently wanted to get it for me

[21:34:12] <?Faulkner [rp]> You couldn't even do one thing

[21:34:40] <?Faulkner [rp]> One thing for me! Return something I care about. It wouldn't have been hard, Ceph didn't even want it!

[21:35:51] <?[rp] Ollie> Maybe I got a bit distracted okay!! Besides, what would I have done with the egg on my own? You were asleep. I was waiting for you to wake up.

[21:36:17] <?[rp] Ollie> I didn't want to UPSET you by putting it in the wrong place or some shit

[21:36:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> Then WHY didn't you just TELL ME at the LAKE

[21:37:05] <?Faulkner [rp]> Stop fucking dancing around shit Ollie

[21:37:39] <?Faulkner [rp]> If you can do anything for me could you at least be honest

[21:38:03] <?[rp] Ollie> what do you want me to say??

[21:38:45] <?[rp] Ollie> I just didn't want you to act all fucking weird while we were doing something nice outside

[21:38:50] <?[rp] Ollie> there's nothing more to it.

[21:39:13] <?Faulkner [rp]> Weird how? Enlighten me.

[21:40:08] <?[rp] Ollie> I don't know- you're all defensive over it for some reason

[21:41:08] <?Faulkner [rp]> Yeah. Because its alive

[Ollie rolls his eyes.]

[21:41:48] <?[rp] Ollie> do you really want me to stop lying?? do you really want me to be HONEST

[21:42:05] <?Faulkner [rp]> Yes.

[21:43:54] <?[rp] Ollie> the dragon egg isn't fucking alive Faulkner. It's just a USELESS ITEM players put up on display as a reward for killing the dragon. Nothing more.

[21:44:43] <?[rp] Ollie> we all know that, but what's REALLY unbelievable is the amount of people you managed to convince otherwise

[Faulkner snarls, wrinkling up its nose, baring its fangs. Their fur bristles, lines of hair creeping up their neck and onto their face.]

[21:45:04] <?Faulkner [rp]> How do you know? What makes you the authority on this?

[21:45:14] <?Faulkner [rp]> Since when were you so smart and all knowing

[21:46:38] <?[rp] Ollie> SERIOUSLY?? I'm not being smart, it's just common fucking sense. It's never hatched, it's definitely not going to somehow hatch now just because you're taking care of it

[21:48:38] <?Faulkner [rp]> Yeah, you're not being smart. You're being fucking stupid. I've SEEN these things happen before. I don't know why you're so insistent on being so petty over this

[21:48:54] <?Faulkner [rp]> Even if I was wrong why does it matter to you so much?

[21:49:23] <?Faulkner [rp]> Does me being wrong matter to you more than I do?

[21:51:46] <?[rp] Ollie> I really wouldn't care if it wasn't causing so much CONFLICT Faulkner, Prince fucking INFESTED A WHOLE FESTIVAL WITH WARDENS as a way to distract everyone and grab that fucking egg

[21:52:25] <?Faulkner [rp]> That's... objectively not true...

[21:52:33] <?Faulkner [rp]> How would you know you weren't even THERE

[21:53:02] <?[rp] Ollie> well I was there when when Prince took it

[Faulkner’s expression drops. Out of everything he expected, it wasn’t this.]

[21:53:10] <?Faulkner [rp]> What

[21:53:47] <?Faulkner [rp]> You're joking

[21:54:01] <?[rp] Ollie> Yeah, I stopped by Dan's house for- reasons, and I saw him take it

[21:54:18] <?[rp] Ollie> I'm not lying here, not making things up

[Faulkner goes silent. They piece these things together in their head. They speak quietly.]

[21:55:51] <?Faulkner [rp]> Then why didn't you tell me before..?

[21:56:10] <?Faulkner [rp]> You could have told me when I returned from the festival

[21:56:37] <?Faulkner [rp]> You KNEW I was distressed you had all the chance in the world to say something

[21:56:37] <?[rp] Ollie> what??? you we're on the verge of PASSING OUT, I definitely WASN'T going to make you do that

[21:56:50] <?[rp] Ollie> I did it myself!! I went out and looked for it myself while you were asleep!

[Faulkner looks down. It presses its body against the floor.]

[22:00:54] <?Faulkner [rp]> I don't... get you Ollie. You'd think I would. Spending so much time with you, helping you. You know, maybe I was wrong in thinking it was worth it

[22:01:21] <?Faulkner [rp]> I just have to ask

[22:01:28] <?Faulkner [rp]> Do you care about me..?

[22:05:48] <?[rp] Ollie> ...what.. why would you ask that. Of course I do, if I didn't I wouldn't have gone looking for that thing in the first place

[22:08:06] <?Faulkner [rp]> If you cared about me you would respect me enough to believe me

[22:08:21] <?Faulkner [rp]> You would have told me immediately

[22:09:35] <?[rp] Ollie> for fucks sake- stop talking as if YOU really care about me

[Faulkner flinches. It lowers its ears.]

[22:09:57] <?Faulkner [rp]> I do care about you

[Ollie scoffs. The words almost come out too fast.]

[22:10:52] <?[rp] Ollie> HAH. You don't fucking know me, you don't know how I fucking feel at all

[22:13:46] <?[rp] Ollie> you're presence has been fuckking TORTURE for me the moment you arrived, how do you think I FEEL seeing someone arrive out of NOWHERE who looked so similar to the person I had just lost

[22:15:22] <?[rp] Ollie> and you- and you just HAD to stay by my side. of COURSE you did, you couldn't just get away from me like the rest did, no no instead I had to try and peice together whether or not you were really him or if i was fucking losing my mind!!!

[Faulkner backs up, almost considering going back into the basement. They manage to remain, listening to Ollie’s words with their ears pressed against their head.]

[22:18:46] <?[rp] Ollie> i tried my best you know!! I tried my best to keep my distance, to not LASH OUT on you or anything. But instead you keep trying- you keep trying to get closer to me. Do you know how hard it is- or was, to even LOOK at you

[22:19:44] <?[rp] Ollie> this is fucking salt on the wound, your presence is mocking me, this is all just some sick fucking joke

[Faulkner looks up at Ollie. They stare straight into his eyes.]

[22:22:03] <?Faulkner [rp]> That's... not my fault...

[22:22:16] <?Faulkner [rp]> I couldn't have known... you never told me

[22:22:20] <?[rp] Ollie> ....

[22:22:26] <?Faulkner [rp]> I guess you didn't trust me either

[Ollie stares in shock, unable to say anything. Faulkner is silent. Its eyes shift around the room, before it finally crawls fully out onto the main floor of the house.]

[22:26:16] <?Faulkner [rp]> Well, thank you for telling me I suppose

[22:26:35] <?Faulkner [rp]> Since I care about you, I'll leave you be then

[Faulkner stands to his full height. He’s taller than Ollie now, with short fur and scales slowly beginning to cover his face. His hair is dark and thick, running down his back in a mane. Ollie takes a step back.]

[22:29:05] <?Faulkner [rp]> Goodbye.

[Ollie stares at him in disbelief. Faulkner walks past Ollie without another word. As he opens the door to leave, Oli runs after him, jumping onto his shoulder. They slam the door behind them, shaking the foundations of the house. Ollie jumps as the door slams behind Faulkner. His mind swims with emotion as he realizes what he’s done.

Outside, Faulkner makes his way to the nether portal. They pause in front of it, their body beginning to change more and more as emotion flares out of them. Stardust plumes out of their mouth as the feelings inside hit their peak.

When it emerges from the stardust, it has become something new, warped and awoken by the torrent of emotion; a Player no more.]